Chapter 3235 Harem 38
Ten thousand steps back, even if Empress Liu knows that she can't anger Concubine Ding, lest she be unhappy and create a gap between herself and her power in the palace, but she will definitely have a gap with Concubine Ding in her heart, thinking that she is out of her mind Sober, harming my own home.

In this way, if Concubine Ding wants to make any suggestions in the future, Empress Liu may have to think about whether to listen to Concubine Ding.

As for Concubine Ding, seeing what she said, Empress Liu didn't listen, so I'm afraid she would be unhappy.

Slowly, a rift may appear between the two of them.

So no matter how you say it, An Ran can kill two birds with one stone by doing this. It can not only trap Liu Shoufu, but also slowly tear some rifts between Empress Liu and Concubine Ding.

Empress Liu and Concubine Ding didn't know that they had been plotted by An Ran, and the candidates for the Ministry of Officials were successfully in the hands of Liu Shoufu, especially Mr. Gao recommended by Concubine Ding. Both of them were very happy.

You know, the position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials is very important, and it is naturally the place that Liu Shoufu must contend for, but political opponents also want this position. After all, this position not only manages the appointment and dismissal of hundreds of officials, but also enters the cabinet and becomes one of the elders of the cabinet. I don't want it.

Now that Liu Shoufu has successfully snatched it, the two are naturally happy.

They were happy, but the emperor was naturally unhappy.

You must know that the former Minister of the Ministry of Officials, because of his advanced age, only wanted to be wise and safe, so although he did not lean towards the emperor, so as not to be targeted by Liu Shoufu, he did not completely lean towards Liu Shoufu, so to the emperor, he was considered his own.

Now the newly replaced person has become Liu Shoufu's dog leg. He doesn't know An Ran's arrangement, and he doesn't know that this person is a pig teammate. It's better for him to be superior, he only sees the power of the Liu family becoming stronger again, can he be happy?
As soon as the emperor was upset, he promoted An Ran to another level, turning An Ran from an untitled concubine to An Concubine.

The emperor had no other choice but to respond to the Liu family, so he could only do this.

An Ran didn't know if Liu's family was affected, but the emperor did this, Empress Liu and Concubine Ding were obviously affected, and they were poured a day before they were happy about the Minister of the Ministry of Officials for two days. Basin of cold water.

When Empress Liu saw that the emperor promoted An Ran again, she was naturally even more angry, but now that An Ran's power is getting stronger and stronger, her previous small actions, such as poisoning, are impossible to do; It is difficult to engage in Enron, so the anger cannot be vented, and it becomes impotent and furious.

But some eunuchs and concubines in the palace who couldn't distinguish the situation didn't know that Liu Shoufu's power in the previous dynasty had strengthened again. Seeing that An Ran was getting more and more favored, they felt that An Ran's future was limitless, so more people took refuge in An Ran. It made An Ran's eyeliner more in the palace, and made it more difficult for Empress Liu to harm her. On the contrary, it was easier for her to mess with Empress Liu.

Empress Liu was furious when she saw that more people had turned to Anran, making Anran's power stronger and stronger. She "exchanged opinions" with Concubine Ding in her own palace: "These idiots don't know how powerful my father is. Now that she is strong, seeing Yu's upgrade again, she feels that Yu is very powerful, one or two praise her stinky feet, it's really frustrating."

Concubine Ding naturally didn't want to see such a situation. After all, more and more people were relying on An Ran, her status in the palace was naturally equivalent to a disguised decline, just like Empress Liu's status was also declining in a disguised form, so now Then he echoed: "Isn't it? However, these people are short-sighted. They don't know the difference between Mr. Gao and the former Minister of the Ministry of Officials. They only think that the former Minister of the Ministry of Officials, like Mr. Gao, has a good relationship with your father. Old Fox, you can't tell from the surface that his relationship with your father is not as good as Mr. Gao's relationship with your father, so it's normal to make such a wrong judgment. You can quietly let the people in the palace know about it. In case some people who don't know the truth, foolishly don't understand the situation, run to join Yu Shi."

Empress Liu said: "The kind of person who sees the wind and turns the rudder, just let him go, there is no need to fight for it."

Empress Liu said this, but she thought the same thing as Concubine Ding in her heart. She really listened to Concubine Ding's words and made people think Mrs. Gao was Liu Shoufu's own person. The fact that Liu Shoufu's power has become stronger after the official secretary was replaced was spread in the palace.

After all, even if they are people who follow the wind, Empress Liu doesn't want them to fall to An Ran and strengthen An Ran's power.

After all, even if you follow the wind, but before you rebel, if you are your own person, you can always do something for yourself, which is better than taking refuge in Yu Anran and doing things for Yu Anran at that time.

Empress Liu's move was still right. Some people in the palace who didn't know the situation really wanted to take refuge in An Ran, but now they heard what Empress Liu's people said, and began to wait and see again.

As for An Ran, naturally it doesn't matter whether these fools take refuge in her or not, anyway, her current manpower is basically enough.

Now the palace is basically dominated by An Ran and Empress Liu, and the power of the Queen Mother has been reduced to a very small size.

Before entering the palace safely, the Empress Dowager Yu's influence in the palace had no sense of existence because of Empress Liu's monopoly on power.

Later, because An Ran was favored, the power of the Empress Dowager Yu developed a little bit.

As a result, the Empress Dowager Yu misjudged the situation, thinking that she could control An Ran, and after An Ran did not help her, she took care of An Ran, and then the emperor intervened, so that An Ran basically had nothing to do with the Empress Dowager now.

In this case, the rise in power brought about by An Ran's favor soon dissipated, and it dissipated even more thoroughly than before An Ran entered the palace, because at that time, the Empress Dowager Yu still had a little power, but now, because of Yu Not only did the Empress Dowager have a bad relationship with Empress Liu and the Emperor, but she also had a bad relationship with Yu Anran, the new favorite concubine. As a result, everyone no longer favored her, so the power naturally dissipated more completely, and there were not many people following her.

Many people in the palace feel that the Queen Mother is stupid, thinking that the emperor would not dare to offend the well-known Empress Liu, so why would he not dare to offend you? Your family depends on the emperor to reward you. He dared to make trouble for His Majesty's favorite concubine when he was eating, he was not stupid or anything.

Even, Niangniang Yu is still a member of your old Yu family. If you don't cherish her, you still want to suppress her. Isn't that even more stupid.

Otherwise, if Empress Dowager Yu hadn't messed around like before, since Empress Yu is doing so well in the palace now, Empress Dowager Yu should be more prosperous than before, instead of becoming more and more down and out like now.

After staying in the palace for a long time, after learning about the situation in the palace, Miss Yu agreed when she heard people say that her aunt was stupid. It would be better to win over one's own family members. If you insist on offending them and torturing them, isn't it too stupid?

(End of this chapter)

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