Him and their stars

Chapter 890 Treasure?

Chapter 890 Treasure?

Yeager Soback is indeed a lucky man.Although his ancestors were also famous in the empire, they were in decline after all. He was born in the same family as ordinary nobles or even citizens, but his official career was prosperous and his future was bright. Admiral of the Empire.

Of course, when he was only one step away from the marshal, he was repeatedly beaten by Mr. Yang, Lao Tan and his friends from the 830 Party.At least thirteen dreadnoughts and two Titan "heads" were lost on the side of the Volunteer Army.But even so, the chief of staff, adjutant, flagship captain, and even the security officer under his command have changed several rounds, and the flagship has also changed a few ships, but they are still fighting on the front line of "suppressing the rebels" until they are captured , Finally happy to mention the title of "good friend of the people of the earth".

Of course, since he has never killed civilians or prisoners of war, and he has done several times to rescue victims with military rations, he is indeed a gentleman overall.Therefore, even during the two years as a prisoner, he was not saddened, and even gained a little weight.

In all fairness, apart from not being able to fight and having no arrogance that would rather die than submit, this old man can indeed be regarded as a talent, and he is indeed a blessed person.When the blessing arrived, he was driven by Her Majesty the Queen to mine in the Helaus star area, and he was able to return to the stage of history more than ten years later.

Therefore, it seems quite reasonable for such a lucky person, with a few miscellaneous soldiers, to enter this ancient ship and break through the blockade of bionics and escort robots to come here.

...well, it seems reasonable.Yu Lian squinted his eyes and looked at the other party up and down, his expression became more playful.

I remember, before Xiao Hui said that the weapons here need to be manually restarted?And two people together?
There is no special mark on Sobaek's coat of arms machine. Originally, he just wanted to be a low-key person and do things in a low-key way, but since you have been exposed, if you continue to pretend to be confused at this time, you will collapse your character, so he pretended to be calm and said: " In fact, we were just passing by, and we really never thought that we would run into you here by chance."

"Wouldn't that prove our fate even more?" Yu Lian laughed and walked over with great strides.

The knight ABC looked at the approaching opponent, and subconsciously took half a step back. Only Sobaek stood still, with a somewhat immobile aura.

The young knights looked at their officers with even deeper respect.

Sobaek couldn't help snorting, he didn't understand what these people had to retreat, the other party was obviously hostile.The majestic star knight has become a frightened bird, which is too listless.

Sure enough, Yu Lian ignored the knights, but walked to the center of the passage, reached out and knocked on the transparent door on the side of the wall.

Behind the transparent glass-like door, there seems to be an open-air balcony. You can vaguely see the dark sky and the starlight in the sky, but you can also vaguely see two unknown disc instruments suspended on the balcony.

Yu Lian smiled and said, "I was thinking, there must be a treasure behind this gate. Since you are here, it means that you are also destined for the treasure!"

Sobaek's face under the helmet almost turned his white eyes into glaucoma, but he still said patiently: "I came here with Earl Black Moon, but I didn't know..."

Yu Lian was slightly taken aback.When he rushed over, he had indeed fought all the way with robots and bionics, but it was probably because Wushuang who was driving the "Phantom Track" had a great time and was completely addicted to the comfort of riding like a thousand. I have never seen Earl Black Moon.

However, considering his old man's ignorant style, it's not surprising that he can't see him.

Heh, I said how could Sobaek arrive safely.Yu Lian changed his mind, and said: "The old man is exploring in other places. The enemies on this ship should have been cleaned up, so naturally we have to summarize the spoils. At that time, we can be together Let's have a few drinks at the celebration of reaping the gifts of the ancestors!"

"Qing, celebration?" The other knights looked at each other, unable to turn their heads for a moment.When they encountered this evil star who couldn't even mention their name, they had already thought about a lot of situations, and some even opened the black box that came with the mech to record their last words.However, they never thought that the atmosphere at the scene would be so harmonious.

It's just that the more harmonious the scene is and the more pleasant the other party's smile is, the more their hearts will be chilled.In the warm-blooded and simple cognition of these young knights, the most terrifying enemy is not the one who chases you fiercely, but the one who walks up to you with a smile on his face and then suddenly stabs you.

