Chapter 881 Waiting for the adults to come back

Lin Ling said that anyway, except for the Protoss, everyone else knows about the Devouring Clan anyway, so there is no need to keep it secret.

"The devourers? Are you talking about the bugs that invade the plane? How is this possible? What is your basis for saying this?"

Apparently, the two adults felt that Lin Ling was framing them, and his heart could be punished.

"Evidence? Second Sir, can you tell me why the snow-capped mountains in Ou Village disappear?"

Although Lin Ling didn't know who the prisoner who poached Xueshan was, but in order to gain the advantage of public opinion faster, she decided to forcibly blame all the blame on the Devouring Clan.

"This... We are also investigating this matter, and I believe there will be results in a short time."

The two adults vowed.

"The result? Why do you need to deceive yourself and others, Second Master, that you can do such a thing under your noses. Are you really unable to find out this prisoner, or are you afraid to find out?"

Lin Ling said aggressively.

However, this is also her inner voice, she really thinks that the goddesses in this underworld are not as powerful as those of Quehe.

"Joke! There is something we dare not investigate. Our great Lord Yama is investigating this matter now. I believe he will bring the criminal to justice in a short time."

The second master said that even if he looked down on him, he must not underestimate their Lord Yama.

"Oh~~ So that's the case, I understand, what the second lord meant was to invite us to stay and wait for your Lord Hades."

Lin Ling forcibly misinterpreted the meaning of the two adults. Since violence cannot be controlled with violence, then she can only play tricks.

Then, without giving Master Er a chance to defend himself, Lin Ling suddenly floated to his side, and patted him on the shoulder like a good brother.

"Haha, it's really too late to meet each other. If you don't fight, you don't know each other. The second master is really astute. He plans to make friends with us so soon. You are worthy of the famous second master!"

Lin Ling praised the two adults in an exaggerated tone.


It was the first time the Second Master encountered such a situation, and he was inevitably at a loss. He wanted to pat off Lin Ling's restless little hand.

What surprised him even more was that he found that he couldn't touch Lin Ling.

This discovery made the two adults sink in their hearts.

Obviously, none of the opponents is a good stubble.

Seeing that Master Er didn't speak for a long time, Lin Ling had no choice but to continue to direct and act: "Oh, I understand, Master Er wants to invite us to a banquet, right?

But what's the point of this?We're here to do business!
But since Master Er is so polite, we can't be so ungrateful. "

Speaking of this, Lin Ling suddenly floated among the ghost messengers again, stepped on a comatose ghost messenger, waved her small hand, and said quite boldly: "The wise and powerful second master said that there was a snow mountain incident. There is no waste of face, but since this matter is likely to be related to the Devourers, it must be treated with caution.

Therefore, in order to thank us for providing such precious information, the underworld will hold a special banquet tonight and conduct detailed discussions. "

Lin Ling said that if you want to quickly cultivate a relationship, you should start with friends with wine and meat.

Seeing Lin Ling talking nonsense all by himself, the serious Second Master was so angry that he blew his beard and stared.

But when he was about to step forward to stop him, Xiao Yi stopped in front of him and said, "Second Master, don't you think that this is good for both of us?"

Xiao Yi said that it would be great if he could join forces with the Protoss to deal with the Devourers.

"You guys! It's too reckless!"

The second master said that Xiao Linyun and the three of them simply regarded the underworld as their own territory.

"Recently, there are frequent visions of the Protoss, don't you really have any ideas?"

Yun Liu hit the nail on the head.

He believes that with the extraordinary wisdom of the Protoss, they must have a feeling, but they just have no direction.


Master Yunliu couldn't refute what the two adults said. In fact, it was precisely because he realized that the matter was not simple, Lord Yan Wang personally came forward to investigate.

"Don't rush to refuse, it's not too late to make plans after the Lord Hades you're talking about comes over."

Xiao Yi said that it will all depend on the attitude of the King of Hades whether to cooperate on an equal footing or to suppress violently.

"You guys! You actually set your mind on Lord Hades! Don't think that you can get benefits from Lord Hades just because you can draw with me.

That lord is a genuine first-rank protoss, and we have never seen him exerting his full strength. "

The two adults scoffed.

Apparently, in his mind, the three of Xiao Linyun could not be compared with Lord Yan Wang at all.

"Really? Since your lord is so powerful, why do you worry about us? Or, do you want us to run away before your lord returns?"

Xiao Yi asked involuntarily.

It's just that in my heart, I have a little interest in this Lord Hades.

The first-rank protoss, the top of the protoss, I don't know if I have the strength to compete with them now.


Hearing Xiao Yi's threat, the two elders flicked their sleeves angrily, and came directly to Lin Ling's side, kicking the ghost under her feet to wake them up.

"Useless things, being trampled on by a woman without knowing it, will embarrass our hell."

The second master said that we must strengthen the training of these ghost messengers in the future, and we can no longer let them do nothing on weekdays, otherwise they will be completely useless when the critical moment comes.

"Hey, how can you say that, my lord, this man has to have some strange fetishes to be good enough."

Lin Ling didn't take it seriously, and then floated onto another lying ghost messenger.

She is now the setting of the mysterious boss, so she must exude a domineering aura all the time.

"In short, you must stay here until Lord Hades comes back."

The second adults think that these three people seem to know a lot of things, so they must be kept and thoroughly investigated.


Lin Ling nodded, just as they wanted.

Since Lord Hades is so powerful, it is unlikely to be parasitized by the Devourers, so if you can cooperate with him, the risk is relatively small.

"Also, take off your pumpkin headgear."

The second master said that he has endured this look for a long time.Are these three people here to be funny?Wearing a mask is not enough, do you have to wear this thing?
"That's not okay, we have to keep the mystery all the time."

Lin Ling said that the true boss cannot be seen through at will, especially Yunliu.

"So, I don't know which organization the three belong to. It shouldn't be the one who often comes to our door, some kind of plane system."

In fact, since the first time I met Xiao Linyun and the three of them, the Second Master had already guessed this.

It's just that people in the plane system have always acted in a low-key and safe manner, and they won't make a scene like these three people when they come up rashly.

 small theater
  Lin Ling: Now that you are satisfied, there is no fight.

  Yunliu: What's the rush, Lord Hades is coming, maybe we'll have to fight hard.

  Xiao Yi: Those two adults are very smart, they knew they couldn't beat me, so they went down the steps given by the girl.

  An Yan: Is that for the steps?She just wanted to eat delicacies from the underworld.

  Lin Ling: Can't you?Why don't you let me play if you don't want to show off your power?

(End of this chapter)

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