The Emperor of Roman Theory is crooked to the top

Chapter 161 Dugu Undefeated Star Steals Time

Chapter 161 Dugu Undefeated Star Steals Time (11)

"This strong man, please stop, this road is not going to work."

Lin Ling clasped her fists and saluted.

I heard that this is more respectful, and at least she is also a friend of An Yan's child, which means.

"Oh, it's up to you, get out of the way, I don't hit women."

Dugu Gula, who was not blocked by the dragon energy barrier, rushed directly towards the door, but when he was about to touch the barrier, Lin Ling was teleported to another location.

"Space ability? You only have space ability! Hahaha, I didn't expect to meet another idiot."

Ding, Dugu Gula uses the taunt skill.

"Even if I only have space energy, if you don't knock me down, don't even think about entering it."

Although the other party's tone is full of ridicule, but I, Lin Ling, would care about a stranger, and isn't it a stranger's nonsense of a handsome man?
"Really? Then try."

Dugu Gula didn't talk nonsense, and directly launched a flame attack on Lin Ling.

It's a pity that he underestimated Lin Ling's spatial energy a bit. Seeing Lin Ling scurrying around without panting, Dugu Gula continued to taunt:
"It seems that I have underestimated you a bit, but what if you have powerful space energy?"

Dugu Gula snapped his fingers with his right hand, and clusters of flames appeared in the room.

"If this room is completely filled with my flames, may I ask this lady, where can your space energy take you to?
Of course, you can also choose to enter that restricted area, but in this case, I can also enter. "

Even while speaking, Dugu Gula did not stop setting fires everywhere.

With more and more flames around him, Lin Ling began to feel a little uncomfortable. Just like the fire man said, no matter where he teleports to, he is surrounded by flames.

If this continues, there will be nowhere to hide.

Grasping the moment when Lin Ling was distracted by the scalding pain, Dugu Gula was not polite, and directly aimed at Lin Ling.

Although Lin Ling dodged, his arm was still touched by the flames.

Looking at the slightly slender left arm, Lin Ling felt distressed.After finally fattening herself up, where should she go to take a big tonic pill?

But obviously, what Dugu Gula said about not beating women is the same as letting P off.Even if Lin Ling knelt on the ground, she would not get any sympathy.

Dugu Gula kept releasing flames at Lin Ling, and after releasing ninety-nine eighty-one flames, Dugu Gula finally stopped.

Because his space energy is used up.To deal with Ah Piao like Lin Ling, it would be ineffective to simply use flames, and a certain amount of time and space energy must be mixed into the flames.

While Dugu Gula stopped, Lin Ling directly teleported the flames in the room to a place, and wrapped them with space, but the effect was obviously not as good as the dragon energy barrier.

Dugu Gula didn't stop when he saw Lin Ling's actions. In his opinion, the woman in front of him was doomed.

"Don't waste your energy. Obediently let him be caught, and then accept the organization's interrogation."

As the heat source went away, Lin Ling, who finally felt more comfortable, stood up, her eyes were amazingly bright at this moment.

Lin Ling said to Dugu Gula, who obviously didn't take herself seriously:

"Senior, have you ever experienced the feeling of helplessness that you can't use your housekeeping skills?

I have experienced it.And, I paid dearly for it.

So, I told myself that even if it is a simple ability, I will be faster, more accurate, and more ruthless, and I will practice them to the extreme end. "

Things in the plane of the last days are irreversible, but she still has hope, how can she stop here so easily!

She won't let that experience happen again!

Dugu Gula looked at Lin Ling with red eyes, and couldn't help showing some pity, but the next moment, he released flames towards Lin Ling without hesitation.

But what he didn't expect was that just as he was about to make a move, an enchantment hit his finger, abruptly interrupting his movement of releasing the flame.

After trying several times in a row and finding that they all failed, Dugu Gula couldn't help but sink his face.

Dugu Gula thought that space energy needs to mark space points. Originally, he wanted to break his finger, which required high precision. What if he was moving?

Thinking of this, Dugu Gula moved irregularly at high speed.

Seeing Dugu Gula's actions, Lin Ling didn't panic at all.

Because, this problem has already arisen.

So how to mark objects in motion is naturally one of her topics, and she already has a corresponding solution.

Originally, in the face of high-speed moving objects, as long as you mentally calculate their trajectory, you can naturally mark them.

However, Lin Ling doesn't have the brain processor on the guide's side, and this kind of mental arithmetic ability is too difficult for her.

Since it is impossible to mark a moving object, there is only one way to mark it accurately, and that is to keep the object from moving, to be precise, not to move relative to it.

Lin Ling quickly followed Dugu Gula's movements, which was not difficult for Lin Ling who knew the visual version of lightness kung fu.

Even using the power of time, the reaction time difference of a few tenths of a second between her and Dugu Gula could be avoided.

Dugu Gula looked at Lin Ling who couldn't get rid of him no matter what, and really wanted to swear.

But what's the use of swearing, you have to think of a way.

So, Dugu Gula stopped and began to talk about himself.

Lin Ling looked at Dugu Gula's bewildering behavior, and felt that this guy might be delaying time.But Lin Ling, who has no means of attack, has nothing to do with him.Moreover, it seems that she herself needs to procrastinate.

Thinking about it this way, Lin Ling felt that he could only take a step forward and see what interesting things this guy could say.

"You know? I've actually lived a long time. But I haven't enjoyed the respect my predecessors deserve.

Originally, at the beginning, I almost walked sideways in the plane by relying on the domineering fire energy.

But the good times didn't last long, because the members were too smart.They will use all kinds of props to assist in the battle. They don't have water energy, but they can use water to deal with me, but I can't find a way to restrain those rare energies.

As more and more members absorb rare energy, I have less and less right to speak in the plane system.

Do you know how many people laugh at me behind my back?No matter how powerful it is, it's not like being hanged and beaten by them!
Finally, I found a new way.That is the mad energy behind this door, it might regenerate the ordinary fire energy in my body!
Do you know how much I paid for the chance to enter the forbidden area?
How could I allow you two little mice who came out of nowhere to easily steal the secret energy of this Dugu family! "

After the words fell, Radian Gula had almost recovered.

Thus, the old qualified member began to transform.

 Please note that pure flames cannot attack Lin Ling, but the flames of members are fine, because they contain the energy of space to some extent.
(End of this chapter)

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