The Emperor of Roman Theory is crooked to the top

Chapter 882 Professional Organizations

Chapter 882 Professional Organizations
"Of course not. I can guarantee that we are more authoritative than the Plane System. We are a super~~ professional organization that focuses on serving high-end customers and specializes in treating various difficult and miscellaneous diseases."

Lin Ling blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, if she wasn't worried about being discovered by An Yan, who was monitoring the whole process, she would have said bluntly that the plane system is a scum compared to them.

"Really? What organization is it?"

Seeing that Lin Ling spoke in style, the second adults immediately became interested.

After all, in the subconscious mind of a serious person, those who deliberately exaggerate their own strength to cause trouble for themselves are generally the little Luo Luo who has no brains.

And after Xiao Linyun and the other three dismounted just now, the second lord will naturally not underestimate them.

Although Lin Ling had already guessed that he would be asked about the name of the organization, Lin Ling, who still couldn't think of the name of the five-star satisfaction organization, still took two steps back unconsciously with a stiff expression.

But immediately, Lin Ling's eyes lit up, and he flashed behind Xiao Yi, and after pushing him out, he said: "As I said just now, our organization is very professional, so according to the type of problem, we will arrange Someone will help you out.

Now, let this pumpkin Xiao mask give you a professional explanation, and tailor-made future development plans for you. "

After Lin Ling finished selling, she still did not forget to bump Xiao Yi with her elbow to remind him to perform well.


Xiao Yi was speechless.

This pot was caught off guard, but within reason.

Probably because of the inexplicable friction caused by the exchange of fists and kicks just now, the two adults are also more fond of Xiao Yi, the pumpkin.

"Little Pumpkin, you just said that the Protoss has Devourers, what is going on?"

Apparently, Master Er didn't care much about the name of Lin Ling's so-called organization.

What he cares about is whether the Protoss has really been invaded by the Devourers.

As soon as the second thought of this possibility, the two adults became furious, those filthy bugs dared to defile their Protoss!

Lin Ling watched with satisfaction that Xiao Yi was entangled by the two masters, and then said to the leaderless ghost messenger: "Okay, your second master has gone to discuss important matters with Little Pumpkin, as the most loyal ghost messenger in the underworld, now What are you supposed to do?"

These ghost messengers who don't need to use their brains to do things on weekdays are confused when they are asked.

After looking at each other for a long time, a ghost guard raised his hand and said, "Arrest you and accept further interrogation."

Hearing this, other ghost messengers echoed again and again, expressing that it made sense.

"Oh, but you seem to be unable to defeat us. Wouldn't it be embarrassing for the Protoss to be defeated by mere mortals like us?"

Lin Ling believed that none of the protoss would be willing to lose to ordinary mortals.

Hearing this, although the ghost messengers did not agree, it is not difficult to see from their expressions that they have hesitated.

"You have to think clearly, who is your real enemy? Is it the three of us, or the devourers."

Lin Ling once again drew a wave of hatred for the Devourers.

However, because the Protoss had never been invaded by the Devouring Clan before, except for some high-ranking Protoss, little Luo Luo like Guichai didn't know much about the Devouring Clan.

Seeing the question marks all over the heads of the ghost guards, without Yunliu's orders, Teacher Meimei appeared on the stage consciously.

"Next, I will explain to you about the Devouring Clan."

After finishing speaking, Teacher Meimei took out a teaching stick and waved it in several directions. The next moment, Little Red Riding Hood cooperated and tacitly projected the screen to the corresponding direction.

"First, let's take a look at a set of pictures. I believe that after you have seen them, you will have a certain concept of the Devourers.


Seeing that Teacher Meimei spoke in great detail and earnestly, some ghosts couldn't help whispering: "As expected of a professional organization, it's so classy!"

But before these ghost messengers continued to say something, they were directly seen by Meimei's sharp eyes and sat upright.

Seeing that everyone began to listen carefully, Meimei continued to explain: "Next, let's look at a set of pictures, these hosts have been parasitized by the Devourers.


Meimei at this moment is undoubtedly satisfied.

In order to always explain the knowledge about outer space to Lin Ling, a layman (Xiao Yi incidentally), and ensure that she can understand immediately (Xiao Yi doesn't care), in her free time, Meimei spends a lot of time studying easy-to-understand teaching methods.

At this moment, although the object of the explanation is not Lin Ling, it is to maintain the peace of the plane and even the outer space.

Thinking of this, Meimei couldn't help explaining with more enthusiasm and emotion.

Seeing this, Lin Ling at the side immediately had a new idea.

"Yunnan Gua, I think Teacher Meimei has done a good job in promoting it. Should we promote it more?"

Lin Ling felt that letting more Protoss know about the existence of the Devourers was not a bad thing.

"It can be considered. However, if it is purely publicity, then it is no different from pyramid schemes."

Yunliu said that this kind of publicity must be combined with other activities to be more effective.

Just like this time, they first came to a wave of strong attacks, showing their great strength, and then treated each other with courtesy.

This kind of strategy of hitting a mallet and giving a candy is old-fashioned, but it works.

It's just that the trouble is real, Yunliu doesn't think they have the patience to implement it in every place, and he doesn't think that just such a plan can handle the entire Protoss.

In the final analysis, there are still two words - trouble.

However, Lin Ling has a different opinion.

"I think, after our operation, the Protoss should be able to receive the news from the Devourers, and they will take precautions against it.

In other words, why can't your plane system directly send a message to the Protoss and tell them about this? "

Lin Ling was puzzled by this.

"Please, if you really do this, don't you tell the protoss that we are monitoring their every move?"

Yunliu said that as a large-scale organization with a certain reputation, the Plane System's actions are often restricted by many aspects.

After a pause, Yunliu took another meaningful look at Lin Ling and said, "Besides, do you really think whoever tells this matter can achieve your effect?"

Yunliu found that Lin Ling, who always liked to attack head-on with a straight ball, unknowingly developed an aura—simplification.

For Lin Ling, those issues that seem far-reaching to others are so natural, yet inexplicably arousing thought-provoking.

However, even so, it can't change the fact that she is getting more and more beaten.

"Silly girl, you must hold GDP's thigh tightly in the future, otherwise you will definitely be beaten to death."

Yun Liu said that with Lin Ling's slanted sword operation, it is very likely that she was killed by others before she even started talking about the topic.

 small theater
  Lin Ling: In this chapter, Yunnan melon has a lot to say.

  Yunliu: If you don't want that good review, I can delete it.

  Xiao Yi: So, why did I become a little pumpkin?Did you do it on purpose?
  Lin Ling: Is there something wrong?Aren't you little Yiyi?
  An Yan: Fortunately, I came late, otherwise I would have become a pumpkin.

(End of this chapter)

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