Chapter 3219 Harem 22
Empress Liu's influence is very strong, but there is a queen mother in the palace, and there are concubines who do not flatter her, and now there is Yu Anran who has the background of the queen mother and is not afraid of herself. It is normal to take refuge in Yu Anran who is getting more and more favored now. After all, many people in the palace are the kind of people who follow the wind and think that Yu Anran has a bright future, so it is normal to flatter him.

But she thinks those people are people with brain problems, because it doesn't matter if Yu Anran is favored, not to mention the power of the Yu family, even the power of the Empress Dowager's natal family is not as good as her own family, after all, her father is the chief assistant , My family is also named a marquis because I am a queen, has a title, and has power. In the future, Yu Anran will be able to compete with my family?It's not a bad idea to run to such a person with a shallow background.

It doesn't mean that there is no future for following the concubine, like those emperors who hold great power, following their concubine, there is indeed a future, and even the family members can follow the prosperity, but there is not much real power in today's world. The real power lies with his father, and In the hands of other important ministers, the emperor himself does not have much power. Although according to his parents, the emperor has always wanted to take back the power, but the civil service group is united, and it is not easy for the emperor to shake it.

And an emperor who doesn't have much power, no one cares about him what he wants to do, let alone his favorite concubine, how much energy can he have.

This is also the reason why Empress Liu laughed at those people who took refuge in An Ran and were out of their minds.

The fact is the same, but Empress Liu may not have thought about it. There is a saying that the world is changeable, and nothing is static.

No matter how great the power is, there will be a day when it disappears; no matter how high the status is, there will be a time when it will fall into the clouds.

Although Liu Shoufu has the power all over the world, he may be pulled down by his political opponents or die. All these will cause the Liu family's power to collapse instantly.

No matter how empress Liu is, once it is revealed that she has harmed so many people, even her father will not be able to protect her.

Nothing is set in stone.

If she didn't think of this, Empress Liu would feel arrogant, which is normal.

Did she think that her father would live on forever, and the things she did would never come to light?
Even if what she did didn't come to light, under normal circumstances, her father would definitely die before the emperor. When her father dies and the Liu family loses power, what good can she do according to what she is doing in the palace now? What's next?
As for the emperor, according to An Ran, he firmly believed that he could live longer than Liu Shoufu, and one day he would be able to take care of Empress Liu, so he has been taking care of his body. He is not very keen on the harem, only keen on exercising his body.

Apparently, the emperor was thinking that with Liu Shoufu present, he would not be able to regain power. He could only wait for Liu Shoufu to die before he could regain power, so he was recharging his energy.

Empress Liu didn't realize that the emperor was recharging her energy, she only thought that her family's power was overwhelming, and there would never be a day of decline. With such a shallow vision, she was doomed to her future fate.

But now Empress Liu is still very powerful.

Seeing that the emperor took advantage of the fact that Cao Concubine was executed, frightened him, quailed for a while, and promoted An Ran by two ranks to Zhaoyi, Empress Liu couldn't help feeling angry and wanted to trouble An Ran.

Now she can find troubles with An Ran directly, because An Ran is now in this position, and can greet the queen every day.

Now that we can face it face to face, the method that Empress Liu used to make things difficult for others can naturally be used on An Ran.

No, as soon as An Ran entered Empress Liu's palace today, and greeted Empress Liu, Empress Liu stopped her and said, "I just received a complaint from Song Cairen in your palace, saying that the Cui Gongren in your palace Is there such a thing as stealing her jewelry?"

As I said before, most of the people who live in Concubine Cao's palace are Concubine Cao's dog legs, that is, Queen Liu's dog legs. They are naturally Empress Liu's people, but their status is too low to be directly Queen Liu's dog legs , Only then became the dog's leg of a dog's leg.

Now that Concubine Cao is dead, and An Ran has not moved out of Jiyue Palace, what should Empress Liu do if she wants to control Jiyue Palace? Opportunity to talk directly with Empress Liu.

With such a good opportunity to climb up, Song Cairen was naturally excited, and also wanted to express that he would win the chance to be promoted, so now that Empress Liu asked her to bite An Ran's palace maid, she naturally said nothing Don't say anything, I agreed, after all, Empress Liu hinted to her that as long as she finishes this matter, she will be promoted after the matter is completed, which makes Song Cairen unwilling.

Besides, although this Cui Gong man didn't steal her things, she heard people say that the other party's hands and feet were indeed dirty.

In this way, even if he framed this person, others would only clap their hands and applaud, without thinking that she was wronging her.

Hearing what Empress Liu said, An Ran couldn't help frowning slightly.

This person from Cui Gong will have a reputation for being dirty. Obviously, the other party is not a good person.

In fact, there is indeed a problem with this person, but the other party belongs to the Empress Dowager Yu. She reminded her a few times, but the other party did not pay attention to her and did not listen to her advice, so An Ran is planning to send this person away. On the premise of offending the Queen Mother, the person was changed.

She was worrying about how to send away such a piece of rubbish. After hearing what Empress Liu said, she had an idea. She wanted to borrow Empress Liu's hand to get rid of this Cui Gongren, and then fill her place. My own people kill two birds with one stone, just right.

However, she couldn't show that she was happy to send Cui Gong people away by Empress Liu's hand, lest Empress Liu would become suspicious and not help to send them away, but she should show a look of helplessness. In this way, Empress Liu felt that It made her feel sad to be able to clean her up, and she might use this as an excuse in the future to often get rid of the Queen Mother, thinking that she was causing trouble for herself.

Thinking of this, An Ran now looked terrified and pleaded guilty, and said: "I don't know if there is such a thing, or if I ask her here, maybe it's a misunderstanding..."

Empress Liu frowned, and said, "What misunderstanding! You mean that Song Cairen, a dignified empress, would wrong a little maid?"

An Ran muttered: "Everything must be based on evidence..."

Empress Liu sneered and said, "I will investigate this matter, you should go back first."

Not long after An Ran returned, Empress Liu sent someone to invite Cui Gongren, and soon after, Empress Liu announced that Cui Gongren had confessed, saying that she had indeed stolen Song Cairen's things.

——In fact, Cui Gongren can also not confess. After all, she did not steal Song Cairen's things, but she stole other people's things. Empress Liu said that if she wants to confess, she can still let her live, or else confess , When she is handed over to the Punishment Department, it will be found that she has stolen other people's things, which is still a dead word.

(End of this chapter)

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