Chapter 3239 Harem 42
Originally, Ms. Yu felt that her aunt and Empress Liu would be safe in cooperation. At that time, when Empress Liu foolishly helped her aunt defeat Yu Anran, she would be able to take over.

As a result, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, people are not as good as heaven, and Liu Shoufu's right-hand man had an accident, which made Empress Liu lose the mood to clean up An Ran, which was unexpected.

In fact, Miss Yu was thinking too much, even if Empress Liu defeated An Ran, she would not let Miss Yu pick it up, and it was not that she didn't know that the Empress Dowager had got Miss Yu to be by her side. The empress dowager cooperated because she was not afraid of Miss Yu's success, because she knew that Miss Yu was the empress dowager's niece, and the emperor could not like the niece of the murderer who killed his biological mother, so she dared to cooperate with the empress dowager to clean up An Ran.

But Miss Yu didn't know. She didn't know that her aunt killed the emperor's biological mother. After all, neither her aunt nor her family would tell her about such a thing, so she felt that as long as Yu Anran got rid of Well, as an imitation of her, she has a chance to become a concubine. She never thought that her aunt cheated on her, and she didn't tell her when she committed such a thing. It made her have no chance to become a favorite concubine. She should have known earlier Her aunt killed the emperor's biological mother, and the emperor knew about it and would not touch her, so she might find a way to persuade her family and the queen mother to let her go back and marry.

Of course, it may not be successful then, because the Empress Dowager Yu and her family feel that the emperor does not know about this, so there is no need to worry.

Now, because she didn't know about this, and seeing An Ran's prosperity in the palace, she still had extravagant hopes, thinking that as long as An Ran fell, she would have a chance, so she didn't leave, and was going to pick up the leak. Not knowing that I had no chance at all.

And whether Miss Yu was disappointed or the emperor was happy, except for the people around An Ran, they didn't know that it was An Ran's push. They only thought that it was an accident.

Like the emperor, he felt that it was God's will, that God was helping him.

Even the people around An Ran, not all the confidantes knew this, because the confidants who were in charge of investigating Mr. Gao were not the same group of people as those who encouraged Mrs. Gao to talk to Mrs. Ding.

So the investigators didn't know that this matter was arranged by An Ran, and probably the person who encouraged Mrs. Gao to talk to Mrs. Ding, only vaguely knew that there was An Ran's handwriting behind this matter.

They didn't know before instigating. At that time, they were still wondering why Concubine An sent them to find someone in front of Mrs. Gao, and encouraged Mrs. Gao to go to Mrs. Ding to talk about the matter. After all, Concubine An has nothing to do with the Gao family, so why did they help them win? The position of Minister of the Ministry of officials.

But after a few months, the Gao family collapsed, Liu Shoufu's power weakened, Liu Shoufu's political opponents, and the emperor's power increased. They remembered what Concubine An asked them to do at that time, and they couldn't help thinking, could it be that Concubine An Did you do that on purpose?After all, if it wasn't intentional, why would Concubine An help the Gao family to grab the position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials at that time.

You know, they deduced An Ran's motives based on the results, and found that An Ran had a motive for doing so—the Empress had conflicts with Empress Liu, Empress Liu had harmed Empress countless times, and it was normal for Empress to want to trouble Empress Liu. , but in the palace, there is always no way to use big hands and feet. After all, the palace is still dominated by Empress Liu, but if something happens to Liu Shoufu, who is the backer of Empress Liu, and even if Liu Shoufu falls in the future, then Empress Liu will also jump in the palace. I can't get up.

As for how to bring Liu Shoufu down, start by weakening his strength, so Concubine An made such a move, and it made sense.

Further deduction, it shows that Concubine An knew that Mr. Gao had committed a crime, and deliberately arranged for him to go up. Otherwise, why would her own mother push him up to be the Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

Taking it a step further, this time Mr. Gao's downfall was probably exposed by the empress, otherwise, when Empress Liu and Empress Dowager Yu were about to trouble the empress in the palace, what happened to Mr. Gao would have happened.

This one after another pushed backwards, so that the small number of people who knew the truth couldn't help being shocked, thinking that the methods of their own mother were much higher than those of Empress Liu and Queen Mother Yu. The stumbling block in the palace can't control the former court, but my own mother can make the former court run according to her own ideas. Isn't this more powerful than many adults?

That is to say, as far as my mother's methods are concerned, Empress Liu and Empress Dowager Yu are not rivals at all. In the future, this harem may be dominated by my mother.

The people who thought of this were all in admiration for An Ran, and they would be more serious about what An Ran told them to do in the future. After all, they all calculated that An Ran would become the master of the harem in the future, so why are they still standing there? Hurry up and do what your mother ordered.

An Ran didn't know why those people under her command took things more seriously, but being serious is a good thing, so naturally she wouldn't be unhappy.

Soon An Ran tricked Liu Shoufu a few more times like this time.

Of course, it is impossible to follow this routine every time. After all, Liu Shoufu will not continue to be fooled if people always make people blow their pillows, so sometimes he will ask his subordinates to give suggestions.

I was fooled by my wife a few times, and I didn't dare to accept my wife's suggestion. I should have adopted the suggestion of my confidant subordinates, and the subordinates who were designed by An Ran, the people who recommended them are often deceitful.

In this way, Liu Shoufu has been fooled several times, and his power will inevitably decrease greatly, while the power of the emperor's side has increased greatly, which makes the emperor very happy-in fact, it is not the emperor's side, it can only be said that it is the side of Liu Shoufu's political opponents, but as long as it is not Liu Shoufu's People, the emperor is happy, after all, as long as Liu Shoufu falls, and he abolishes the queen, he will be free.

Such a situation caused Liu Shoufu to pay great attention to anyone recommending someone to Liu Shoufu, for example, he would investigate whether there was any problem with the recommended person.

However, even so, sometimes they still step on the trap, because some people commit crimes very covertly, and Liu Shoufu may not be able to investigate them.

And if you don’t accept anyone’s suggestion, it won’t work after a long time, because An Ran will let out rumors again, saying that Liu Shoufu has been the chief assistant for a long time, swelled up, and started to speak out, and can’t listen to other people’s opinions.

It's okay, if others really feel this way, I'm afraid that many people don't plan to take refuge in him, but prepare to take refuge in his political opponents. In that case, Liu Shoufu's power will still be weakened.

So An Ran did this, which made Liu Shoufu in a dilemma.

If there are problems no matter who is pushed up, that's easy to deal with. Liu Shoufu doesn't push anyone and lets his own people compete on their own. If something happens, although his power will be weakened, at least his reputation will not be damaged.

However, An Ran didn't let everyone have an accident, but some accidents happened, and some didn't.

(End of this chapter)

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