Chapter 2918 Lord Game 3
Anran put ten glasses of water on the shelves in one go, and she didn’t worry about the depreciation of the goods, because the supply was less than the demand, and people were very thirsty, so they didn’t feel that there was a lot of water, so they could wait slowly. Water is the source of life, and with Timber and stone resources are different. For those things, if the trading market is expensive, everyone will still be in the mood to wait slowly. This requires drinking water, but they are not in the mood to wait slowly.

At this time, An Ran has already collected a lot of wood and stone materials, and is now in the construction project, finding a building that can be built in the first-level territory.

The buildings that can be built in the first-level territory at present include: farmhouse, first-level tailor shop, first-level blacksmith shop, first-level restaurant, first-level barracks, and first-level medical hall.

There are no population requirements for the initial buildings.

But in the future, except for building houses, there will be no population requirements. Others, such as tailor shops, have population requirements. Not only can the main building be built, but also the population can be built.

Building a farmhouse can increase the population limit. Building a farmhouse can increase the population limit by 5. Later, when you reach the second-level territory or above, you can build villas, small buildings, high-rises, etc., and you can increase the population even more.

The population determines the upper limit of the number of NPCs that players can buy. If the upper limit of population is not enough, you will not be able to buy the NPCs you want.

That is to say, more houses must be built, and more houses can buy more useful NPCs.

Now that An Ran had enough wood, he began to build the farmhouse.

System: "Do you want to spend 50 wood, 500 copper coins, and build a farmhouse? After construction, the population limit will be increased by 5 people. Yes/No"

An Ran clicked yes, and soon, like the previous Lord's Mansion, a farmhouse appeared out of thin air, no need to build it, the game is so convenient, as long as you provide the materials, it can conjure corresponding things.

Seeing that the population limit changed from 0 to 5, An Ran went to buy NPCs to help her with work.

At present, An Ran bought three loggers and two quarrymen from the NPCs that can be purchased in the first-level territory to help him work.

There are no special requirements for these two types of work, as long as a certain salary is paid every day, they can do things for the lord.

In fact, there are still many NPCs that can be purchased in the first-level territory, but many of them have requirements.

For example, you can buy a tailor, but you need a tailor shop; you can also buy soldiers, but you must have a barracks, etc.

An Ran doesn't have enough wood and coins for the time being, so she plans to wait until the water is sold and resources are available before building these things.

She doesn't have to worry about buying NPCs for the full amount. She will build a tailor shop later, but because the quota is exhausted, she can't buy NPCs and make things for herself, because there will be wood and coins later, and she will continue to build farmhouses , increase the maximum population that can be summoned.

Soon, the ten glasses of water that An Ran put on the shelves were all sold out an hour later.

Except for a glass of water, An Ran received money, and a glass of water received stone materials, and for the other eight cups, An Ran received all wood.

Probably because there were many people who wanted to drink water, each glass of water was finally sold for about 200 units of wood or stone, and those who received the money received 2000 copper coins.

At the moment, wood or stone is about 10 copper coins each, so the price is about the same.

But when the animal tide comes, some people are in urgent need of wood, and the market will move on hearing the wind, and it will rise tenfold.

This wave of money, the original body did not make money, An Ran was planning to earn it, so that she could live a better life in the future. You must know that the original body was struggling, and life was too tight, and life was very difficult. Obviously, this is not what An Ran wants to experience. of.

After selling ten cups of water, An Ran put another ten cups on the shelves again, and continued to bid for one hour according to the purchase ratio just now.

With the resources, An Ran quickly built two more farmhouses, and then built a restaurant.

The tailor shop can make equipment, the blacksmith shop can make weapons, the barracks can summon soldiers, the medical hall can heal, and can also make medicines such as blue and blood recovery, restaurants can provide food, and the food can increase the status, all of which are good things.

The reason why the restaurant was built first was because the original body came out of the supermarket. Although there was food in the bag, it was basically snacks. Anran wanted to keep it for later and eat slowly. As for the bread provided by the novice gift pack, it was a bit dry, and Anran ate it for lunch After that, I didn't want to continue to eat at night, and I wanted to eat something hot, so I built a restaurant.

Level [-] restaurant: In most cases, only ordinary food can be made, and there is a [-]% chance to make food with attributes.

An Ran doesn't need food with attributes for the time being, so she plans to eat ordinary food after the restaurant is built, and food with attributes will be sold in the trading market for wood.

The restaurant was built, and a chef NPC was recruited.

But it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, and without ingredients, it's useless.

Of course there are ingredients in the trading market, but it would be a luxury to buy them all the time. Now An Ran bought two farmer NPCs to help with the farming.

There are no seeds for the time being, and An Ran is not in a hurry. He has designated a place and asked two farmer NPCs to reclaim the land for the time being. When the demon wolves are killed tomorrow, they will drop food, seeds, equipment, etc., and they can be planted by then. .

Because there were no ingredients for the time being, An Ran bought some ingredients from the trading market and asked the chef NPC to make today's food.

An Ran doesn't want to buy too expensive ingredients, because if the ingredients are too expensive, first-class restaurants can't produce much with attributes, except for eating for themselves, if they sell them, they probably won't be able to sell them at a high price, after all, at the moment everyone To save money, no one would buy expensive food without attributes.

So what An Ran bought was ordinary flour, and besides asking the other party to make a bowl of hand-rolled noodles for herself, the chef asked the chef to steam a lot of steamed buns.

This kind of cheap ingredients can make a lot of steamed buns. Depending on the quantity, there will definitely be ingredients with attributes in them. Such ingredients are sold online. Because of the low cost, they can be sold and sold. Selling it at a good price, in terms of profit margin, is much better than buying those expensive ingredients.

An Ran's guess was right. Soon, the chef used the flour she gave to make twenty steamed buns, two of which had attributes.

Name: Ordinary steamed buns

Quality: Normal

Use effect: Recover 1 point of health per second, lasting 20 seconds.

Both steamed buns have this effect.

In this game, whether it is equipment or pills, there are six levels: common, excellent, rare, legendary, epic, and mythical, which are roughly equivalent to the white, green, blue, purple, orange, and gold that everyone usually talks about.

If there is no label of quality, it is a food. Once the label of quality appears, it means that it has attributes.

An Ran can't use these two steamed buns for the time being, so she put the steamed buns on the shelf, set the price directly, and didn't engage in bidding. After all, sometimes people just need things like blood boosting. People's lives are gone, so why bid for the price, and those who don't need it may not buy it for a while, so she directly set the price according to the market price.

(End of this chapter)

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