The Emperor of Roman Theory is crooked to the top

Chapter 810 Witch, why are you so sassy

Chapter 810 Witch, why are you so sassy

This time, Lin Ling couldn't help feeling a little overwhelmed.

How could she explain such a complicated matter within 50 words?

Seeing that Lin Ling couldn't speak clearly, Shui Qianqian glanced at her, as if mocking her self-deprecating.

Afterwards, Shui Qianqian planned to save those goddesses. Since she was a member of the Shui clan, she naturally couldn't turn a blind eye to these goddesses in distress.

But at this moment, the sorceress stopped Shui Qianqian.

"Why, don't you think she's innocent even now, you old fool?"

Shui Qianqian was obviously angry at the sorceress' repeated blocking.

"Heh, it's fine for you to deceive others, but don't try to deceive me. Ever since you first appeared, I have smelled the foul smell on your body."

The sorceress said bluntly.

Hearing this, Shui Qianqian narrowed her eyes and said coldly: "It seems that we really have nothing to say."

Seeing that Shui Qianqian had murderous intentions, the sorceress didn't say anything more, and started fighting with her again.

Seeing this, Lin Ling just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, saying that at least the leader here is sensible, when she heard those goddesses pointing at her again.

"Oh my god, why did the sorceress fight with people from the Shui clan?"

"Yeah, why is the sorceress so confused, she should hit the witch if she wants to fight!"

"Presumptuous! Who gave you the courage to talk about witches?"


"It's nothing but, why don't you understand why this witch always looks for the witch!"

"You mean, the sorceress has been controlled by that witch?"

"It must be, otherwise Shui Qianqian wants to save us, why did the sorceress stop her?"


Hearing this, Lin Ling even gave up the desire to talk to the goddesses.

With so much disdain for her, why did she believe when she said she was a bad person, while the sorceress they respected and loved said that Shui Qianqian had a problem?

Besides, didn't you say she is a witch?I'm afraid these goddesses are not stupid. Knowing that she is a witch, dare to criticize her so loudly?
Moreover, these stupid goddesses saw that Shui Qianxi wanted to save them, so why didn't they see the female wife who was already doing the rescue?

And just as Lin Ling was complaining, the fight between the sorceress and Shui Qianqian also came to an end.

Probably the witch was more affected by Que He, so she gradually lost.

Seeing this, Lin Ling was about to help, but Tang Zuo's suspect beside her made a move.

The dazzling lightning flashed on Tang Zuo's suspected body, and then he used [-] volts towards the water.

Zilazila, the goddess of the blockbuster was instantly shocked.

The goddesses screamed and ran around in the water, but obviously, doing so was useless.

Immediately, the goddess who was burnt by the electric shock no longer cared about her image, and cursed at Lin Ling.

From their point of view, Tang Zuo's suspect did so entirely under Lin Ling's instructions.

Seeing this, Lin Ling had a big head.

She felt threatened by Shui Xixi's red fruit.

But just when Lin Ling saw that the situation was not good and planned to retreat strategically, the sorceress made a new move.

Seeing the sorceress leaping forward, she came to Lin Ling's side, pulled off the sacrificial coat on her body, put it on her body, and became graceful.

Immediately, Lin Ling was scorched by Lei Deli.

God, it's not what she thought, what is the sorceress doing dancing?Don't you also want to become the Holy Maiden Sacrifice River?
Is this possible?

But after thinking about it, Lin Ling felt that it made sense to do so. Isn't the sorceress the most powerful leftover woman here?

But how could Shui Qianxi let the sorceress interfere with her affairs?

Now that her face had been torn apart, Shui Qianqian didn't do anything, and directly attacked the witch.

Anyway, I just need to explain later that she is driving away the demon in the witch's body.

Seeing that the sorceress was immersed in the dance, she didn't notice Shui Qianqian's ice pick, Lin Ling was about to help, but she felt the sorceress glared at her.

"The witch, she probably doesn't want any more accidents to happen."

Heishuishui guessed that the sorceress was probably worried that Que He would have other reactions when Lin Ling made a move.

However, Lin Lingcai didn't care about these things, and still made a move, teleporting all of Shui Qianqian's ice cones away.

Needless to say, at the same time as Lin Ling shot, Tang Zuo's suspect released one hundred thousand volts again.

But this time, Lin Ling turned a deaf ear to the wailing of the goddesses.

What is it called? As a protoss, what happens if you get electrocuted a few times?Anyway, these goddesses treat her badly, they just suffer a little bit of flesh and blood, so she doesn't care.

Afterwards, Lin Ling came to the sorceress with a smile on her face and said, "Sorceress, sorceress, are you really a sorceress? Why are you so sacrificial and sacrifice when you disagree?"

Lin Ling felt that the direction of the plot was a bit confusing.

But what can be seen now is that the sorceress seems to hope that the ceremony will go smoothly, even if she is the one who sacrifices.

But before Lin Ling could say anything more, the witch's body gradually began to glow, and gradually turned into stars and merged into the Que River.

Seeing this, Shui Qianqian made another move.

Countless sharp ice cones shot at the sorceress quickly.

Needless to say, Lin Ling, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately sent all these murder weapons away.

"Oh, the old man just wants to complete the ceremony smoothly, what are you doing?"

Lin Ling really couldn't understand why this sacrificial ceremony hindered Shui Qianqian.

"Oh, it's useless to talk too much."

Although Shui Qianqian's face was still cold, she was a little flustered in her heart.

Because Lin Ling is much harder to catch than imagined, and what's even worse is that no matter how she lures her, she just doesn't use the Lingquan, which makes it impossible for her original plan to be implemented.

Therefore, Shui Qianqian planned to control the Goddess and Goddess B first, so as to use them to force Lin Ling to hand over the Lingquan.

But now, this nasty old thing actually plans to complete the ceremony himself!

Shui Qianqian thought about it with her toes and knew that if this old thing was allowed to go upstream, then Lin Ling would definitely follow.In this way, it will be even more difficult to catch her.

Thinking of this, Shui Qianqian's attack became more ferocious.

Seeing this, Lin Ling laughed instead.

Taking advantage of the moment when Shui Qianxi made her big move, she quickly marked her and sent her to the group of goddesses.

And seeing Shui Qianqian entered the water, the suspected Tang Zuo at the side instinctively stopped the discharge attack.

Now, Lin Ling could be sure that he was Tang Zuo.

However, right now is not the time to continue to explore this matter. Seeing a red shadow swimming by underwater, Lin Ling no longer hesitated, immediately transformed into a second form, and quickly chased after it.

Sensing the aura of Lingquan, Shui Qianqian showed joy, but before she could go up to chase after her, the panicked goddesses stalked her, treating her as a straw.

In the eyes of these goddesses, Shui Qianqian, who dared to fight the witch, must be a messenger sent by the gods.

Seeing this, although Shui Qianqian secretly scolded these goddesses for being stupid, she still temporarily gave up her pursuit of Lin Ling.

(End of this chapter)

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