Chapter 876 What do you want

Seeing Xiao Linyun and the others brazenly provoking his authority, Da Wang couldn't bear it any longer, and directly resorted to his final trump card.

"A mere mortal dares to say such wild words, but you are still too careless. Have you seen this mass?"

Da Wang dangled 007 very proudly. From his point of view, in terms of size, the little thing in his hand was obviously more suitable for making meat buns.

"I'm sorry, 007 is useless, idols, leave me alone!"

Feeling ashamed of being taken as a hostage, 007 habitually snotted and bubbled his nose, making Da Wang's paws sticky after a while.

Although Da Wang couldn't help frowning at the touch of his paws, he was quite satisfied with 007's pitiful appearance.

"Tsk tsk tsk, what a pity."

As Da Wang said, he squinted at Xiao Linyun and the others.

However, Da Wang's idea is obviously a little simpler.

"I just said something was missing. It turned out that 007 disappeared again. I think he is much more capable than Mu Xi."

Lin Ling felt that, considering 007's accident rate, he didn't know how he survived without incident.

"With your attitude, you are not afraid of him getting hurt?"

Xiao Yi felt that to be infatuated with Lin Ling really needed a good psychological quality.

Regarding 007's arrest, Xiao Lin and the two acted very calmly, but Yun Liu kept staring at Da Wang's paw.

Although the reactions of Xiao Linyun and the others were somewhat different from what they had expected, Da Wang couldn't care less now.

It threatened Yunliu viciously: "If you don't want your friend to get hurt, then you can catch him without a fight, and obediently follow me to see the adults."

While threatening, Da Wang was secretly accumulating strength, and it felt that the three people in front of him seemed to be more difficult to deal with than imagined.

But before Da Wang was halfway charged, Yunliu urged, "Why don't you do anything, we've been waiting for a long time."

Yunliu said that since Da Wang has seen the status of their members, in order to maintain the apparent peace between the two races, they had better wait for Da Wang to make a move before making a move, which is more reasonable.

After Yun Liu finished speaking, Lin Ling on the side kept nodding his head, reminding Da Wang not to delay their finishing time.

"You! You! Bow woof woof!"

No need to think about it, Da Wang was once again irritated by the arrogant attitude of the three of Xiao Linyun and could only bark.

Seeing Da Wang's saliva splashing on 007's face, Lin Ling immediately pushed her beloved thick-rimmed glasses, and said with a serious face: "It has been officially confirmed that Da Wang used taunting attacks, now we can finally legally Defended."

As soon as Lin Ling finished speaking, the corners of Xiao Yun and Xiao Yun's mouths curled up in a seemingly invisible arc, stretching every link of their bodies.

Seeing that the three of Xiao, Linyun and the others were not friendly, Da Wang was so trembling that he couldn't even straighten his limbs, and fell to the ground all of a sudden.

"You guys, don't mess around, don't forget, this fat thing is still in my hands."

Da Wang couldn't help but squeeze 007 tightly in his claws, but to his surprise, at some point, there was nothing in his claws.

"Da Wang, don't panic, don't feel useless, you can only blame yourself, the opponent you chose is too strong."

After Lin Ling finished boasting without blushing, she snapped her fingers angrily. The next moment, the instant messages left in the big Wang's claws quickly spread to its whole body.

After finishing all this, Lin Ling couldn't help touching 007's head, and comforted him: "007, don't you think that I put so many space-time cores on you just to prevent you from getting lost?"

Lin Ling said that the reason why so many space-time cores are placed to enhance 007's sense of existence is on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is also a preventive measure to deal with the situation just now.

The moment Da Wang grabbed 007, in fact, it was already caught by Lin Ling's instant messaging.

With the help of instant messaging, the two of Xiao Yun were more accurate in their beatings, and they didn't need to think too much about it. They just punched and whipped Da Wang.

Seeing the lovely barks echoing from the entire magma area, 007 couldn't help adoring with eyes full of love: "Goddess, you are really amazing!"

"Hehe, I'm used to fighting big bosses, this kind of one is simply too good."

Although what Lin Ling said was the truth, as the saying goes, invisible pretense is the most deadly.

As a result, 007, who was already hating her so badly, worshiped her so much that she wanted to offer all of her underpants.

As for Xiao Yun and the two of them, they are also worthy of being very capable men all the time. They beat Da Wang until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and his whole body was even shattered.

Seeing that Da Wang was in so much pain that he didn't even dare to howl, Xiao Yun and Xiao Yun stopped.

Seeing the success, Lin Ling immediately asked: "Convinced? What should we do now?"

Lin Ling said that even if they beat Da Wang, Xiao Yun and Xiao Yun would still not be able to enter the underworld.

"Let's find out if there is a token on Da Wang's body first, maybe it will be useful."

Xiao Yi said that if you can find something like a pass, it will be perfect.

"Why don't you take off Da Wang's skin and put it on your body for a disguise?"

Yun Liu said that the souls of the underworld might be distinguished by their breath, and it is always safer to have some big Wang's breath.

As soon as he heard that he was about to be skinned, Da Wang immediately burst into tears and prostrated himself on the ground, begging unceasingly.

But it was useless, before it could rub against Lin Ling pitifully, Xiao Yi reminded: "It seems that skinning is not uncommon here, and I am also curious, what kind of skin is used in the underworld? means to deal with disobedient spirits."

Xiao Yi reminded Lin Ling not to forget about Pilu, maybe there is no such thing as good and evil in the Protoss, only strength and glory.

Seeing that selling misery was not working, Da Wang couldn't help but close his eyes in despair.

Don't blame it for giving up hope so quickly. After all, this is the case in the Protoss, and the strong often have absolute power to sanction.

Although Da Wang completely lost the consciousness of resistance, Xiao Yun and the two still guarded against it. After all, it had deceived them in this way before the gate of the underworld.

But Lin Ling stared at the magma around him, wondering what he was thinking.

Seeing that Lin Ling was absent-minded, Xiao Yi couldn't help asking: "Girl, what's the matter?"

"I'm thinking, according to the previous routine, we have to find a way to sneak into the underworld, and then we have to find a way to find out what we should do, and then because of one or another reason, we are forced to do this and that... ..."

Lin Ling was a little upset. There was too much information and too many questions, which made it impossible for her to sort it out.

"What do you want?"

Xiao Yun and the two said in unison.

After getting along with Lin Ling for so long, they knew very well that this girl must want to make a big deal.

Hearing this, Lin Ling closed her eyes, took a few deep breaths, then opened her eyes quickly, looked at Yunliu and said, "Zhuge Yunliu, didn't you swear that you would surpass the preacher?

Do you think it's really okay to go on like this?Or can you tell me when exactly are you going to pass him? "

 small theater

  Lin Ling: What's the matter, tell me what you have to say.

  Author: Do you feel that the style of writing has changed recently?
  An Yan: I didn't pay much attention to this, after all, we are the characters in the novel.

  Author: I also feel recently that readers probably do it for pleasure when they read books.

  Yunliu: Don't you plan to write traditional cool articles?

  Author: But, I want to get everyone's support.

  Xiao Yi: It sounds pitiful, please eat skewered meat.

  Author: Just a string?

  Xiao Yi: Well, the rest belong to girls.

  Lin Ling: Then can't you roast a few more skewers?
(End of this chapter)

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