The Emperor of Roman Theory is crooked to the top

Chapter 221 Climbing, climbing the mountain wall

Chapter 221 Climbing, climbing the mountain wall
"Then I'll send you back to the primary battlefield? To take care of the exhausted Lulus? You're too ruthless, you can actually tire them out like this. Are you a devil coach?"

That's right, the reason why only Lin Ling and the others came up was purely because Zhu Lu and the others had lost their ability to fight.

After An Yan found out that there was no strong opponent, she began to teach Zhu Lu and the others to fight.

Compared to Lin Ling, who is impatient, An Yan is obviously very patient, and her own martial arts attainments are high.Therefore, An Yan only gave a few words of guidance, and Lu Lu and the others improved a lot.

It's just that An Yan is obviously a person who is easy to get ahead, and she can teach endlessly at once.

As a result, the fat girls were directly fainted by the teaching because their brains could not bear such high-intensity teaching.

In the end, there was really no other way, Lin Ling could only send the fat girls away from the battlefield without anyone noticing.

"Hey, it's a pity for my bet."

Lin Ling was facing An Yan again, and sighed greatly.

"That's my money, and I also bought duel matches, so I can earn money."

In order to ensure that the candlelight dinner between himself and Yunliu can be carried out rain or shine, An Yan placed a lot of bets.

"What else did you buy?"

Seeing An Yan's expression that you are coming to ask me, Lin Ling asked meaningfully.

Hey, what can I ask?Isn't it just a few things, you don't need to guess.If it weren't for the fact that An Yan would need to pay the bill, Lin Ling wouldn't be so flattering to her.

"Break through the primaries and finals, as well as the Martial Emperor."

An Yan snapped his fingers and reported all the items he bought, but he didn't specify what he bought, and waited for Lin Ling to continue asking.

"I bought quite a lot."

Lin Ling sighed carelessly.

"Why are you not curious, what did I buy?"

An Yan saw Lin Ling's expression of "it doesn't matter what you buy", and was very dissatisfied.

"You bought your brother Martial Emperor. You still need to guess?"

After Lin Ling finished speaking, smash it, smash it.Really, there's nothing to say about that.

"Then why didn't you react at all?"

An Yan doesn't understand, shouldn't he stand up and speak for his companion at this time?

"This is not the most normal result. I would only react if you bought a smaller one."

Lin Ling couldn't figure out what was the point of response in this matter?
"It seems that you have also decided that Xiao Yi will lose."

An Yan didn't know why she was a little angry, this strange woman was so realistic.

"Tell me first, if Xiao Yi wins, will you still pay for our dinner?"

Lin Ling felt that he had to ask the most important questions first, otherwise, if Xiao Yi won, he would not be able to entertain the world to show off.

"will not."

Sure enough, I still don't want to befriend this strange woman, who is this!
"An Chen, did you hear that? Your sister is threatening us. Friendship comes first, competition comes second. I hope you two can understand."

Teacher Lin Lingda started teaching chicken soup for the soul again.

"I'll treat."

If treating this person to a meal can stop the meeting, even treating her to a meal every day is fine.

"Okay, Xiaoyi, you're welcome for a while, you know."

Lin Ling raised her eyes at Xiao Yi, expressing that we both want fame and money.

"it is good."

Xiao Yi complied calmly and calmly, but his whole body involuntarily exuded a confidence of "the best in the world, who else can I".

"Just let the horses come over."

Regarding this, An Chen was also very indifferent, seeing the truth with his fists and feet.


Watching the interaction of these three people, An Yan somehow felt like he was the only child.

"Okay, let's climb the mountain quickly. Yunliu and I will leave first."

Seeing that many people had already started climbing the mountain wall, Lin Ling couldn't bear it any longer.

After Lin Ling finished speaking, she directly threw Zhang Ran's body into the Lingquan, and Yun Liu consciously ran to the space to rest.

Yun Liu said that the lectures are also quite tiring.

Of course, this is not where the three of Xiao Yi are speechless.What made them speechless was the two images that were trying to climb the mountain.

Please, can't you develop the usage of Little Red Riding Hood?Have you forgotten the heroic figure of Little Red Riding Hood in the last days?Why do you have to develop in such a strange place.

"Hurry up, remember to protect Yunliu and me, we are two great support."

Lin Ling said that this image has no entity after all, and it would be bad if it is touched by other people.

"You are too rascal."

The lower limit of Anyan continues to be refreshed.

"I can be more rogue, do you want to try?"

Lin Ling said angrily.


The other three felt that it would be better to just teleport away, at least it would be more comfortable to watch.

"If you look at me like this again, believe it or not, I will directly send 100 people to the end. You will not be able to play."

Realizing that she was despised by these three people, Lin Ling used her trump card to suppress them directly with her power.

"Okay, okay, let's go."

An Yan chased her away directly, not wanting to let this strange woman stay here to cause trouble for herself.

"An Yan, do you want to join me? I'll show you a video of you trying to maintain order, and I promise to keep your glorious image in the hearts of every contestant."

Lin Ling hasn't forgotten yet, she lacks an interpreter by her side.


The more Lin Ling invited, the less An Yan wanted to go.

The weasel definitely has no good intentions when it wishes the chicken a new year.

"An Chen, there was no comparison just now, let's continue now?"

After Xiao Yi finished speaking, he jumped up, jumped about 30 meters with ease, and started climbing the mountain with the team.

Almost at the same time, An Chen jumped casually and came to Xiao Yi's side, grabbing the wall alone.

"Okay, how to compare?"

An Chen asked.

"Of course it is difficult to compare. You protect An Yan's image, and you take care of me and Yunliu one by one. Of course, the comparison is not only about who reaches the finish line first, but also who kills the mobs along the way." A lot of points."

A Piaoling immediately broke out a Super Mario scoring system.


An Chen said there was no problem.

"it is good."

Xiao Yi had no objection.

"and many more."

An Yan expressed objection.

"Complaint invalid."

Lin Ling directly dismissed An Yan's objection, tsk, women are troublesome.

"I'm staying here, I see my true friends."

An Yan said the five words "true friends" very clearly, hoping that someone can understand that the two of them are just a contractual relationship.

Lin Ling followed An Yan's gaze and found a large group of management personnel in uniform uniforms.Presumably, it was too difficult for them to climb this mountain wall, so they all piled up on the intermediate battlefield.

"7878, maintaining discipline is the job of your administrators."

Lin Ling felt that these managers were really pitiful.In just a few breaths, several management personnel were affected by the battle and were unfortunately injured.

"You don't need to tell me, I know too."

An Yan felt that this strange woman was talking nonsense.

(End of this chapter)

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