The Emperor of Roman Theory is crooked to the top

Chapter 160 Dugu Undefeated Star Theft Incident

Chapter 160 Dugu Undefeated Star Theft Incident (10)

An Yan, who finished talking on the phone with her father, couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Although she had turned off the alarm as soon as possible, she didn't know if anyone heard it.I just hope that everyone in Dugu's family has gone out to perform tasks.

【Material Road】

Speaking of Xiao Lin and the two on this side, they came to a very extraordinary place at this time.

"Hold on, Xiao Yiyi, this one of ours might burst."

Lin Ling turned around excitedly.

"Please, little ancestor, can you stop the crow's mouth?"

Xiao Yi decided that he must control this restless girl in the future.

The two of Xiao Lin are now in a tunnel, probably for effect, the entire tunnel is made of transparent materials.

Looking around, there are densely packed seals with red letters. Through the gaps of these seals, you can see the chains that cross vertically and vertically. The locked thing is obviously moving. I heard the howling of ghosts and wolves.

You can tell at a glance that it is definitely not a good place to get along with.

"Xiao Yiyi, this is the sightseeing channel. The Dugu family is too good at playing. I really don't know how many people they cheated out of screaming money."

That being said, Lin Ling is still very grateful to the Dugu family.

Because of the dense chains, the surrounding area looks full, so that Lin Ling, who is afraid of heights, can walk through this glass plank road with arrogance.

As long as it is not empty, my old lady can live by jumping.

As if to confirm her conclusion, Lin Ling hopped the rabbit several times.

"Little ancestor, I am serious to inform you now that if there is any danger, let's go directly, and you don't want to mess with me!"

Xiao Yi said with a straight face.

"Come on, when there is a fight, I don't hide away, but you, every time I hit you, you go to the top. You are so embarrassing to talk about me, are you ashamed?"

Lin Ling clicked her tongue directly at Xiao Yi, this President Xiao was really brought down by her, he actually learned to strike first.

"Heh, I'm not arguing with you. Remember, I'm letting you go."

Master Xiao Yi began to cultivate himself.

"Okay, serious, almost there."

Hey, with such an unguarded teammate, Lin Ling felt that the burden on her shoulders was a bit heavy.


Xiao Yi said that he didn't want to talk, and threw a piece of fragrant bone without any meat to Lin Ling.

It may be that the place itself is a bit weird, so Xiao Lin and the two who unconsciously quickened their pace reached the end of the sightseeing soon.


Lin Lingren couldn't help admiring.

It's not that this room is really beautiful, in fact this room is very simple, except for the wall, there is only one door.

If there were any decorations, it would be these weird black spider silks on the walls.

Lin Ling walked in and took a look, only to find that these were tiny cracks.

These cracks are scattered throughout the wall, and the closer to the door, the denser the cracks.

I saw traces of thick black air protruding from the crack of the door, but it was only a finger long before it was stopped by the barrier outside the door.

It seems that the Dugu family has spent a lot of effort in order to keep this thing.

Obviously, something is not simple behind this door.

"We can't seem to get out."

Xiao Yi reminded.At some point, the entrance they came in disappeared.

"We won't be caught by the urn."

Lin Ling frowned, now it seems that there is only one way to go to the end.

"It seems that we have to go through this door if we don't. But how should we get there?"

It is rare that Xiao Yi and Lin Ling have the same idea.

Xiao Yi stepped forward and lightly touched the barrier outside the door with his dragon air hand, but as expected, he was bounced away.

"Although An Yan said that all the materials here contain air barrier particles, but this is not necessarily the case."

Lin Ling stared at the cracks on the side of the door.

Maybe it did contain a lot of air barrier particles at the beginning, but it has been corroded by something behind the door for so long.

This is hard to say.

At least she and Brother He felt something.

"Can you teleport?"

Xiao Yi watched Lin Ling staring at the crack, and seemed to think of something.

"Let me try."

Lin Ling transformed into a form and tried to pass through these cracks.

Although it is indeed a bit difficult, it is not a big problem. After a short time, Lin Ling penetrated through it.

"Look, it works."

Lin Ling who had just passed through came back immediately, because it seemed a little scary inside.

So you must bring Xiaoyi with you.

Just as Lin Ling was planning to bring Xiao Yi into the restricted area, a cluster of flames rushed towards the two of them.

"Hey, I just said why there is an alarm sound. It turns out that two little mice sneaked in."

The entrance for the two to come in was opened again, and a strong middle-aged tough guy walked into the room swaggeringly with his chest exposed.

Dugu Gula, who was sent by An Yan to return Tuobayan's body, felt that there might be something strange along the way.

Ms. An Yan is so kind, enthusiastic, and considerate. If it was normal, she would have returned it by herself without any explanation. How could she bother others?
Dugu Gula, who became more and more wrong, hurriedly returned to Dugu Invincible Star after completing the task.

After all, Miss An Yan is innocent, he doesn't want the little princess of the Dugu family to be deceived by villains who come out of nowhere.

What Dugu Gula didn't expect was that before he could find Miss An Yan to ask what happened, he heard the unique siren sounding in the forbidden area.

So, without saying a word, Dugu Gula immediately rushed to the forbidden area.

Lin Ling looked at Dugu Gula with a fierce face, and immediately covered him with a dragon energy barrier.

Let you walk in such waves.

Lin Ling sent a voice transmission to Xiao Yi through Little Red Riding Hood:

"Little Yiyi, I'll take you in later, and you can do your best."

"You want to stay here?"

Xiao Yi knew that the girl was trying to delay her time, but she was inexplicably very upset.

"No way, although we don't know how to get in formally, but this person should know, we can't let him go inside to affect you."

Lin Ling didn't want to gamble, instead of letting this fierce man run around and mess around inside, it's better to let him torment here.

"But it's too dangerous!"

Xiao Yi couldn't help but increase his tone.

"I don't need to defeat him, I just need to drag you to come, don't forget my ability."

Lin Ling replied with a "relieved" expression.

"Well, I'll come out right away, you wait for me."

Xiao Yi also knew that it was not an option to procrastinate like this. Luckily, only one person came. How many more people would come later?
Therefore, he must make a quick decision and come out immediately.

"Xiao Yi!"

Lin Ling stared at Xiao Yi very seriously.

Xiao Yi was a little bored by Lin Ling's call, and the girl didn't seem to call her by her name.

"Believe me!"

Lin Ling wanted Xiao Yi to understand that she could do it.


Xiao Yi looked at Lin Ling's attitude of "If I don't obey, I will cry for you", what else can I say?
In addition to confessing or admitting.

"Think about my 9998 jin iron heart stone, if you can't help me make up for this loss, I will break up with you!"

Seeing that Xiao Yi did not respond, Lin Ling continued to aggressively increase the bargaining chip.

"Okay, I will definitely return with a full load. Then in the future, I will help you find something that suits you."

Xiao Yi stretched his right hand slightly upwards, as a guarantee.

"Oh, a man's mouth, a sow's leg, I don't believe it."

After Lin Ling finished speaking, without giving Xiao Yi any chance to defend, he passed him in directly, along with the Dragon Qi Barrier and her Shuishui.

After all, it's quite dangerous inside, and all she needs is Brother He.

However, of course she didn't tell Xiao Yi about this, after all, that guy is very verbose.


(End of this chapter)

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