Chapter 3218 Harem 21
But now, the memory of the original body is gone, and An Ran needs to do something now. Fortunately, at this time, she has been promoted and has her own team, so she can do some confidential things. The timing is just right .

After An Ran inspected and passed a few reliable people, he immediately ordered them to investigate who Empress Liu had harmed in the palace, so that she could use it to deal with Empress Liu in the future.

In fact, if Empress Liu hadn't harmed her countless times, even Yuanshen and her had been killed countless times—if it wasn't for being able to reverse the file, it would be dead—Anran never thought of causing trouble for Empress Liu.

But since Empress Liu wanted to kill her since she entered the palace, then An Ran is not a holy mother, so naturally she wants to fight back.

Empress Liu had been the one who harmed her before. She cleaned up the person who harmed her, and it was over. It was fine if she didn't find the person behind the scenes, and she didn't continue to look for it.

It's not that she doesn't look for it, it's that she doesn't have reliable people to look for. Now that she has her own people, An Ran will naturally find out the things that Empress Liu committed in the palace, and use them when she is dealt with in the future.

She believed that Empress Liu had killed herself so many times, and she must have used the same method to kill many other concubines. As long as she investigated carefully, she would definitely be able to get an answer that satisfied her.

She didn't order the newly appointed people to investigate the affairs of the Liu family outside, because she knew that the Liu family had political enemies watching outside, so she didn't need to investigate by herself, and her own ministers would investigate, and they would investigate much more clearly than herself.

As for the affairs in the palace, even if people outside sent people or bought people to investigate, they were not in the palace, and sometimes there were certain situations, they still didn't know, unlike myself, who was in the palace, who knew clearly.

Hearing that An Ran wanted to investigate who Empress Liu had harmed, those who were ordered by An Ran, one or two, were naturally very surprised.

There is no way, Empress Liu's image outside is very good, the harm is done by others, and the people who did it committed suicide in fear of crime, no one has ever said that what they did was ordered by Empress Liu , so outsiders don't know what Empress Liu has done, and they think she is a good queen. At this moment, when An Ran ordered them to investigate, these people will be surprised.

But after all, he was the one who passed the inspection safely, so although he was surprised at the moment, he still took orders to do it.

An Ran saw that although they had doubts, but did not object, and took over the matter to do it, she couldn't help but nodded secretly, thinking that she really deserved to be a person who passed her own inspection, and her level was still good.

Not to mention that An Ran has sent people to investigate Empress Liu, but said that now, after An Ran has been promoted to the fourth rank of Zhaoyi, the concubines in the palace will have much less trouble with her. After all, the number of concubines above such a high position is very small, and most of them Relying on their own status, they will not be like low-ranking concubines who will make trouble for others regardless of face. Most high-ranking concubines, no matter what they do in private, are still smiling and kind on the surface. Like Concubine Cao, they are Empress Liu's dog , There are very few people who bite directly.

That's fine, An Ran doesn't expect these people to be really kind to her, as long as she can maintain a superficial kindness, it's better than those low-ranking concubines she met when she was in a low position, and directly troubled her regardless of face.

Without needing to spend her mind on dealing with other concubines' obvious faults, An Ran would have more time to arrange other things, for example, to start collecting information on those who harmed her.

Before this matter, An Ran was handed over to the Empress Dowager Yu, for example, if she knew who had a problem, she handed it over to the Empress Dowager Yu to investigate the situation of this person.

Sometimes the Empress Dowager Yu can find out what this person did, and sometimes she can't, but no matter whether the investigation is able to find out or not, the Empress Dowager Yu is always the same: say hello to the people in the Punishment Department, and arrest the person. leave now.

From the Queen Mother's point of view, it is better to kill by mistake than let it go. Besides, as long as there is no crime, you don't have to be afraid to enter the Criminal Division. On the contrary, if you commit a crime, you will enter the Criminal Division. They will investigate what these people have done. It is also much more convenient than myself.

And because the list that An Ran handed over to the Queen Mother is questionable, so most people think that what they did has been exposed when they see that they have been caught by the Punishment Department. Afraid of the severe punishment from the Punishment Department, he committed suicide by taking poison directly. In this way, many things were left unresolved.

And the death of a small fish and shrimp will not do any harm to Empress Liu or other people who instigated them. They can continue to instigate people to harm themselves. Anyway, there are many people. , She caught someone, and then made him commit suicide in fear of crime, which was of little use.

In order for the other party to be useful, the person who instigated the other party must be found out.

Of course, it is difficult to do this kind of thing, because there are too many people who do bad things in the palace, so naturally they have practiced some methods to prevent people from discovering the behind-the-scenes messengers. Leaking the identity, anyway, the money and the goods are equal, so there is no need to reveal the identity.

Of course, not everyone is so smart. Some people may not have mastered this skill, or have mastered it, but the people she instigates are also high-ranking, and they discovered her identity. After all, the people she instigates do not want to be Cannon fodder, so some people want to dig out the identity of the instigator. Once something happens to these people in the future, if the instigator makes them take the blame but does not give them enough benefits, they will use this as a threat to get enough money. The benefits are left to the family.

So what An Ran is looking for is this kind of person who knows the identity of the instigator.

Of course, these things cannot be found out in a day, so An Ran only investigates slowly, and more often, she still does game tasks.

Empress Liu didn't know that since An Ran was promoted to Zhaoyi, she had the ability to fight back against her, so she just continued to find someone to harm An Ran.

Empress Liu would not know that An Ran's development is also normal, after all, An Ran did not tell Empress Liu that she has her own power.

That being the case, from Empress Liu's point of view, the current An Ran is no different from the previous An Ran.

Of course, although Empress Liu didn't know about Anran's development, just seeing that Anran's status had improved again, Empress Liu also knew that Anran was becoming more and more difficult to deal with. Also getting stronger.

This is also very normal, as Yu Anran's status improves, there will inevitably be followers, and followers appear, but it is not because of the increase in power, after all, Yu Anran used to fight alone, and now, she also has a younger brother.

It is normal for Yu Anran to have followers, because, just like outside the palace, her father is not covering the sky with one hand, nor is she covering the sky with one hand in the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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