Chapter 3264 Harem 67
At the beginning, Song Cairen helped Empress Liu harm An Ran, and later Empress Liu fell from power, but Song Cairen was scared to death, for fear that An Ran would deal with her.

Fortunately, An Ran didn't trouble her, which made Song Cairen a little relieved. ——Actually, there were too many people who harmed An Ran in the past, and An Ran had to deal with them one by one, but she hasn't been dealt with yet. It's not that she forgot about her harming her.

Although he was slightly relieved, Song Cairen was also afraid that one day, An Ran would remember what she did to her back then and make trouble for her, so he kept quail.

Until now the prince was born, Song Cairen was not relieved, and was even more afraid at the beginning, afraid that An Ran would deal with her. After all, she was the only person who gave birth to the second prince, and it would affect An Ran's interests at that time. Aren't you afraid that An Ran will deal with her?

result!As a result, the emperor treated her very well. After giving birth to the prince, he immediately promoted her to Concubine Song. He also liked her son very much. When her confidants saw it, they couldn't help discussing it with her happily, saying that the emperor liked her so much. Son, maybe her son will be crowned prince in the future.

Song Cairen, oh no, it’s Concubine Song now, Concubine Song doesn’t know, the emperor is playing tricks again, imagining that he was kind to An Ran back then and let her fight with Empress Liu, now he also wants to treat Concubine Song and the second prince Alright, encourage Concubine Song to fight An Ran, then he will sideline Concubine Song and suppress An Ran and her eldest prince. Slowly, Concubine Song will be able to fight An Ran, and the Yu family will be terrified .

Concubine Song didn't know that the emperor was using her to fight against Anran, but she couldn't help being excited when she saw that the emperor was treating her and her son well.

So Concubine Song, who now has the emperor's backing, is no longer afraid of Anran. After all, now that she has status, a son, and the emperor's favor, Yu Anran dares to make trouble for herself?Don't be afraid that the emperor will kill her!

After all, Yu Anran is not like Empress Liu back then. Her family has no background, and she only relies on the emperor's favor to get everything she has now. If the emperor doesn't favor her, what else does she have?

Seeing that the emperor used himself to fight against the Empress Dowager and Empress Liu in the past, he also used this routine to deal with Concubine Song at this time. I almost wanted to laugh, thinking that the emperor really only had three tricks, and it was these tricks back and forth.

However, although it was an old method, whether it was the Yu family or those fringe figures in her palace, seeing Concubine Song starting to favor her, they all became afraid, fearing that An Ran would really be replaced by Concubine Song.

They thought the same as Concubine Song. They felt that everything about An Ran was given to her by the emperor. If the emperor didn't love her anymore, what else would she have?So don't worry about being fake.

Especially the Yu family, fearing that their family would fall like Empress Liu and Empress Dowager Yu's natal family, and their prosperity and wealth would no longer exist, so they were worried all day long.

Seeing that they were worried all day long, An Ran didn't take action to deal with the emperor right away to reassure them. After all, the Yu family really needed to deal with it, so that they would not be too drifting, and if they drifted for a long time, something would happen sooner or later. It is possible not to watch.

It's good to let them take a little hit now and let them restrain their arrogance.

So An Ran didn't make any response for the time being.

Of course, at the same time, it is also to see how the people around will react through such a thing, and take this opportunity to further eliminate those who are not loyal and leave loyal fans.

An Ran didn't react at all, so she looked like she fell out of favor, and the Yu family was wilting out of fear, so the Wu family saw Yu's wilting, and they were so happy, thinking about making you feel awkward, how is it now?
An Ran let the emperor jump around for a long time, until her child was enlightened at the age of five, the emperor took the opportunity to be angry with her child-to assign a lot of content to the child who had just studied, and scolded and frightened the child when he didn't finish it Well, it's completely nitpicking - An Ran looked at the child who was frightened by the emperor, and planned to clean up the emperor. After all, if he didn't care about it and let the emperor continue like this, the child is now developing his character. Don't be scared by the emperor's personality.

In addition, An Ran also felt that the emperor could target her, and she could temporarily ignore his various bad-minded behaviors, but she could not target her children, especially babies. When adults fight, point the finger at children, or How could he deal with his own child? Obviously, this person was too vicious.

This situation also made An Ran not want to tolerate him any longer.

In fact, it is really not difficult to deal with the emperor now, because the emperor has been indulging in sound and sex for the past few years, and his body has been messed up very badly. As long as he does a little trick, he can be knocked down.

But An Ran doesn't want the emperor's life for the time being, she just wants him to have a stroke, unable to speak and do things, because she doesn't want the emperor to die happily without knowing anything, she wants him to know, find What is the end of my own troubles.

As An Ran thought, it would not be difficult to clean up the emperor.

As the age reached more than 30 years old, the emperor felt more and more lack of energy in bed, so he could not help but listen to the advice of the alchemist, what kind of elixir to take.

Most of these elixirs are actually poisonous, and if the emperor ate too much of them, his health would be even worse.

And An Ran arranged for one of them to offer a elixir. This elixir has good effects, but if you take too much, you are prone to stroke.

But the emperor didn't know, he just saw that the elixir was useful, so he often took this elixir.

Sure enough, within a year, the emperor had symptoms of a stroke, and finally something happened when he was indulging in sound and sex. He was overexcited, and then collapsed straight, and as An Ran thought, he was unable to speak , unable to move, naturally also unable to do things.

In fact, he was almost dead, but An Ran managed to rescue him secretly, but he became a cripple, conscious and clear-headed, but unable to speak or do anything while lying on the bed.

And the reputation is very bad. Everyone knows that the emperor had an accident on the spur of the moment, and everyone talked about it inside and out. Needless to say, how embarrassing it would be for the emperor, who has always been good-looking, to leave a reputation for being arrogant in history. .

An Ran also deliberately asked people to say this kind of discussion in front of the emperor, and the emperor's angry face changed, and his eyes stared to death.

But at this moment, the emperor, no matter how ugly his angry face was, no matter how hard he stared, no one would take it seriously. After all, no matter how hard he stared, what could he do to these eunuchs and maids?
In fact, everyone's thoughts at the moment are focused on how to maintain the court situation next.

Someone soon suggested that since the emperor was still there, the eldest prince would oversee the country, and the eldest prince's mother, the imperial concubine, would listen to the government behind the curtain.

This proposal was naturally proposed by An Ran.

Soon there was a lot of response to this proposal in the court, because An Ran had arranged enough people over the years.

(End of this chapter)

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