Chapter 3263 Harem 66
So if the Yu family wants to know that the Wu family blames their own family because of their misfortune, they are afraid that they will think that the Wu family has something wrong with their brains.

Because the Wu family was dissatisfied with the family's status, they could not help but rely on their status as a foreign family to slander in front of the emperor, saying that the Yu family was so high-profile outside now, they must think that Yu Huangguifei gave birth to the only prince, and he must be the next generation in the future The emperor is married, so he dared to be so high-profile.

When the emperor heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable. He thought, why can't I have another son?You Yu family think that the future new emperor must be your grandson?

In the past, the emperor needed An Ran to deal with Empress Liu and Empress Dowager Yu, so he could support her vigorously. Now that Empress Liu and Empress Dowager Yu have both fallen, she is no longer needed, so the emperor's attitude towards An Ran is different from before. compared.

Although the emperor has some feelings for An Ran, but such things as feelings... Let alone the emperor, ordinary men often change their minds quickly, so I hope that the emperor has some feelings for An Ran, and then it will not change due to the situation. It was impossible for her feelings for An Ran to remain unchanged.

So now that the emperor was provoked by the Wu family, he immediately became displeased with An Ran.

Although he didn't like it, he didn't say anything on the surface. After all, he brought down the Liu family before and brought down the queen mother. Although he said the reason to the public, there are still some people who think the emperor is ungrateful Man, at this moment, if he uses Enron and throws it away, the folks will probably deepen this impression, and then his reputation among the folks will be very bad, and there will be no good words left in history.

After all, looking for reasons to bring down the first two families, and now looking for reasons to bring down the Yu family, others will definitely say that he is a white-eyed wolf, in order to clean up others, deliberately looking for reasons, of course, the Yu family didn't do anything wrong. This will make people talk more about him.

The emperor is a face-saving person, so naturally he doesn't want to see such a thing happen, so no matter what his family said, the Yu family regarded themselves as the next generation of the new emperor's family outside, and they were very high-profile. I have to quickly get other concubines pregnant and give birth to a few princes, so he doesn't need to do anything. The Yu family sees that there are several princes, and their grandsons may not be able to take the position, and they will probably wither, so the people in Beijing can't say he It's a white-eyed wolf, ungrateful.

So at the moment the emperor told the Wu family that he knew, so he didn't say anything.

The Wu family was a little dissatisfied when they saw that the emperor didn't say anything. After a few months, several concubines in the palace revealed that they were pregnant. Only then did the Wu family know that the emperor seemed to have taken action. Otherwise, he would not have had children before. , Now there are so many children suddenly. It is estimated that when Empress Liu was there, the emperor deliberately controlled it. Only Concubine Yu Huanggui was allowed to have children, and other concubines were not allowed to have children. After all, the high-ranking concubines at that time were all Empress Liu. It's normal for the emperor not to want those people to have children.

Although the emperor had no children before, it is said that Empress Liu did not allow those concubines to become pregnant, but just as the emperor thought, the Wu family also felt that if those women wanted to conceive, they would definitely violate the law, so they were not pregnant, and the Wu family still tended to , It was the result of what measures the emperor had taken to prevent them from getting pregnant.

Now the emperor wants to clean up Yu's family, so everyone is pregnant, so that Yu's family can't stand up.

The Wu family thought so.

The Yu family thought the same way, and they became a little anxious right now, and discussed this matter with An Ran.

An Ran said: "I know it well, you don't need to worry about it."

Yu's mother thought about An Ran's experience in the palace, and secretly thought that her daughter was very powerful, so she shouldn't need to mention it herself, after all, she was not as powerful as her daughter, so since An Ran said that, Yu's mother naturally felt relieved.

An Ran really didn't worry about the emperor's petty actions, because she saw every move of the emperor and the Wu family in her eyes.

If the reason why the emperor punished the Empress Dowager and Cheng'en Gong's mansion, Empress Liu and Liu's family in the past was because they broke the law and killed innocent people, then the Yu family and her didn't kill any innocent people, right?At most, whoever harmed her, she counterattacked, and raised whoever it was.

But the emperor also intends to deal with her, so he can only explain one thing: there is a saying among the people that is still true, that is, this emperor is more or less a white-eyed wolf.

According to the emperor's attribute, An Ran felt that if the emperor was alive, she would take the position of empress and pass the customs. I'm afraid it would not work, because the emperor would definitely not let her be the empress. Seeing that the Yu family is a bit high-profile, I am not happy. I will definitely not make her a queen, and make the Yu family more high-profile. I guess I have to become a queen mother to pass the customs.

Unless something happened, the emperor had to make himself queen.

This kind of opportunity needs to be explored by Enron.

If she becomes the Empress Dowager instead of the Empress, An Ran will be [-]% successful, because there are many people in the court who are actually arranged by her secretly. It will not be difficult to support the First Prince as the Crown Prince in the future.

More importantly, since the emperor has taken precautions against her and is going to make trouble for her, she will devote more energy to the court in the future to ensure that her son can become emperor.

To be honest, as far as today's ability is concerned, she doesn't have to worry about what he can do to her.

On the contrary, he had better not think about harming her, otherwise, Empress Dowager Yu and Empress Liu would be a lesson for the past. After all, she was harmed by someone, and it was impossible not to fight back. Once she did, would the emperor be able to bear it? That's not necessarily the case.

The Yu family was not worried after being comforted by An Ran, and An Ran's confidants were even less worried. After all, they knew how powerful An Ran was, so they were not afraid that other concubines in the palace would become pregnant. , it can only be the prince of their own master, so they are not as worried as the Yu family.

At most, some fringe figures in An Ran Palace were worried that too many princes would affect their master's status.

Although they are worried, because An Ran's current status has not been shaken, these people have not acted on the wind and turned to others.

Of course, when An Ran was picking people, she tried to pick those with better character, so it was impossible for An Ran to be ready to play around when something happened to her.

Not to mention, the emperor's brain is somewhat seriously ill.

Soon, several pregnant concubines in the palace, although some were murdered by others and had accidents, but some were born smoothly, and one of them gave birth to a prince. This person was none other than an old acquaintance of An Ran— ——It was Song Cairen who had harmed An Ran.

(End of this chapter)

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