Chapter 3220 Harem 23
Cui Gongren heard from Empress Liu that as long as she made a confession, she would be given a way to survive, so she naturally took this charge.

But in fact, Empress Liu would give the other party a living because of the other party's confession. After all, she was a confession. In fact, the Cui Gong people did not steal Song Cairen's jewelry at all. It would be bad to bite her back, so when I got the confession, I beat the person twenty times. Although she didn't die for a while, it was in line with her promise, but it didn't take long for her to be dragged back, and the injury was infected. Passed away.

She did this on purpose, of course, because she knew that if the board was hit hard, it would kill someone, but it didn't kill her for a while, but she would still die afterwards, so her so-called promise was a lie.

After killing Cui Gongren and making the confession of Cui Gongren unsubstantiated, Empress Liu fined the palace servants for three months on the grounds that An Ran was ineffective in discipline.

This is Empress Liu's little calculation, she wanted to find a reason to lock Anran for a period of time, so that the emperor would not be able to find Anran to sleep with her and give her a promotion.

Otherwise, the emperor ignores the punished concubine, still summons her to bed, and gives her a promotion, how can she convince the public.

Even if the emperor insisted on doing this, she could still dissuade her for a while. It was better than shutting Yu Anran up. The emperor always asked her to sleep with her, and then she was promoted. She couldn't persuade her at all.

Yu Ping'an's confinement, not only has the benefits in this respect, but also lets those who follow the wind know who is the master of the palace!

He still dares to rely on Anran, hmph, Yu Anran can't protect himself, yet he dares to rely on her, and he is not afraid of being implicated by her.

Needless to say, Empress Liu's move really made the palace wait and see if An Ran could fight back. If An Ran couldn't fight back, then she had to think about taking refuge, after all, it was just like Empress Liu wanted to As they said, if Yu Anran couldn't even protect herself, and they still took refuge, wouldn't they be taken over by Empress Liu?

An Ran didn't care what the people in the palace thought, because she believed that as her power grew, people would naturally join her, and she didn't have to worry about Empress Liu locking herself up. Others would just wait and see. People are not worth pity.

In fact, An Ran is happy to be locked up right now, because being locked up by Empress Liu saves An Ran from explaining to the Queen Mother about Cui Gong people.

It's all right now, An Ran can't go out, she just completed the personnel arrangement for Cui Gong's people in the courtyard, even if the Empress Dowager Yu sends someone here in the future, she can no longer drive away the people she arranged, and there is no way to send people away The arrangement came in, of course, if she didn't dislike it, she could also take over the rough work that her people had done before.

An Ran was glad that she didn't have to come forward to solve a person belonging to the Empress Dowager. On the Empress Dowager's side, when she heard that Empress Liu had locked An Ran, she even found a reason for a confidant she had sent over to beat her to death. She was so angry that when Empress Liu greeted her, she pointed at her nose and yelled at her——Empress Dowager Yu is the mother-in-law of Empress Liu in name, so Empress Liu naturally wanted to greet Empress Dowager Yu every day Even if she doesn't pay attention to the queen mother, this kind of etiquette is indispensable, otherwise someone in the previous court would definitely use this to cause trouble and impeach her and even her natal family. After all, her father has many political enemies.

"Bitch! Aijia wanted to keep you safe, why did you beat the person Aijia gave to Zhaoyi with a cane for no reason, and put Zhaoyi in confinement! Do you think that you have a good father? You can do whatever you want, and even ignore the Ai family?"

Empress Dowager Yu's scolding, in Empress Liu's eyes, was impotent and furious, so after hearing Empress Dowager Yu's words, Empress Liu couldn't help but sneer, thinking that you can only be furious like this, what can you do to me.

Although I thought so in my heart, I couldn't show it on my face, so Empress Liu still put on a look of panic at the right time, and said: "The queen mother calms down, how dare the daughter-in-law, it's just that the palace man committed a crime, and the daughter-in-law will be punished." Yes, and Yu Zhaoyi's ineffective discipline is also a fact. What's wrong with confinement for three months? Why does it involve not paying attention to the mother? Could it be that the daughter-in-law takes care of the harem and even commits a crime? Palace people can’t be punished, and even concubines have no right to manage it?”

If the Empress Dowager Yu really dared to say this, if it got out, she would be making trouble for no reason.

Empress Dowager Yu naturally knew this truth, her blood pressure rose involuntarily, her brain was buzzing, and she pointed at Empress Liu, her fingers trembling, and said, "Okay! You are indeed the daughter of Liu Shoufu! The son of the Ai family in front of you is under the supervision of your father." Aijia will be angry with you later, your family is such a loyal and filial son!"

Although the emperor is not her own son, but as a aunt, she can naturally be called a son.

Empress Liu saw that the Empress Dowager Yu was trembling with anger, and thought she was funny. After all, was it wrong to manage the harem by herself?Does this make her angry too?

Even if Cui Gong didn't steal Song Cairen's things, she deliberately wronged Song Cairen, but her hands and feet were indeed dirty, so she cleaned her up, what's wrong?Yu Anran didn't manage her subordinates well, she put her in confinement, is it wrong?
But Empress Liu didn't continue to provoke her, she was afraid that the queen mother would be too angry, so don't go back to the west all at once, and then she will bear the reputation of being an angry queen mother, and it will be bad.

Because no matter how much the Empress Dowager Yu scolded, Empress Liu would not answer her words, so the Empress Dowager Yu could only hop around for a while, and let it go temporarily.

That's right, just forget it temporarily, in fact, Empress Dowager Yu hated Empress Liu so much that she wanted to clean her up, so she, like An Ran, arranged for people to dig deep into the shitty things Empress Liu did.

She couldn't believe it. Empress Liu had done so many things, and there was no flaw in one time, and she swept her tail cleanly every time, so that she couldn't catch her.

While trying to catch Empress Liu, she frequently troubled Empress Liu.

Empress Liu was able to find trouble with An Ran by virtue of her higher status than An Ran, so naturally Empress Dowager Yu could follow suit and find trouble with Empress Liu by virtue of her status as a mother-in-law.

It just so happened that the Liu family had once troubled the Empress Dowager's natal family. They knew they couldn't beat the Liu family, so they endured it, but now the Empress Dowager was so angry that she didn't want to bear it anymore, so they started to make trouble for Empress Liu.

Of course, the main reason is that the Empress Dowager Yu felt that An Ran was very favored now, and the emperor was probably very angry when he saw that Empress Liu had put An Ran in confinement.

They both made trouble for Empress Liu. If the Liu family dared to attack them because of this, the Liu family might not be able to succeed if they jointly resisted. People who are hostile to the Liu family, with so much power added together, even if the Liu family is dominant and the other families are twisted together, the Liu family has to weigh whether they can resist so many people.

(End of this chapter)

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