Chapter 3237 Harem 40
So Empress Liu immediately rejected Empress Dowager Yu's proposal, asked her if she had a better proposal, and made a counter-proposal, saying that Empress Dowager Yu was An Ran's mother-in-law and aunt, and an elder, so it would be easier for Empress Dowager Yu to take care of An Ran. Take action to clean up An Ran.

When the Queen Mother saw it, she couldn't help curling her lips, thinking that if she could clean up Yu Anran, she would have done it long ago. Isn't that what she did before?In the end, she was scolded by the emperor, how could she dare to do this, after all, she wanted to repair the relationship with the emperor, not to make the quarrel worse.

The two pushed each other like this, they both wanted the other party to come forward to deal with An Ran, and for a long time they didn't have a specific protocol for dealing with An Ran.

Even so, An Ran didn't think they were funny because of this, because An Ran knew that there must be a break-in period in the first cooperation, and after the break-in period passed, they would definitely come up with a good way that both parties could accept, and then trouble her.

But An Ran is not worried, she is going to check the situation first, if the situation is not good, she will throw Lord Gao out, surround Wei and save Zhao, then Empress Liu will be too busy to take care of herself, and will not be in the mood to make trouble for herself.

An Ran's guess was good, although at the beginning both the Empress Dowager and Empress Liu expected each other to take action and followed behind to pick up the bargain, but soon the two of them understood that just wanting to take advantage is not going to work, if they don't want to keep going like this Cooperation, but the result of cooperation for a long time did not produce any results, so we must be open and honest, and carry out real cooperation.

Finally, after more than a month of working together, the two people who were unwilling to take a step back finally realized that they had to take a step back in order to produce a cooperative effect. After the two negotiated, they decided to take action together. Not Enron.

The two cooperated together to make troubles for An Ran, thinking that they would make troubles for An Ran at the same time.

Although the two planned to attack at the same time, the routine was still the same. Anyway, there is no need to be afraid of old tricks, as long as they are easy to use.

The two thought, before when they bothered Anran, Anran was able to avoid it because only one of them bothered her, but this time, both of them bothered her at the same time, they didn't believe that Anran could hide come over!
And if he can't escape, it means Yu Anran's death time has come.

An Ran sees that Empress Liu and Empress Dowager Yu have finally gotten along well, and is planning to join hands to find her troubles. She originally planned to expose the lord's bottom after a while, but seeing the small actions of Empress Liu and Empress Dowager Yu now, she plans to do so now. Anyway, Mr. Gao has been in office for a few months. The position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials is a powerful position. According to his personality, he should have a lot of greed in the position, so he can act.

So, when Empress Liu and Empress Dowager Yu started to make trouble for An Ran and wanted to see how An Ran would deal with it, Liu Shoufu's political opponents collected evidence of Mr. Gao's crimes—of course An Ran secretly sent someone to send them over—and soon Dali Temple took Mr. Gao away.

The reason why An Ran can know more about Mr. Gao's crimes than Liu Shoufu's political opponents is mainly because the imperial palace is actually a large intelligence center, and he can understand the situation of various families in Beijing far better than Liu Shoufu's political opponents.

There are tens of thousands of people in the imperial palace, who come from various places, and are inextricably linked with various families in Beijing, so the imperial palace can easily become the place where information is concentrated in the world, just like private teahouses and taverns are also information distribution centers.

Therefore, who An Ran wants to collect information on is no worse than Liu Shoufu's political opponents, because Liu Shoufu's political opponents may not have as many sources of information as they want to investigate.

Because the evidence of Mr. Gao's crime was conclusive, soon Dali Temple and the Ministry of Criminal Justice tried the matter of Mr. Gao clearly and handed it over to the imperial court.

The emperor was delighted when he saw that Mr. Gao had committed a crime. Not only was Mr. Gao resigned, he hoped that someone other than Liu Shoufu could compete again for the position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials, but also because this person was recommended by Liu Shoufu. When something like this happened, he could criticize him openly.

Even if he was worried that his direct criticism would make Liu Shoufu unhappy and trouble him, he didn't need to personally criticize, Liu Shoufu's political opponents would make trouble for him.

Thinking of how much headache Liu Shoufu will have because of this incident, can the emperor be unhappy?

Not only the emperor was happy, but Liu Shoufu's political enemies were also happy.

Unexpectedly, without snatching Liu Shoufu, the position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials was snatched by Liu Shoufu's people. As a result, Liu Shoufu lost it within a few months.

And after this incident, it should not be a problem if the position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials fell into their hands this time. After all, Liu Shoufu committed such a big crime, and he probably wants to quail recently.

Liu Shoufu's political opponents were right, because they copied too much illegal income from Mr. Gao's house, and many of them were greedy in the past few months when they were officials. became awkward.

Even if he is the first assistant and holds great power, it can't alleviate this embarrassment.

And just as An Ran and others expected, Liu Shoufu almost didn't intervene in the fight for the post of official secretary in the subsequent battle. , the opponent naturally failed in the snatch, allowing Liu Shoufu's political opponents to grab the important position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials, which greatly increased the opponent's power.

Naturally, this was not what Liu Shoufu wanted to see.

At the moment, he couldn't help regretting why he had chosen Gao as Minister of the Ministry of Officials and brought him such a big trouble.

It's just that he didn't know that the surname Gao was greedy so much before. If he had known, he would definitely not let him be the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and then someone would find him out. Now he put himself in such a dilemma.

Of course, it's fortunate that he found out now, otherwise, the position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials is so important, he can be greedy more, and he will be accused more severely by then.

After rejoicing, Liu Shoufu began to think back on why he decided to choose Mr. Gao as Minister of the Ministry of Officials from among several candidates.

In the end, after much deliberation, I found out that it was suggested by my wife, and my wife listened to the suggestion of the daughter in the palace. The reason why the daughter suggested it was said to be suggested by my hard-core supporters, the Ding family.

The reason why Mr. Ding didn't directly mention this matter to Liu Shoufu at the beginning was because there were several candidates at that time, Mr. Ding didn't dare to mention this matter directly, lest Liu Shoufu didn't pay attention to Mr. Gao in the end. He proposed Mr. Gao, and other high-ranking people , may have a conflict with him, so he didn't mention it.

But what he didn't expect was that the other party followed his wife's path. As for his wife, she asked the daughter in the palace for help, and made a proposal with Empress Liu. So when he found out, he found that Liu Shoufu had decided to choose Gao My lord is the Minister of the Ministry of officials.

(End of this chapter)

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