Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 3608 After the novel is finished 28

Chapter 3608 After the novel is finished 28
After An Ran took over Zhongfu, there was no trouble at all, and soon the Li family was organized in an orderly manner, which was better than Mrs. Li's.

This is also very normal, because An Ran does not know how many times she has taken care of the midwifery of the ancient big family, and has rich experience, which is not comparable to Mrs. Li. Besides, Mrs. Li still has some problems in her mind, and she is not as good at doing things as An Ran. Well-organized, An Ran took good care of it, and it was normal.

Mrs. Li, the big house, was put in confinement. From now on, the Li family will be handled by An Ran. This incident naturally aroused the curiosity of the people in Beijing, thinking about what happened.

But because none of the parties involved—An Ran, Li Chengan, and Mr. Li—could tell the reason to the public. After all, the emperor had to know the reason, and it would kill Da Fang, so who would say it, so outsiders naturally wouldn’t I know, I can only think that Mrs. Li must have made a big mistake, otherwise it wouldn't be like this.

Although many people are very curious about what kind of mistake Mrs. Li made, but if they can't find out, that's all.

The same is true of Princess Pingyuan. After some inquiries, she couldn't hear the reason, so she didn't continue to inquire. After all, this is the privacy of the big house, and it is not appropriate for her to insist on asking.

In addition, she is pregnant now, and the most important thing is to protect the baby in her stomach, and it is not suitable to chase after people to ask these questions. If people don't tell her, getting angry will be bad for the child.

All she had to do was raise the baby honestly, and she prayed in her heart that she hoped that this baby would be a son, and as long as it was a son, she would have a bright future.

In fact, Mrs. Li was right about one point. Princess Pingyuan did not have a male to inherit the title, which really made her feel very disappointed and felt that her life was not going well.

Even if there is a concubine, even if it is not his own flesh and blood, at least someone will inherit the title and property of the family, instead of giving it all to others.

Thinking of giving the property and title to others in the future, and the life of Princess Pingyuan, there is no way to get ahead. I just want to spend all the money if I have wine now, because I don’t need it anyway, and the future will be someone else’s .

Although she has a daughter, but the daughter has not recruited, and giving it to her daughter is equivalent to giving it to other families. Instead of giving it to other families and strengthening other families, it is better to give it to her husband's family. Family incense, if the money is given to other people, not to her husband's side, her husband's side will be down and out in the future, and she will have less incense than others in the future, won't she be laughed at?After all, the son-in-law's family will not offer incense to himself.

——People in this era believe that after death, people can still receive things burned by descendants, so it is normal for Princess Pingyuan to think so.

Although she was willing to give the property and title to her husband's family, it was still given to someone else, not to her own son, so Princess Pingyuan naturally had no motivation to fight.

She also regretted it before, thinking that if she knew she had no son, she should ask her daughter to find a son at home. It's just that she was pregnant a few years ago, so she thought at the time that she might still have a chance to give birth to a boy. Recruit.

As a result, she hadn't given birth all these years, and those concubines didn't have any sons, so they finally gave the title to Li Chengan instead of letting the remaining unmarried concubines take care of them.

When it comes to recruiting, she only wants her daughter to recruit, and she doesn't want the concubine to recruit. Instead of letting the concubine recruit, it's better to let Li Chengan be prostitute.

The reason why she thinks this way is because, to her, the concubine is not her own daughter, so what is the difference between her and Li Chengan?There is no need to worry that the concubine will treat her badly under the instigation of the concubine's daughter and son-in-law in the future. After all, Li Chengan is a capable and assertive person. She naturally trusts Li Chengan more than a concubine's son-in-law who doesn't know where she is.

The reason why there is a concubine, and she is willing to let the concubine inherit the title, is because if there is a concubine, then she will definitely get rid of the mother and keep the son, send the other's biological mother away, and then raise the child since childhood. There is no difference. In the future, marrying a daughter-in-law will be the same as marrying a daughter-in-law with her own son. In this way, she will naturally not refuse the son-in-law to inherit the title.

After all, it is impossible for her to raise a concubine by her side, so when she wants to use a concubine to recruit a wife, it is too late to cultivate feelings, especially if she has a biological daughter, she does not want to let a concubine recruit a spouse, and will Everything in the family was left to the concubine.

Therefore, the reason why the concubine's daughter is not allowed to marry her is not only because she doesn't believe in the character of the concubine's daughter and son-in-law, but also because she has her own daughter, so there is no one who doesn't give things to her own daughter and to the concubine's daughter.

But when her biological daughter got married, she couldn't let her stay at home to find a wife, and then give the property and title to the other party. In this way, she naturally didn't want to give the concubine what her daughter couldn't get.

After all, it was a wrong step to marry her own daughter. At that time, she had known that she would not have a son. She would definitely not let her own daughter marry, so let her find a wife at home. With a better relationship with the emperor, the child born to her daughter can also establish a son.

Unfortunately, everything is too late.

Fortunately, she was pregnant again at this moment.

Princess Pingyuan has already made up her mind that even if the child is a girl, she will keep the child at home to raise a family, and leave the property and title to her instead of to the big house, making her feel that life is hopeless.

As a result, God treated her kindly. After a few months, the baby was born, and it turned out to be a boy, which made her overjoyed.

And after being overjoyed, she began to show her kindness to Li Chengan again, saying that in the future, she would ask Brother Huang for another title and would not take him away.

The reason why she wanted to show favor to Li Chengan was also very simple - she was not young, and she gave birth to a son at such an old age, and she didn't know if she would have that fate in the future, and she was afraid that the child would not be raised. When she grows up, she and her husband will be gone. By then, the child will have no parents before he grows up. How will he live?
So she was going to make friends with Li Chengan and his wife, and hoped that she would not take away their title, and if she and her husband left first in the future, they would be able to bring up her son.

She didn't worry about whether Li Chengan would be afraid that she would take away the title and attack her son, because, firstly, she believed in Li Chengan's character and believed that he would not do such a thing; secondly, she also believed in the ability of the emperor's brother, If Li Chengan dared to do this, her imperial brother would definitely find out, because her imperial brother told her that when she was pregnant, he would send secret guards to protect her to prevent Xiao Xiao from attacking her. She still believed in the imperial brother ability.

——So, fortunately, Mrs. Li stopped Mrs. Li, otherwise, what Mrs. Li did would really be discovered by the emperor, and their family would be in trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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