Chapter 222 Saint Anyan
"I'm talking about screening the number of entries to make the game safer."

Lin Ling imitated the official tone and asked An Yan to fight.

Hey, this violent loli is so pitiful, she thinks about fighting every day, and finally manages to fight, but she can only watch obediently.

"Huh? Do you think this Martial Arts Cup is opened by your family, and the rules can be changed as you like?"

This strange woman can still speak so grandly, An Yan is also convinced.

"You change."

After Lin Ling finished speaking, she didn't give An Yan a chance to refute, and passed it to her real friend directly.For such a troublesome thing as writing regulations, do it by yourself, she just wants to be a wine and meat friend.

"Head, you finally found you."

The shivering group of administrators saw An Yan as if they were barking at hooves, their eyes blinking and their saliva drooling.


In front of people, An Yan regained her stable and reliable side.

"Head, this year's contestants are too fierce, and our management personnel have suffered heavy injuries. If this continues, we will definitely not last until the end of the Budo Cup."

An administrator held An Yan's hand, sobbing.

"Don't panic."

There was a halo of the Virgin behind An Yan, and he gently stroked the administrator's head. The administrator felt that his soul was purified instantly.

"Head, do you have a solution?"

The administrators involuntarily put their hands together in front of their chests, and looked at An Yan devoutly.

"Well, since there are not enough people, we will screen the number of participants to maintain the safety of the Budo Cup. Those who still have strength will follow me, and the injured will rest first."

In the next second, An Yan made a beautiful sweep of the legs, and immediately caught a crowd of mortals.

"Wonderful, boss, you are too powerful, let's see if I don't blow up these barbarians."

Seeing An Yan's heroic appearance, all the managers felt particularly relieved.Suddenly, An Yan's voice became louder.


An Yan's expression was not obvious, but he was bluffing in his heart.

I was so angry that I unconsciously used the words of that strange woman!

And the targets of An Yan's anger are naturally these contestants in the intermediate battlefield.

【in space】

As soon as Yunliu entered the space, he felt that something was not right.

Why is the energy in my physical body so surging?

Yun Liu looked around for a while, and finally set his eyes on Lingquan.

There should be something in the spirit spring.

After Yun Liu came to the above conclusion, he jumped into a spiritual spring.

At the bottom of Lingquan, a shiny green cuboid is bubbling constantly.

"Is this oxygen?"

Yun Liu simply observed and made a judgment.

However, no matter how useful this seaweed is, it can't change the fact that it doesn't feel good to the touch.Therefore, Yunliu directly manipulated the vines, and lifted the cuboid out of the spiritual spring.

As the cuboid first came out of the water, the algae that originally inhabited the cuboid fell back into the Lingquan.At this time, Yunliu finally saw the true face of the cuboid—Si Niu's crystal coffin.And someone he saw through the crystal coffin that he didn't expect.

After finding Mu Xi lying in the coffin, Yun Liu shook the crystal coffin violently without thinking.

Mu Xi, who was forced to roll in the coffin, opened his eyes angrily.

Which daring person actually disturbed his sleep?Don't you know he is having a sweet dream?
Just as he was about to pick up the little rattan weave, he said all kinds of whipping to that soft bastard.

The irritable Mu Xi couldn't help showing his zombie buck teeth, and directly turned into a zombie and stepped out of the crystal coffin. After seeing who was coming, Mu Xi almost didn't come up: "Why are you? I didn't expect, you kid Still have the guts to take the initiative to find me."

"Long time no see. I don't know why Senior Mu Xi is here?"

Yunliu greeted him politely, apparently with some ulterior motive.

"Why can't I be here, that girl owes two favors now."

Although he knew that this kid was in the same group as the soft-ass apprentice, Mu Xi said that he also had a legitimate reason to stay here.

"You came just in time to find those mutated animals. As for the reward, you can ask the silly girl for it."

Yun Liu was still thinking about those mutated animals.

Although Sha Niu couldn't find it, Yun Liu believed that it would not be difficult for this former zombie king senior.

"It has been absorbed by me. Although the purity is not high, it matches my attributes well."

Mu Xi explained, but it wasn't just these mutated animals that Mu Xi absorbed.

On that day, although Mu Xi's crystal nucleus was absorbed by Brother He, but because the Lingquan itself has the effect of nourishing the soul, Mu Xi's crystal nucleus is like Shui Yue'er's broken soul back then. He ran to the Lingquan to recuperate.

In the late stage of the last days, Mu Xi has an unshirkable responsibility for the lack of ability of Lingquan.

If it is said that Mu Xi's spirit can recover so quickly, it is because the spirit spring unconsciously provides him with energy, then the reason why Mu Xi still retains the ability of the zombie king is thanks to those cute little animals. animal.

"Then you have to be careful, you ate the silly girl's money-making tools."

It's a pity for Yunliu, such a good experimental sample is gone, and I don't know if Shuangguang and Shuangguang can synthesize some mutant animals.

"It's just a few low-level creatures."

Mu Xi thinks that he is a protoss after all, how could he be inferior to a few livestock.

"Do you think she will listen? You are also in her territory anyway. If you read correctly, the coffin you lie in is also hers, and you even ate her long-cherished tourist pet. Do you think she will let you go? "

Yun Liu acted like Lin Ling's agent, listing Mu Xi's immoral things one by one.


Mu Xi didn't want to talk, why couldn't this man think about how much the divine power he was robbed was worth before he said this?
"However, this silly girl owes me a favor, so I can help you."

Yunliu extended a hand of friendship to Muxi.

"Then she owes me too, just tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Mu Xi said, these outsiders are very cunning, and if they want to help themselves, they must have ulterior motives.

"Well, teach me the real control method of divine power, please mention the conditions."

Yun Liu really didn't expect to meet Mu Xi again.But now that he has encountered such a good opportunity, he can't miss it no matter what.

"Hey, do you have something I need?"

Mu Xi sneered, feeling that this person was simply boasting.

"Senior Mu Xi, don't you want to regain your divine power?"

Yunliu throws a fatal temptation.

"Why, are you going to return the energy in your body to me?"

Mu Xi obviously felt that Yun Liu was talking nonsense.

"No plan."

Yun Liu told the truth, let alone repaying it, he had to raise his spirits to prevent Mu Xi from taking the energy back from his place.But it's definitely not a problem to be on guard all the time, and I still don't understand a lot about divine power.

Therefore, Yunliu decided to propose a mutually beneficial and win-win solution.

And the plan that Yunliu came up with, if done well, would have the best of both worlds, killing multiple birds with one stone.

(End of this chapter)

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