Chapter 2917 Lord Game 2
But there is a problem here.

The people who defected to the original body were all people whose territories had been destroyed. If they killed her, they would lose their homes again. Under normal circumstances, these people should not be so stupid. Killing the original body is the only way. Also, otherwise, if you kill the original body without a territory, the original body's territory will not be in their hands. Only those who have a territory can obtain the original body's property.

The third object of suspicion: other players who covet the original territory.

In addition to gaining experience, equipment, and coins by killing monsters, players can also obtain the other party's property by killing other players.

Once there are other players who covet the original property, it is also possible to kill her secretly.

Speaking of which, this game is very cruel. Players not only have to defend against attacks from monsters, but also against attacks from humans like themselves.

Therefore, the person who harmed her may be someone close to her who caught her off guard, but it may also be other players in the game. It is not easy to find out.

An Ran listed these three types of suspects one by one in the notebook that came with the game system, and also listed some key suspects, ready to investigate one by one.

This game world is a bit restrictive for her, because her puppets or artificial intelligence cannot be used. Otherwise, since there is a list of suspects, these people should be monitored first.

Unfortunately, the game world cannot recognize the existence of puppets or artificial intelligence, so she cannot use them.

Including other things in the space, they can't be used.

After remembering these things, An Ran saw that as the original body remembered, a wolf-like monster came to the territory—it looked like a wolf, but it was uglier and fiercer than a wolf—and rushed towards her.

Then, unsurprisingly, he was stopped by the protective shield unique to the novice protection period.

Although it was stopped, the demon wolf didn't leave, and was still circling around, obviously very interested in the food.

The original body was obviously a little frightened when he first saw the ferocious appearance of this demon wolf, but the novice gift pack only had one thousand copper coins left for a day's consumption, and he could not do anything. Fortunately, there was a novice Protective cover, so the original body can see that the magic wolf can't get in, and then he will no longer be afraid.

Then An Ran is even less afraid, after all, he has the memory of his original body, doesn't he?
And it’s not bad not to kill this demonic wolf now, it is not reconciled to failure, and will call its group in the end, causing a group of demonic wolves to surround the base of the original body, and the original body at that time had already accumulated enough materials to build defense towers , built a defense tower, killed all these monsters, made the original body a blessing in disguise, and raised several levels. Who made these magic wolves not low in level, and provided a lot of experience.

Knowing that the other party will bring a lot of experience points, An Ran naturally let it howl outside, while she took the ax given by the novice gift package and started to chop trees.

It takes 50 wood and 500 copper coins to build a first-level defensive tower.

There are enough copper coins, but not enough wood, so An Ran needs to cut it by himself.

In fact, fighting monsters outside will also drop resources such as wood, but of course An Ran will not take the risk of going outside to fight monsters.

Anyway, the territory has a radius of 100 meters. The place is not small, and there are all kinds of water, wood, and stone in it. It is much more comfortable than those players who have landed in the desert or grassland, cannot find wood or stone, and can only get resources by fighting monsters. Yes, there is nothing to be dissatisfied with.

For girls, cutting down trees is hard work. Of course, not only for girls, but also for most boys who have never been lumberjacks, it is not an easy job.

Fortunately, the game system is very user-friendly. I know that most nerds and nerds can’t cut down big trees at all, so if you cut a small tree, or cut a big branch from a big tree, it will also confirm that it is wood, too small to fit one For a unit of wood, multiple small branches add up to a unit of wood.

The same is true for collecting stones. If the player is weak, he cannot collect a single unit of stones. If he picks up a lot of stones, he can add up to a lot, which counts as one unit of stones for you.

This is also very normal, otherwise, most people would not be able to play this game, and they would have to wait to die after five days.

In fact, Enron has other ways to obtain wood or stone sources, and that is to sell water.

There is water in the territory of the original body, but there is no water in the territory of some players, so they need water.

In fact, many player territories have water. It stands to reason that as long as they provide water, there will be no shortage of water in the trading market, and water cannot be sold at a high price.

However, if there is no packaging, water cannot be directly put on the shelves of the trading market like resources such as wood and stone, and you must have packaging.

This one alone has made it difficult for many people. Those who landed in the bamboo forest can do well, cut down the bamboo, use the bamboo to make packaging, and sell it in the trading market. Most people cannot get the packaging.

As for the original body, she just came out of the supermarket. Coincidentally, she bought a hundred disposable cups at that time, so she took these disposable cups, filled them with water, sold them, and made a lot of money.

This was also one of the ways Yuanshen made his fortune at that time.

However, at that time, Yuanshen didn't know the future development, so she collected coins at that time, but knowing the future development of An Ran, naturally she would not collect coins, and mainly collected wood.

The reason why they mainly collect wood is that after the five-day protection period, the first wave of beasts will usher in. When facing the battle, many people will lack wood and other resources in order to repair the defense towers and walls, and fill the defense tower arrows , especially wood, is the most lacking, because wood is the most widely used material in the territory, so naturally it is also the most lacking.

So Anron can exchange water for wood now, and exchange wood for coins in the future, instead of exchanging coins at the beginning.

The reason why An Ran didn't trade water at the beginning was because the player had the water provided by the novice gift pack at the beginning, and the player was not very thirsty for the time being, so the price was very low.

But as many people felled wood and quarried rocks, they were hot and tired, and they drank all the water, so they needed water.

No way, the water provided by the novice gift pack is said to be for one day to drink, which means that it is enough for a day when the player is not doing anything. This logging and quarrying is so hard, and I will be thirsty after a while. I need to drink water. The novice gift pack The little water provided is not enough for a day.

Players who do things drink up the water, become thirstier, and pay higher and higher prices. Anron plans to put water on the shelf until then.

When a player enters the game, no matter whether it is day or night in Blue Star, it is always in the morning when they enter the game, so after noon, more and more people need to drink water.

An Ran saw that the purchase price was getting higher and higher, and more and more people were begging for water on the World Channel, so she began to put water on the shelves.

Fill a disposable paper cup with 200ml of water, and Anron sets up a bidding transaction for purchasing wood.

An Ran didn't want to torture people either, so she set a bidding time that was too long, and only set a one-hour bidding time, and the highest bidder won.

(End of this chapter)

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