The Emperor of Roman Theory is crooked to the top

Chapter 234 The official match is finally over

Chapter 234 The official match is finally over
"Heh, I can't thank you enough, first you made the name of the Anyan Angel Group, and then you made a big show, who doesn't know you now?
In addition, the Anyan Angel Group and several major totem families are all trying to protect you, otherwise you think why the official Budo Cup has not started yet, they are all waiting for you. "

An Yan poked Lin Ling's head rhythmically while talking.

Really, I don't know what kind of shit luck she had, she was so reckless, but in the end she was able to tie it up one by one.

"Hey hey, I'm playing with the future in the palm of my hand." Lin Ling snarled at An Yan, then turned her head and yelled at the others, "Come on, let's register first."

"So, who was the first to arrive?"

The registration officer who was sitting in front of the work desk had already prepared a pen and paper. After all, he had an unshirkable responsibility for this matter.

When asked by the registered personnel, Lin Ling and the others couldn't help but look at each other, apparently they hadn't considered this kind of question, is the ranking useful?
At this time, the easiest and fastest way is to play with the palm of the hand and the back of the hand.

So the bear won.Because both the back of its hand and the palm of its hand are different from other people's.

After that is Yunliu, because he shoulders the glorious revival mission of the Grass Totem Clan.

The third is Xiao Yi. After all, he has a leg injury and enjoys the treatment of a semi-disabled person.

The fourth is Lin Ling. Lin Ling said that she has always been the finale.

However, it was Mu Xi who appeared suddenly in the finale.Lin Ling found out that this person was actually a fun-loving person who wanted to join in on everything.

"Why are there five people?"

An Yan narrowed her eyes slightly, she felt as if she had been ripped off, otherwise why would there be two more people out of thin air?

"That's five, two were in the sky that day, and three were pushing buckets on the ground."

The witness, the old woman, provided a statement in court in a timely manner.


An Yan didn't know how to explain to these simple people that the thing in the sky was actually nothing.

After the five of Lin Ling successfully qualified for the competition, the schedule will be arranged.It's just that a new problem appeared immediately, and the management staff expressed that they didn't know how to squeeze these five people into the official game.

When the managers heard this, they looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't seem to be able to solve this difficult problem.

Therefore, for the sake of convenience, the management ordered another five games to be held directly, and the top 64 will challenge these five people.As for the candidates, you can figure it out for yourself.

"I choose"

As soon as he heard the rules, An Chen planned to directly choose Xiao Yi as his opponent, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

It's a pity that An Chen didn't use the name inversion mode, so before he had time to report Xiao Yi's name, Xiao Yi was snatched away by another man.

"Master, play with me."

Huo Dalong, who appeared again, said that he had already ignited.


Xiao Yi was speechless, this group of official players was really enough, one game was enough to get the job done, and he insisted on adding another game for himself.


An Chen was speechless, shouldn't he start with himself as the number one in this situation?
But what made An Chen even more speechless was yet to come.

"I have an objection, why the right to choose is in their place, no matter how you think about it, it should be up to us to choose."

As Lin Ling spoke, she kept winking at An Chen, her meaning was self-evident.

An Yan & An Chen: "..."

The angel brothers and sisters did not expect that in the end, they still fell short.

Seeing the depressed expressions of the little angel brothers and sisters, Lin Ling immediately felt relieved.

So, it's time to get down to business, Lin Ling turned in another direction with a serious face, and said, "Xiangxiang, come on."

An Yan & An Chen: "..."

So the strange woman just now was just teasing them.

After that, Yunliu chose Pei Qi.

Mu Xi chose An Chen.

And Xiong Da was promoted directly because of the language barrier.

[Because everyone who should come is here, the long-awaited official match is finally about to begin]

The official match is held in a valley, which has also been verified by many Budo Cups and is the best final venue.

The spectators spontaneously planted a bamboo on the mountain wall, and sat down to wait for the start of the competition.

Really, if a bamboo is broken, there will definitely be casualties.

The most exaggerated is the audience sitting at the bottom, everyone is wearing armor and full of protective gear.

Since the bottom is so dangerous, why can't you climb up a little bit?

The cable cars carrying the referees were all neatly hung on the ropes, looking like rows of gourd babies from a distance.

As for the management personnel, they are working hard to feed at the moment.

Due to the postponement of the competition, the managers have more time to prepare meals, so this year's Budo Cup can be full.

The first step is to fish down the workers who are full of lunch boxes. Within a few hundred meters, all the lunch boxes on their bodies will be robbed, and many staff members even have a lot of clothes stripped off.

So far, the food and clothing problem of the upper-class audience has almost been solved.

In the second step, the staff threw steamed buns directly from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain.Suddenly, steamed buns as big as small balloons flew all over the sky.

So far, the middle-level audience has something to eat.

In the third step, the staff continued their efforts and sprinkled another bag of rice.

Because of the hands of the upper and middle audiences, the packaging had been torn to the lower floor, and the rice inside was directly scattered down.The audience on the lower floor took their time, stretching out a helmet to pick up the rice.

So far, no one will go hungry.

Lin Ling looked at the people who ate the rice in the helmet directly, and stared directly: "Is this rice cooked?"

"Raw. Guess they have the same stomach as a chicken."

Yun Liu joked.

"What about our meal?"

This is what Lin Ling cares about, she doesn't want to eat the same thing as chickens.

"If you can't even prepare a good meal, you will be underestimated if you still participate in any official competition."

Zhu Lu explained.

"Why are you here too?"

Seeing Zhu Lu, Lin Ling was very happy.

"Boss, I'm number 96, it's amazing."

After Zhu Lu finished speaking, she imitated Lin Ling and straightened her big breasts.Lin Ling was caught off guard, and was directly moved back several steps by the amazing elasticity.

"Not bad, but if you count the five of us, you're not."

Lin Ling suddenly felt that running too far was a good job, otherwise Zhu Lu would have won the 101st place, which must have been a very sour feeling.

"How come, if you add the boss, I will be number 91. Wouldn't it be even more powerful?"

Zhu Lu counted on her fingers several times back and forth, that's right, 96 places minus 5 places, that's 91.

Oh, it turns out that her actual ranking is 91.

"Yeah, you're really good."

Lin Ling felt that as Zhu Lu, she had done a good job, but she didn't even count from 1 with her fingers.

(End of this chapter)

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