Chapter 3265 Harem 68
Soon this matter was settled, and it was confirmed by the higher authorities that the eldest prince will oversee the country, and because the eldest prince is young, afraid that the child will be afraid of crying, the mother of the eldest prince will listen to the government behind the curtain.

Concubine Song almost went mad when she heard this, and cursed in her heart whether those ministers were blind. The emperor's favorite prince is her son. The country is talented, how can it stand up to the son of the imperial concubine!
——Concubine Song's thinking is too simple. The ministers of the previous dynasty didn't even pay attention to the emperor. The emperor wanted to regain the power, but he never regained it. He also set up a prison country according to the emperor's preferences. It is impossible to think about it. .

In fact, the first time I heard that the emperor was about to wind up, Concubine Song and another concubine with a son wanted to force the palace to seize power. The method was to snatch the emperor into his own palace and control it.

As a result, they thought they were the first to get the news. After all, they were the prince's favorite concubines, and there were quite a lot of eyeliners in the palace.

The result is not at all, the imperial concubine Yu was the first to get the news, and quickly sent the imperial guards to control the entire palace, especially the emperor's bedroom, and was ordered, except for the imperial concubine, no one else could come in and out. In and out, let the emperor have an accident, whoever bears the responsibility.

As soon as this kind of words come out, apart from Concubine Song and another concubine who has a prince, those concubines who have no prince or even no children, who will join in? Anyway, seeing that the situation in the palace is about to change, they don’t have a prince, so there is no need to join in. That was lively, lest I die without knowing how to die.

Concubine Song and another concubine with a prince wanted to join in the fun, and sent someone to inform them in Anran that she had all the evidence of their harm. After being honest, I was terrified, because I was afraid that I would be punished sooner or later. After all, among the people they killed, there was also Yu Huangguifei, but Yu Huangguifei had to deal with the court situation now, so she didn't have time to deal with them, so she let them live for a while That's all.

Although they knew that they would be killed by An Ran sooner or later, the two of them dared not do anything now. After all, it was better to live one day longer than to be killed by Imperial Concubine Yu when they started making trouble now.

After dealing with these two grievances, those who were pinched by others and dared to jump up and down, An Ran began to stabilize the situation.

Because the emperor had a sudden stroke and was unable to manage affairs, the former court was actually a bit chaotic. After all, there are many ambitious people in this world. , there are still some people who want to stand in line with the second prince and the third prince. After all, there are many people on the side of the eldest prince. The prince's people, when the eldest prince's people are defeated, the two sides will have a showdown.

It's a pity that An Ran didn't give them a chance, and soon the government stabilized.

Seeing that the government has stabilized, the Wu family, the emperor's family, began to get scared.

There were other princes in the palace before, and the Yu family was sluggish, so the Wu family would naturally be terrified, and they often laughed at the Yu family outside, saying that the Yu family was so terrified before the horoscope was written, what is going on now, is it bad luck?

Then because the emperor paid more attention to the son of the concubine Song, they didn't know the emperor's three tricks. They only thought that the emperor might want to make the second prince the prince. words, including the high-profile words of the Yu family.

The reason why they want to tell these things is not because they are stupid, but because they want to make a good sale in front of the concubine Song and the second prince, so that the future emperor they think will have a good impression of them because of what they said, so that Even if today's emperor dies in the future, because they treated the second prince well, they will still be able to live well in the new emperor's time.

In other words, they can be regarded as a move from the dragon.

These people are stupid because they laughed at the Yu family who started to get flustered before the horoscope was written. Aren't they the same way?
Of course, they didn't think this way before, they not only showed goodwill to concubine Song and the second prince, but also showed goodwill to the Song family, and established a good relationship with what they thought was the future empress dowager's natal family.

How hot they were fighting with the Song family before, how prosperous they were following Concubine Song, now that Yu Anran is on stage, they are so panicked.

As soon as they thought that they had said all over the world that they had said such high-profile things in front of the emperor, they wished they could go back and kill themselves who said those words before.

It's all right now, and they don't use it to search for evidence that they have done anything bad to the family. Just what they say publicly can be used as evidence to deal with them.

This makes the Wu family not afraid, although they can comfort themselves, the imperial concubine Yu, a woman in the harem, can't control the affairs of the court, it is the matter of the former ministers, that is to say, the Yu family may not be able to do anything to them , but in case, the Wu family is still very worried.

The reason why they dared to stand in line so early before was actually cheated by the emperor.

The emperor showed that he liked Concubine Song and her son very much, and gave the Wu family a wrong hint, thinking that the emperor planned to make Concubine Song's son the crown prince in the future, but only the emperor knew whether he would actually do so. Hello, prince, when An Ran is really defeated in the future, I am afraid that the emperor will be wary of Concubine Song and her son again, and may then support other princes to fight Concubine Song, mother and son.

So the emperor didn't give the Wu family wrong hints.

The Wu family didn't expect that they would be cheated by the emperor.

It's fine to give wrong hints. The point is that the emperor himself was not strong enough and fell down after decades of support.

After all, the Wu family was thinking at the time that even if the second prince does not ascend the throne, it will be a long time later. After all, the emperor is still young, only in his 30s, so he must live another 20 years.

Since they can still live for another 20 years, they are now supporting the Song family. In the future, if it is not the grandson of the Song family who will be in charge, it will be someone else who will be in charge. When they see the situation is not good, they will just change people to flatter them. Anyway, the time is very early, so there is no need worry about what.

Unexpectedly, the emperor fell down so quickly, and now it is all right, no one is covering the Wu family, and they are still in the wrong team, what kind of treatment they will receive, they will feel their scalps tingling just thinking about it. numb.

Of course, the emperor can't be blamed for giving wrong hints to the Wu family. The main reason is that the Wu family is unreliable. Could it be that these people have forgotten that the emperor was particularly fond of Concubine Yu and her son a few years ago?Now that imperial concubine Yu and her son have become past tense, Concubine Song and her son may also become past tense in the future. In this way, wouldn't it be stupid for the Wu family to stand in line so early?
Anyway, An Ran didn't understand the thinking of the Wu family, but she somehow understood why they did this - it wasn't that the Wu family wanted to attack the Yu family that they hated by supporting the Song family.

(End of this chapter)

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