Chapter 235 Spirulina

Now that the whole world is eating, of course Lin Ling and the others have to do as the Romans do, have a meal, and have fun.

"Here, eat some of this."

Lin Ling suddenly took out many spiral blue-green algae and handed them to Xiao Yi.

"what is this?"

Xiao Yi instinctively refused, where did he get it?

"Of course it is the descendant of Wuwuwu. This kind of VC content is high, and it is very good for people who are burnt."

Lin Ling's analysis was straightforward.

Really, are you so moved?Wuwuwu, this useless god who has always only been able to cry, has finally developed some skills.

Although this algae is still algae, but she let Yunliu and Mu Xi confirm that this algae is no longer a simple single-celled algae, and some of it is already a multi-cellular organism, which means that her humming has evolved.

"So, you let me eat it raw?"

Xiao Yi hesitated for a while, but couldn't swallow.After all, it was born from that woo woo woo, so it always feels a little weird.

"You are troublesome."

Lin Ling smacked her lips and said.

However, such a small request makes it impossible for her to think.

Without thinking for a long time, he witty and nimble directly manipulated Shuishui to absorb these spirulina, and then operated the most elementary Longtan in Xiao Yi's body.

This Longtan was slowly explored by Lin Ling based on the theoretical knowledge taught by Shui Weiwei during the months when Lin Ling turned into air. Therefore, Lin Ling had no idea about the efficacy of this Longtan.

Unfortunately, Xiao Yi didn't cooperate.

Lin Ling stared at Xiao Yi for more than 10 seconds, and then had to give up.Hey, it is really too difficult to see something from the face of a person with few facial expressions. Even if a conclusion is drawn, it is still based on one's own subjective guess.

As a last resort, Lin Ling had no choice but to interrupt Xiao Yi who was eating: "Little Yiyi, how do you feel?"

"pretty good."

It is really enjoyable to be watched by the girl so engrossed.

"Yeah, after this Budo Cup is over, let's not leave, I want to stay here for a while."

Lin Ling said that it is necessary to learn all the real skills of those old guys.

"it is good."

It is rare that Xiao Yi and Lin Ling's thoughts are synchronized.

Lin Ling originally wanted to talk to Xiao Yi about the specific plan, but after smelling the smell of meat, she immediately dismissed the idea.

The world is big, and the food is the biggest.

"Okay, then I'm going to eat meat, you can take a good rest here, after all, your competition is about to start."

So, Lin Ling and Xiao Yi said hello, and went to find the tool man Yunliu.

Originally, Xiao Yi would just follow along to eat.It's just like what Lin Ling said, Xiao Yi's match is about to start.

Seek the psychological shadow area of ​​Xiao Yi who was left behind and could only absorb seaweed.

【Xiao Yi vs Huo Dalong】

"Master, long time no see."

Huo Dalong bowed respectfully to Xiao Yi.


Xiao Yi nodded coldly.

To be honest, if this person hadn't appeared again, Xiao Yi would have almost forgotten about this cheap apprentice.

"Master, your soul dreaming is very powerful, a hundred times more powerful than I originally imagined. Therefore, in order to thank you for your kindness of teaching, I will use the unique skills you taught me to defeat you today!"

After finishing speaking, Huo Dalong lit up.

Then the auditorium erupted.

"A descendant of the Fire Totem Clan?"

"The strongest fire totem!"

"The third place is going to be cold."

"Don't talk nonsense, that's someone from the Angel Corps."

"So what, no matter how powerful the team is, there will always be a few rookies. Moreover, he has no wings, no bugs, and he is so skinny, how could he beat Huo Dalong?"


Everyone has different opinions, but without exception, they are not optimistic about Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi didn't respond to this, he didn't care what others thought.What's more, even his teammates are like that, what else does he care about?
That's right, An Chenmu, Xiyun Liu, Lin Ling and the others are playing flying chess.

As for the reason, it was naturally intimidated by the manager An Yan.

Lin Ling rubbed her swollen arm and sniffled involuntarily.This violent loli is too fierce.If you don't want to make trouble for yourself, just say it well, and you have to do something to yourself.

Now not only myself, but also several other people are sitting in the player area honestly, to see what she will say when the time comes.

As for the other three, it was purely because they were bored watching the first 30 games, and eating meat alone was a bit boring, so they played casually, and they accidentally became deeply addicted to it and couldn't extricate themselves.

[The angle of view returns to the battle arena]

Xiao Yi took a deep breath, and didn't want to talk to these white-eyed wolves anymore, so he beat Huo Dalong to the ground first.Then,
He wants to play too!
Even though Xiao Yi was 20 meters away from him, he didn't feel the heat of the red grudge that was visible to the naked eye, but these were not the key to making Xiao Yi look dignified.

Xiao Yi looked at the luck value above Huo Dalong's head, it had increased, and it had increased a lot.

Xiao Yi didn't expect that he first found Lao Niu, the son of luck of the previous generation, and then met Huo Dalong, the son of luck who was backward.When did my luck get so good?
Before Xiao Yi could continue to smell shameless, Huo Dalong attacked.

"fire punch!"

Huo Dalong rushed in front of Xiao Yi quickly, and punched him violently in the stomach.

And Xiao Yi didn't dodge, tensed his abdominal muscles, and directly resisted the blow.

The moment the two came into contact, a raging fire burned all over Xiao Yi's body.

"Not bad, but still too tender."

Xiao Yi gave positive comments.

The temperature of this flame is indeed quite high, but no matter how high it is, it will be the same. He is a man who has played with magma, so what is this temperature?
"It's not over yet."

Huo Dalong was not surprised by Xiao Yi's reaction. If it is really so easy to defeat, can he still be called a master?
The next moment, the flame that was originally wrapped around Xiao Yi's body suddenly changed into the shape of a sheep-cutting knife, piercing directly into Xiao Yi's body.

【Judges seat】

"It turned out to be a fighting spirit?!"

"At such a young age, you have reached this point?"

"This time it's terrible!"

The referee's seat boiled instantly, and many referees even jumped up excitedly.

Seeing the excited referees, the chief host shouted to the hosts: "1, 2!"

Then all the hosts shouted out Yiyi what the referee said just now neatly and loudly, but only half of the audience could clearly hear what the host said.

But it was not a big problem. The next moment, the person in charge of the middle-level audience also yelled "1, 2!"

Now, all the audience present heard clearly.

The next moment, the audience area was boiling.

"Is this the form of fighting spirit?"

"The referee actually said so many words, it must be because this kid is very good."

"I'll just say this kid is amazing!"

"The Totem family is only worth seeing in the vein of fire, and the others are all rubbish."

"Nonsense, the worms are also very powerful, and Pei Qi actually made it to the official competition."


So, are the staff feeding these audiences just to make them a sound mouthpiece?
(End of this chapter)

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