So, they once again looked at Sobaek for help.At this time, the knight who was the same age as them laughed three times.Immediately, the body wrapped in the heavy armor seemed to be a bit taller: "We are allies who are going to fight against the predators together to restore the long-term peace and stability of the universe. Now that we have carried out such an epic joint archaeological work, we should naturally live well afterwards Let's celebrate."

Although he couldn't see the guy's face clearly through the emblem machine, Yu Lian could always feel a kind of forceful aura.Although there is a little taste of strong outside and dry in the middle, it is indeed branched.

It is true that he has quite the charm of Admiral Yeager Sobek, the "good friend of the people of the earth" in his previous life. Yu Lian once again felt the feeling of the future and the past blending at this point in time. With some emotion, he nodded and smiled and said, "Brother Yeager, you have finally realized it!"

I also feel that I seem to have realized something, although I don't know what I have realized.Sobaek laughed dryly through the loudspeaker again, with a bitter look on his face.

Of course, since no one can see his current expression, this kind of laughter can easily be made into a cynicism about Yu Lian's yin and yang.Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, Yeager Sobek, who is far inferior to his old enemy in strength, has not lost in momentum in the face of "the evil star who can't even mention his name".

This is the officer teaching us that we must never show timidity in front of the enemy!Even if the strength is lost, the momentum must not be lost!The young knights thought so.

"Of course, we still have some things to do before celebrating." Yu Lian patted the "glass" wall again to confirm the texture here, and suddenly a golden light blade appeared.

Knight ABC was shocked by this scene.However, before they could raise the weapons in their hands, the opponent's light blade had already been pulled against the wall.On the wall made of unknown material as clear as crystal, a very unnatural halo suddenly appeared, flickering on and off on the wall.Immediately afterwards, those beating rays of light seemed to form cracks directly inside the wall.

Yu Lian paused for a moment, and looked at the transparent door with some surprise.You know, the "Light of Light" in his hand is a treasure made by Emperor Elisel himself, and its own material annihilation effect is much stronger than other atomic light spears.Even the frontal bombardment of the dreadnought's bow armor can be pierced in one blow, but now, when he slashed at such a close range, he clearly felt a very obvious reaction force, which made the arms of his emblem machine tremble.

... Bah, old internet celebrities like "Crimson Fighter" can't do it!Sure enough, only the "Silent Night Knight" that the empire is still testing, or the "maintainer" who has just produced 4 verification machines by the alliance, can barely be worthy of this hero.

Yu Lian gave a sound of pooh, and changed the light spear from chopping to stabbing.After hitting it out, it still didn't have the smooth feeling as imagined. Instead, it felt like a solid iron cone was inserted into the wall.

However, this time, the gate was indeed pierced through.As a result, the transparent effect like glass immediately lost its effect.

In Sobaek's view, the optical effect on the gate is very similar to the appearance when those bionics were "killed" before. The rhythmic wall flickered a few times, and the luster disappeared immediately. However, it was replaced by a haggard gray and white like a corpse.

Immediately afterwards, the door shattered.

"This isn't actually a treasure house, is it?" Sobaek said suddenly.

"Why isn't it a treasure? This is a certain fort of this ancient ship. If we manually open it, we can experience the enlightened weapon design concept up close. Who dares to say that this is not a treasure?"

Sobaek had to admit that the other party made a lot of sense.Of course, he was also curious about how the other party knew that this was the so-called fort, but he probably wouldn't get an answer if he asked, so he had to give up.Seeing that Yu Lian had stepped over the collapsed gate, he bit his teeth, so he only told his subordinates "be careful", and followed in.

At this time, you can only listen to the other party.He has given up treatment now, and his past experience also tells him that every time he encounters his "old enemy", giving up treatment is the best choice.

Anyway, so far, isn't he still alive?
This room is indeed like a balcony directly exposed to the universe. Except for the ground under the feet, there is no barrier at all on the front, as if you are using your body to face the emptiness, emptiness and starlight in the universe.Of course, luxury passenger ships now also have this kind of virtual reality function, and you can even experience the fun of taking a bath or even playing mahjong surrounded by stars.Sobak originally thought this was the same, but when he stepped into the room, with his perception, he couldn't even feel the barrier of the front wall.He always felt that as long as he took a step forward, his whole body would fall into the void, so he couldn't help but trembled, and his legs suddenly became a little weak.

