Chapter 877

Undoubtedly, Lin Ling's few words completely touched Yun Liu's innermost desire.

"What do you want me to calculate?"

Yun Liu couldn't stand it anymore, he really wanted to do something.

"How could I know such a secret."

Lin Ling said that she just made a suggestion, and Yunliu needs to figure out the rest by himself.

"Okay, so what else are you going to do?"

Yun Liu continued to ask.

He can be sure that Lin Ling must have other plans.

Hearing this, Lin Ling showed her sharp little canine teeth with a smirk, and waved to the three of them, indicating that they would hold a quiet meeting.

"What is it, so mysterious?"

Xiao Yi, who came here relying on his physical instinct, was very curious.

"You say, how about we directly overthrow the underworld?"

Lin Ling winked and said.


The two of Xiao Yun almost couldn't hold back their exclamation.

"Why are you two still making such a fuss?"

Lin Ling said that along the way, they have also done a lot of earth-shaking events, why are these two people so surprised.

"Are you sure? We haven't understood the situation in the underworld yet."

Xiao Yi said that this bad idea is not only arrogant, but also crazy.

"And, in this way, it might affect the entire Protoss."

Yun Liu said that the consequences may be greater than they imagined.

"That's right, that's my plan. The bigger the trouble, the better. And, even if it doesn't work, I can take you away."

Lin Ling said that the biggest reason why she wanted to do this was to cause trouble.

"Oh, you are quite well-planned."

Xiao Yi was very funny.

The disadvantage in numbers turned into an advantage when it came to Lin Ling.

"Be serious, stand up straight for me, I'm talking to you very seriously."

Lin Ling believed that the two of Xiao Yun hadn't grasped the true meaning of this action.

Seeing Lin Ling's small mouth pouted, Xiao Yi immediately said in a good temper: "Okay, okay, speak slowly, we are all listening."

"Well, then listen carefully, this is my analysis. Anyway, no matter where you two go, you will be recognized immediately.

Yunliu is okay, if it is not good enough, he will put his body back into the plane system, but Xiaoyi will definitely not do it.

So, going on like this is a bit annoying. "

Lin Ling said that this feeling of always being the enemy is not good.

"So, you plan to use the status of a member to make a big fight without doing anything? But have you ever thought that doing so will cause conflicts between the plane system and the Protoss?"

Yun Liu said that he was not optimistic about this proposal. For a long time, their plane system has maintained a respectful relationship with the Protoss.

"Then what if we do this with righteousness in mind?"

Lin Ling said that she had already considered the problems Yunliu mentioned.

"What the hell are you planning? Tell me clearly."

Yun Liu asked.

"I just think, based on our past trends, we should not be too optimistic.

That mysterious woman is obviously eyeing me, and you also said that she knows you are coming, so do you think she will let you, the young master of the Zhuge family, go?

I think, even if we have been doing nothing honestly, we are still likely to be picked on along the way. "

Lin Ling said that there is no need to guess, and they know that their Protoss adventure this time may not be peaceful.

"So, girl, do you think that instead of being passively involved in troubles, it's better to act first and let us control the pace of development?"

Xiao Yi said that this style is really Lin Ling.

But I have to say that Xiao Yi was a little moved. The reason why they have always managed to save themselves from danger along the way:

On the one hand, it is naturally their own continuous growth; on the other hand, in the face of crises, they can always respond quickly, and even make perfect predictions.

"However, we can't take the opportunity to make trouble just because that mysterious woman is staring at us. You forgot our purpose this time, we..."

In the middle of speaking, Yunliu stopped abruptly.

Seeing that Yunliu seemed to have realized the truth, the embarrassment on Lin Ling's face was beyond words.

"Yes, our task this time is to investigate the relationship between the mysterious woman and the Devourers, and if she is really related to the Devourers, then we need to find out all the hidden Devourers.

But don't you think that just such a secret investigation is very difficult?Even, in order not to be noticed by interested people, the members who participated in the mission did not dare to make big moves. "

Lin Ling analyzed clearly.

"That's why you're planning to make a fuss.

On the one hand, it attracts the attention of those people, and it also allows other members to take advantage of the chaos and do something.

On the other hand, you also want to forcibly force those who hide in the dark to show their feet? "

In any case, he had been with Lin Ling for a long time, so Xiao Yi quickly understood her true intentions.

"That's right, we are the ones who attract the firepower. The more excited we are, the more the other party has to devote [-] points of energy to deal with us. I think, in this way, it will be much easier for those members to perform their tasks."

Lin Ling said that although it is not convenient for them to cooperate with those members, they can support them in this way.

"Then girl, what is the righteousness you just called?"

Xiao Yi said that he already understood the benefits of doing so, so the next step should be how to do it well.

"Of course it's the truth."

Lin Ling said that telling too many lies is too troublesome to round up.

"What do you mean?"

Xiao Yun and the two asked in unison.

"Directly send an investigation application to the underworld on the grounds of discovering the devourers. I guess they will most likely not agree, so we can make use of the problem..."

Lin Ling said, true and false, false and true, she just wants everyone to be unable to see through her true intentions.

"Since you have already planned this, I have no objection to this plan for the time being, but have you ever thought that it would not be so easy to make a big fuss in the underworld with just the few of us?"

Yun Liu told the truth, even though they could easily defeat Da Wang, it was because they had never met a really powerful protoss boss.

The reason why the protoss can be divided into different levels is because the gap between each level is enough to describe it in hundreds of thousands of miles.

"Otherwise, what should we do? Are you still planning to wait for Yanyan to come over to help? You must think about it clearly. When Yanyan comes over, can we still pretend like this?"

Lin Ling said very seriously that if you do bad things, you must avoid An Yan.

"So, silly girl, what do you mean, not only do we have to quarrel, but before Yanyan comes, the quarrel has to be turned upside down and irreconcilable."

Yun Liu said that only in this way, An Yan would be forced to go crazy with them because of helplessness.

 I will be going to work in two days, because the summer vacation is a long day shift, and the nights are noisy, so the coding will be very tiring, so dear readers, please continue to love me so that I can survive these difficult two months.

(End of this chapter)

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