Chapter 3234 Harem 37
Of course, strengthening the power of Liu Shoufu's political opponents is not an easy task. Liu Shoufu will compete with political opponents for any key position and place people. After all, Liu Shoufu is not stupid, and Liu Shoufu can place people wherever you want.

For general key positions, such as the position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Liu Shoufu will definitely fight to the end, and he must install his own people, and he will do everything for this, including slandering the opponent, and even physically destroying the opponent.

As for insignificant positions such as the Ministry of Industry and Rites, although Liu Shoufu will fight for it, if he really can't get it, then forget it. After all, he always physically eliminates his opponents, and it is easy to be discovered.

And once discovered, no matter how powerful Liu Shoufu is, he will not be able to survive. After all, he can continue to be the chief assistant after killing someone. , or in other words, he has no soldiers and no military power, so he can't kill people without being punished.

The military power of this dynasty is currently jointly controlled by the cabinet and the emperor. Neither party can mobilize military power. Otherwise, the military power will be in the hands of the emperor. You can do whatever you want, and you don't need to make calculations like this with others.

Although Liu Shoufu will fight for some key positions, most people can't get them.

However, even if you strive for it, people are different.

For example, some people are powerful, and Liu Shoufu puts that person in a key position, which is very useful, but some people are not good, and even hold back. Liu Shoufu puts that person in a key position, which is not only useless, but may even have a counterproductive effect.

So An Ran's idea is that she will not compete with Liu Shoufu for the key positions, but she will find a way to replace the people Liu Shoufu arranges in key positions with pig teammates, drag Liu Shoufu's hind legs, and weaken Liu Shoufu's strength. Row.

This is not difficult. After all, even if Liu Shoufu wants to arrange his people in key positions, his people are still competing with each other. It is impossible to have a good position without no competition.

In the case of competition, An Ran can help the pig teammates to use their strength to make the opponent take the lead.

Now, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials is old and is about to change people. Liu Shoufu is going to use a few capable people under his command to see who he can get.

As for An Ran, she intends to let a person who, according to her investigation, have serious corruption and corruption come to power, and when the time comes, when this person is in power, after a while, the corruption and corruption of this person will be exposed, and this person is strongly recommended by Liu Shoufu Those who go up, such a big incident, will definitely become the emperor and his political opponents, and attack him fiercely. Maybe at that time, Liu Shoufu, who can be forced to make way, will release some positions to the emperor or his political opponents The people who arranged for people to go up.

If this goes on and on, Liu Shoufu's power will gradually weaken one day.

So soon, a conversation took place in the queen's palace.

Her first dog-leg Concubine Ding said to Empress Liu: "Your Majesty, the candidate for Minister of the Ministry of Officials...Has Liu Shoufu confirmed who it is?"

Empress Liu heard her ask this, and glanced at her, obviously wondering why she asked this, does her father want to be the Minister of the Ministry of Officials?But I never heard from my father that Mr. Ding is going to compete for the position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials. After all, Mr. Ding is now the Minister of the Ministry of Households, in charge of the real court money bag. This position is also very good. If she went to be the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, then her father would have to go to recruit candidates for the Minister of the Household Department, and it would be a headache.

Empress Liu, who didn't know the reason, said, "No, why did you ask this?"

Concubine Ding smiled and said: "As expected, it's no wonder Mrs. Gao is in a hurry—she found my mother and asked my concubine to help her express her feelings in front of her. The empress raised her mouth, as for whether it will be successful, the concubine will not know."

But Concubine Ding knows that since she mentions it, Empress Liu will definitely sell her face. After all, Empress Liu has lost Cao Concubine's right-hand man, and Concubine Yu is in full swing. If she doesn't win over herself, she will be weak in the palace. of.

Sure enough, just as Concubine Ding thought, Empress Liu laughed after hearing her words: "I will mention this to my father, so it shouldn't be a big problem, after all, my father also said before that he prefers to let Mrs. Gao take over." In charge of the Ministry of Officials."

In fact, her father never said that at all. He only said that there were a few candidates, and Mr. Gao was one of them.

Concubine Ding heard what Empress Liu said, and knew that the matter would be successful in nine out of ten cases, so she couldn't help but be happy. After all, it meant that she was doing well in the palace, and that this kind of thing could be done. She pays more attention to it.

And the more her natal family valued her, the more money she would be given to spend in the palace, and the better her life in the palace would be.

Concubine Ding was able to speak for Mrs. Gao, so she was naturally encouraged by An Ran to send someone in front of Mrs. Gao, saying that Empress Liu valued Concubine Ding, and she might succeed if she asked Mrs. Gao to find Mrs. Ding and ask Concubine Ding for help.

The reason why An Ran encouraged Mrs. Gao to ask Concubine Ding for help was because Concubine Ding had an unusual relationship with Empress Liu, as long as she was willing to intercede, it would definitely be useful; secondly, because Concubine Ding’s mother was a fellow villager with Mrs. Gao— My hometown is in the same place - it's useless for Mrs. Gao to find someone else. Looking for Mrs. Ding, with the friendship from the same hometown, there is still hope to persuade Mrs. Ding. After all, there is such a relationship. It's also a good thing for the Ding family.

An Ran's guess was correct, Master Ding agreed to help Master Gao, so he let Mrs. Ding enter the palace and told her daughter about it, and then the incident happened that Concubine Ding talked to Empress Liu earlier.

And Empress Liu did, as An Ran expected, to give Concubine Ding this little face, especially after the death of her other powerful assistant Concubine Cao, she naturally relied more heavily on Concubine Ding's side, so it was natural to see her intercede. It means that she knows and will tell Liu Shoufu.

For the purpose of winning over Concubine Ding and Lord Ding, after Empress Liu told Liu Shoufu, Liu Shoufu hesitated for a while, but she still agreed, and Lord Gao took over as Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

Anyway, Mr. Gao is also one of the candidates he considers, and it is fine for him to take over.

An Ran saw that the Minister of the Ministry of Officials was successfully taken over by Mr. Gao, so he couldn't help smiling, and secretly said to Liu Shoufu, just wait for Mr. Gao to cheat you.

And An Ran's doing so has the effect of killing two birds with one stone—afterwards, when Empress Liu heard that her father was unlucky because of Mrs. Gao, she might be angry with Concubine Ding. Such a wrong person went up, something happened.

And Concubine Ding will definitely be angry if she is angered like this, and the relationship between the two will be cracked by then.

(End of this chapter)

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