However, he was soft, but his emblem machine was not soft, and it was still standing steadily supporting its master.

Yu Lian actually felt the same way about Sobaek.When I stand in this room, the sense of oppression from the vast universe is so solemn.I am like an ant shivering on the beach, but I have to face the huge waves that suddenly appear in front of me.

No, it would be too superficial and undignified for the universe to describe it as a giant wave.However, it is difficult for those who have never walked in the starry sky to appreciate the great and profound feeling.

Here, one can really feel that before the vastness of the universe, what are mortals and psychics?Whether it is a community, an alliance, or an empire, what is it?Even today's countless generations of civilizations that are dependent on origin and death are not worth mentioning.

I already have the universe in my heart.Yu Lian said this to himself, and then regained his sobriety.

Here, his "cosmic perception" is actually clearer.

"Even if it's an ordinary fort, is there a bonus to the perception of psykers?" He opened another communication circuit and asked.

"To be precise, it has a bonus for everyone's perception." Xiao Hui's voice sounded immediately: "Even ordinary people without psychic powers can experience the clear eyesight and eyesight of star hunting and exploration here."

Yu Lian discovered a blind spot: "That is to say, not everyone who enlightens is a psychic?"

"This is a prohibited item." Xiao Hui chuckled: "See those two dumbbell-like props floating in the air, right? You and the imperial man next to you, one for each of you."

Yu Lian looked at the instrument floating in the air, it was indeed a bit like a dumbbell, both in size and appearance.However, he obviously couldn't feel any fluctuations of any anti-gravity function, and the two gadgets were still suspended in the air triumphantly, as if the truth of their objective existence was "suspended in the air".

"Having said that, I can understand the physical activation, but why two people?"

Xiao Hui explained: "Design requirements. After all, the Tanling is a scientific research ship, and the genetic information of the captain and the deputy captain is required to restart the armament. I have integrated the central AI of the ship, but currently I can only Make sure to reset the central control of the third weapon room."

Resetting is okay.

But Yu Lian found Hua Dian again: "Then the reset is activated again. Doesn't this guy and I become the captain and deputy captain?"

While talking, he glanced at Sobaek who was still in a daze.

If this is the case, will this guy be silenced in a while?Although I am a bit reluctant to part with this "good friend of the people of the earth".

Probably through the helmet of the emblem machine, Sobaek did not notice Yu Lian's sight, but took a few steps forward and came to another dumbbell.

"You have a good idea." Xiao Hui snorted coldly: "This is an antique from the previous generation, a relic belonging to the old world, and cannot accommodate people from the new world."

"...You have read a lot of comics recently. Also, I wanted to ask before, are you fighting the doctrine of this ship when you wake up?" Yu Lian asked.

But Xiao Hui replied calmly: "Yes, but after it's really activated, I don't know how many are still available."

Can it still be used?remain?Yu Lian felt that the amount of information in these words seemed a bit inconvenient, and wanted to say something, but in the starry sky far ahead, a very strong energy fluctuation suddenly appeared, just like a sudden vortex, directly It poured into Yu Lian's perception.

"Wormhole? Crack in subspace? Gate of virtual realm?" Like a professional navigator, Yu Lian used his brain to analyze and perceive these sudden energy data.At the same time, he also turned on the emblem machine, jumped down in one step, and reached out and held down one of the "dumbbells".

There is no way, the size of this thing is obviously designed for human hands, the armored arms of the heraldry machine really can't hold it, and I don't know if it can match the G-type equipment.

Looking over there, Sobaek actually made the same move.

"I, I seem to feel the breath of the teacher." The latter saw Yu Lian's gaze and said quickly.

Teacher, who is your teacher?I never heard that you had a teacher in your previous life?I heard that you married the daughter of a great nobleman, and that's why you were lucky in office.Yu Lian thought.

However, now is not the time for gossip either.The energy fluctuations have become more and more obvious, and soon a very dazzling glare was condensed in the universe, like a small sun expanding beside the ship.

(End of this chapter)

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