Chapter 3238 Harem 41
At this time, Mr. Ding naturally couldn't raise objections. After all, if he raised it again, wouldn't he want to offend Mr. Gao, so the matter was settled like this.

So when something happened to Mr. Gao at this moment, Liu Shoufu couldn't help complaining about how Mr. Ding proposed Mr. Gao to take over the Ministry of Officials, which caused him to be chased and beaten by his political opponents.

After Master Ding heard this, he wanted to call for grievances. After all, he didn't mention it at all, so he immediately described the situation at that time.

Liu Shoufu heard Master Ding say that he did not mention this matter, but his wife was moved by Mrs. Gao and asked his daughter to bring it up. He couldn't help but stomped his feet and said: "My dear brother, you are confused, confused, it is a major court matter. , How can you listen to a woman, besides, your wife intervenes without telling you, this is too childish!"

Mrs. Ding said that he would criticize his wife when he went back, but he thought in his heart, didn't you just listen to your wife's suggestion and choose Mrs. Gao? If you do it yourself, why do you blame others for doing the same?
At the same time, Mr. Ding also remembered that his wife did not directly intervene without telling him. She seemed to have asked himself if Mr. Gao would be able to take over as Minister of the Ministry of Officials, would there be any problem.

I seem to have said at the time that it can be done, no problem.

Because at that time, Mr. Gao was one of the candidates for the Minister of the Ministry of Officials. He was indeed able to do it, no problem, so he said that at the time, no problem.

It is estimated that my wife dared to discuss it with her daughter because she listened to her saying that there was no problem.

He didn't know that Mr. Gao was greedy for so much money.

Speaking of it, not to mention him, even Liu Shoufu didn't know about it, otherwise, Liu Shoufu couldn't have chosen Mr. Gao back then.

So he can't be blamed for this matter, after all, of course he didn't see it, Mr. Gao committed such a big thing, didn't Liu Shoufu also see it?

Master Ding thought so in his heart, of course, he didn't dare to say it out of his mouth, lest Liu Shoufu would be unhappy.

Not mentioning that Liu Shoufu and Master Ding shirk each other's responsibilities, but said that in the palace, Empress Liu soon heard that Master Gao had embezzled a lot of money and was cleaned up. At first, she didn't realize how bad it was for her , After all, if you clean it up, clean it up, and then just replace it with a new person.

It wasn't until the new Minister of the Ministry of Officials was not from her father's family, but a member of her father's political opponents, that she realized that something was wrong, and when she asked her parents, she realized that this matter had such a great impact that it even affected her father's robbing of the Ministry of Officials. The matter of Shangshu's position made her father Wuyan grab the position and use it for promotion for his own people, and finally this position fell into the hands of Liu Jiazheng's opponents.

This is good, one goes up and the other goes up, the power of one's own family is weakened, and the power of the opponent is strengthened, no matter how you look at it, it is not a good thing.

Because of this, Empress Liu really had a problem with Concubine Ding as An Ran thought.

After all, if Concubine Ding hadn't mentioned this matter, she thought that Concubine Ding was her dog's leg, and now that life in the palace is difficult, she still had to rely on Concubine Ding to mention this matter to her old lady, so that her old lady and her old lady Dad mentioned this matter, otherwise, if it were someone else, she wouldn't help at all.

In the end, it was a waste of help to do such a favor just once, so could Empress Liu have no objection to Concubine Ding?

It's just that she really did what An Ran thought, although she had opinions on Concubine Ding, she didn't dare to criticize her, lest the relationship between the two become stagnant, and it would be even more difficult for her to act in the palace, so after receiving the news, she thought Complaining to Concubine Ding, she didn't say anything on the surface.

I just thought in my heart that I still have to think more about what Concubine Ding mentions in the future, so as not to be fooled like this time.

——This is similar to An Ran's previous speculation.

Concubine Ding naturally also heard about this, and she heard that the person she recommended turned out to be a huge greedy man, and now that Dali Temple has punished her, she was naturally very embarrassed, for fear that Empress Liu would blame her.

Fortunately, Empress Liu seemed to be a nice person, so she didn't scold her. This made her secretly think that Empress Liu is so nice, so she should help her even more in the future.

But she soon discovered that she was wrong, Empress Liu was not as good as she imagined.

But after speaking, when she said something, Empress Liu was no longer in most cases like before, she would agree to anything she asked, but now Empress Liu always perfunctory herself when she made suggestions, but did not agree to herself afterwards.

This made Concubine Ding angry, but there was nothing she could do about it. After all, she made such a suggestion before and caused such a catastrophe. It's no wonder Empress Liu didn't dare to listen to her words anymore.

Although she understood, Concubine Ding couldn't accept it. After all, who likes to make suggestions by others, others always ignore them.

So just as An Ran thought, there was a gap between Empress Liu and Concubine Ding.

If you want to ask Empress Liu to say that Concubine Ding made such a big mistake, how could she dare to listen to her opinion, she just thinks that Concubine Ding has no brains and can't listen, so what she did afterwards was all right.

Not to mention that there will be estrangement between Empress Liu and Concubine Ding in the future, but at present, An Ran's plan to encircle Wei and rescue Zhao has obviously succeeded.

After Mr. Gao's crime was committed, Empress Liu would be busy inquiring about the latest progress of Mr. Gao's case, so naturally she was not in the mood to trouble An Ran.

And Empress Liu didn't make trouble for An Ran, so it was naturally impossible for Empress Dowager Yu to make trouble for An Ran alone, lest she be scolded by the emperor again.

So the two of them worked together to find trouble for An Ran, and it was over.

And the Empress Dowager Yu also heard about Mr. Gao, so she stopped working with Empress Liu halfway and went to inquire about Mr. Gao, but she didn't blame her, because she knew that Empress Liu was feeling anxious at this moment, so she blamed herself She will only make the relationship between the two of them stiff.

And Empress Dowager Yu didn't want to make the relationship between the two of them sour, because she was still counting on, when Empress Liu recovered, she would continue to cooperate with Empress Liu in the future and trouble An Ran.

An Ran saw that Empress Liu and Empress Dowager Yu were making trouble for her, and because she threw Mrs. Gao, they stopped instantly, and couldn't help but be satisfied.

But she can't be satisfied with this, so she won't care about it anymore. After all, after this matter is over, Empress Liu will wake up from the aftermath of this matter. I have to take advantage of the time when Empress Liu can't leave her body, and think of a countermeasure to destroy the alliance between the two, or find something for the two to do, so that they don't have the mood and time to trouble themselves.

Not mentioning An Ran's plan to fight back against Empress Liu and Empress Dowager Yu's cooperation, but Miss Yu also knew about the cooperation between Empress Dowager Yu and Empress Liu. She was originally very interested in this struggle. Together, Yu Anran will be absolutely safe, but in the end, God helped her, and Yu Anran escaped once again, which made Yu Anran disappointed.

(End of this chapter)

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