Chapter 811
Although these goddesses are troublesome, they are still very useful to Shui Qianqian, after all, she did not really come as a representative of the Shui clan.

If there is not enough popularity and support, even if the Shui clan really accepts her in the future, they may only regard her as A, B, and C in the clan.

This is not what Shui Qianqian wants, she wants to return to the Shui clan in a glorious manner, she wants to prove that she is no worse than Shui Yue'er, she wants Pan Gu and others who looked down on others before to regret it!

Therefore, Shui Qianqian turned her mind on Lin Ling.

The adult told her that there is a very precious spiritual spring in the space that was taken from her, and it is impossible for the Shui clan to give it to an outsider.

Moreover, the adult also told her that Lin Ling does not belong to any organization in outer space, which means she has no backer.

Thinking of this, Shui Qianqian strengthened her belief in regaining the space, which should have been hers in the first place.

Shui Qianqian couldn't help looking at the top of the Que River. Even though she was so far away, she could feel the inviolable pressure. If she wanted to go up, she still had to seek the help of these stupid goddesses.

Moreover, if she chased after him recklessly now, Tang Zuo who stayed behind would probably be killed by the female master and the saint together, which was not what she wanted to see.

After comprehensive consideration, Shui Qianqian couldn't help showing a cold yet warm smile, and she enthusiastically guided the goddesses to find a temporary foothold.

On the other hand, with the help of Qi Qi, the water elf, Lin Ling finally caught up with the red light transformed by the sorceress without any danger.

Seeing that the red light finally stopped and began to gradually condense, Lin Ling couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief. At least so far, everything is going smoothly.

"Shui Shui, do I need to do something?"

Lin Ling always felt that it was a bit pitiful for a sorceress who still had to learn how to dance with leftover girls at an age.

"The sorceress has helped us in a disguised form anyway, so don't help us at this time."

Heishuishui bluntly told Lin Ling to calm down for a while.

Hearing this, Lin Ling also thought it was right, she didn't know what to do, it would be bad if it was self-defeating.

It's just that Lin Ling, who really couldn't take it easy, still found something for herself, and said, "Then I'll go pick up something, you guys are watching."

After speaking, Lin Ling picked up the sunken objects at the bottom of the river seriously.

Seeing this, Heishuishui was speechless for a while, but followed obediently.She was really worried that if she didn't watch, Lin Ling might pick up a few big baskets of stones and come back.

In this way, Lin Ling, Wuwuwu and Heishuishui picked up the sunken objects for a while, and at this moment, the red light witch had a new reaction.

Seeing this, Lin Ling immediately transformed into a form, and flew towards the gradually dazzling red light with Shuishui and Wuwuwu.

"Master, this light is so uncomfortable. Wuwuwu obviously has no evil thoughts, but I feel purified."

Woooooo, I feel like I've been sunburnt.

"You are going too fast, can't you wait until the witch turns into a red carp?"

Heishuishui really felt that no matter what Lin Ling did, he was full of flaws.

"Don't be so moody, don't you want to enjoy the magical scene of turning into a fish and then into a bird at a negative distance?"

Lin Ling said that she had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Regarding Lin Ling's curiosity, Wuwuwu and Heishuishui didn't want to say anything more.What's the use of waiting?Anyway, she will definitely not understand by then.

Soon, the goddess of red light gathered into a small red carp.

"Witch, witch, are you okay? You see, I am also a light spot now, and I have also received Que He's blessing, shall we be together later?"

Lin Ling just used a form to make up for it. Anyway, she has made up her mind that she has to take this free ride no matter whether the witch agrees or not.

"To shut up."

The red carp was not in a good mood.The good atmosphere was completely destroyed by this inexplicable thing.

"Unless it is absolutely necessary, I will definitely shut up for a while, but you must let me ask you clearly now."

Lin Ling said that he will accept the test of Que He in a while, and he must not have time to chat, so it is best to say anything now.

Hearing this, Red Carp was silent for a moment, then asked: "What's your question?"

"It's not that I have any problems, but that you want to tell me something. We will go up together in a while. Don't you have anything to say to my friendly army?"

Lin Ling said that her mind was full of question marks, and she didn't know what to ask. She could only hope that the sorceress could give some useful information so that she could continue to reason and explore.

"Do you still need someone to tell?"

The red carp joked.

"Then you have to tell me, what's wrong with that Shui Qianqian, I remember you said she stinks."

Lin Ling asked.

She felt that the witch would not use this kind of vocabulary for no reason, so there must be something wrong.

"That woman is really problematic. I'm sure she doesn't only have divine power. As for the other power, although it's not clear yet, it's definitely not a good thing."

The red carp said solemnly.

"Is that breath only those who have a certain realm can feel it?"

Lin Ling continued to ask.

After all, judging from the reaction just now, only the sorceress felt abnormal.

Red Carp nodded, and then added: "Only those whose strength is much higher than hers should be able to feel it."

Red Carp reminded that as long as Shui Qianxi's strength continues to improve, few people will be able to feel this strangeness.

Hearing this, Lin Ling thought for a while, and then asked puzzledly: "Then according to what you said, the sorceress, your strength should be much higher than Shui Qianqian, so why did you get slapped by her just now? "

"Do you really think that the ceremony really only needs to be danced to be successful?"

The red carp said angrily that the reason why she didn't use all her strength to deal with Shui Qianqian was to save some energy to start the sacrifice.

"Ah? So this is your background operation? After you leave, what will you do in the future?"

The more Lin Ling listened, the more confused she became. This witch really hides so deeply.

"Don't worry, this is probably the last time."

After the red carp finished speaking, he sighed silently, then stopped talking to Lin Ling and started to head upstream.

Seeing this, Lin Ling immediately shut up.

She was worried that the ceremony might have a time limit, and it would not be good to waste too much time of the sorceress.

She felt that it might be better to digest the new information she was going to get, and wait until after Niu Langfeng, before continuing to ask.

Just like that, Lin Ling huddled on the body of the red carp, following her jump after jump firmly against the current.

As the coercion of Que He increased, the red carp gradually emitted a faint golden halo.

Under the shining halo, the little red carp gradually grew up, with golden patterns on its body, looking holy and beautiful.

 Happy Children's Day, I took my daughter to the amusement park this morning.

(End of this chapter)

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