Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 3609 After the novel is finished 29

Chapter 3609 After the novel is finished 29
It's all right now, because they didn't do anything detrimental to Princess Pingyuan, not only will they not be discovered by the emperor, they will be cut off, and even the titles will be retained because they have a good relationship with Princess Pingyuan. strong?
——They didn't know that Mrs. Li wanted to see Princess Pingyuan have nothing, so she made troubles. They only thought that there was a better way to deal with it. Mrs. Li insisted on harming people, and her mind was flooded.

Seeing that Princess Pingyuan had a son, An Ran treated her very well, and promised not to let them lose their titles. She somehow understood why, maybe it was because she was old, and she was afraid that she would offend them if she left early. Is the child going to suffer?
So it's not surprising at all.

Now that Mrs. Li is locked up, An Ran and Li Chengan are not the kind of mean people, life in the mansion has calmed down, unlike the previous few rooms where you messed with each other and turmoil happened frequently.

Regarding this, An Ran felt that it was strange that a big family like the Li family insisted on living together, so she said to Li Cheng'an, "Your family is the same, why do you want to live with a large group of people when there are too many people? What about it? There are a lot of people, and they don’t live together, and the smell is far away, and the relationship can be better.”

Li Chengan said helplessly: "The big families in Beijing like this. It is said that it was left over from the troubled times of the past."

"At that time, in troubled times, big families lived together as a group. There were many people and strong strength. In such troubled times, the family wall could be heightened and strengthened, and it could be turned into a fortress to resist the attacks of refugees and soldiers."

"After the troubled times ended, people also retained the habit of living together as a family and did not like to separate their families."

After hearing this, An Ran secretly thought that this was the case, no wonder.

"It's just that it's really useful to live together like this to resist refugees or rebellious soldiers? I guess the small ones are okay, but the big ones can be breached. How can a small fence of a family withstand it?"

Li Chengan nodded, and said: "It's just to prevent small groups of refugees or rebellious soldiers, and the big groups can only resign themselves to fate."

In this case, An Ran will not mention the separation of the family with the second room, and they will live their own lives in the future, so there will be no disturbances.

Anyway, Mrs. Li is locked up, and she won't do anything to Princess Pingyuan, as long as Princess Pingyuan doesn't treat her badly like in the original world.

Speaking of which, Princess Pingyuan is not a person like Mrs. Li. She is in the world of the original body, and the pressure she brings to the original body is mainly to have children. Now that she has a child of her own, she will not force her to have one, so An Ran does not Worry about this.

Sure enough, as An Ran thought, Princess Pingyuan devoted herself to taking care of the children afterwards, and didn't care about the affairs of the house at all.

Seeing Princess Pingyuan's dedication to taking care of the child, Anran was completely afraid of falling when she held it in her hands, and afraid of melting in her mouth.

After all, children who grow up in this kind of environment are lucky. Maybe they won't grow crooked in the future, but there is a great possibility that they will grow crooked. After all, they are too spoiled and follow the child in everything. No matter how good their natural personality is, After a long time, the child's temperament will also be changed. It's hard to say what will happen in the future.

An Ran wanted to persuade Princess Ping Yuan not to spoil her children, after all, being a child is like killing a child.

But Li Chengan persuaded her and said: "His Royal Highness is deeply loved by His Majesty, and she never listens to advice. You'd better not say it, lest she be upset and say something unpleasant, and you will be offended. , but it’s not good.”

Hearing what Li Chengan said, An Ran stopped her plan to persuade her, and said: "I also wanted to persuade her because she is a member of the family, and I was afraid that the child would grow crooked in the future and affect our family, otherwise, I wouldn't bother. "

Originally, her personality is like this, if she is not someone who really cares about her, or she will get involved, she won't meddle in her own business at all, so as not to be told "I want you to meddle in my own business", which is boring.

It is because the relationship between the second room and the first room is so close, and if Princess Pingyuan's child develops a lawless character in the future, it will not be a good thing for the Li family. I'm afraid that no matter what, some people are lawless and do bad things, and finally exposed, the emperor will come to kill the nine clans, and then they will be implicated.

Li Chengan also knew this, and immediately said: "Don't worry, you think about this truth: if your majesty is here, no matter what your aunt's child does, you probably won't blame him; if your majesty is gone, aunt knows that she is gone As a backer, I will restrain my son, so as not to be troubled by the new emperor. Although my aunt is deeply loved by His Majesty, she is not a fool, and she will not lose her wink."

An Ran sighed and said, "I hope so."

If it wasn't for such a relationship, then she would still have tasks, or else she wouldn't be bothered about how the second room taught the children.

But she has a mission, and she is afraid that she will be implicated by the second wife in the future, so she wants to advise her.

Forget it, just like what Li Chengan said, as long as the old emperor is still there, it shouldn't be a big problem.

And the old emperor will definitely be there, because didn't he arrest Li Siniang, Li Siniang has a system on him, and there must be no good things in the system mall, and he will definitely be able to renew his life by then, so that he will not die for a while.

It’s just going to be a pain for those princes. I thought the emperor would die sooner or later because he was old. Now it seems that he won’t be able to take over for a while. When they are in a hurry, will they make something happen? As things come, it can be said that it is not necessarily true.

But the emperor has a system in his hands, maybe there are good things in the system that can be dealt with.

Thinking of the fierce battle between the emperor and the princes in the future, An Ran thought, if the Li family had any signs of standing in line with the dragon, she would persuade her, lest the old emperor stay alive and they would be in trouble if they stood in the wrong team.

At that time, even if they are the princess's uncle's family, I'm afraid they will be chopped off. After all, the third room has committed a crime, so it is chopped off?

Although both Mr. Li and Li Chengan are smart people, even if they are smart people, there is no guarantee that they will be the best in terms of standing in line.

Especially when the court struggle is becoming increasingly fierce, it is easy to get dizzy and wonder who will have the last laugh.

And for the sake of the task, she definitely can't let the eldest son of the Li family have an accident, otherwise, even if the original body didn't mention to ensure that the Li family will not collapse, but now she has helped her to test it out, Li Chengan is a good person, she did not marry the wrong one.

Since she was married correctly, she must have feelings for Li Chengan. Since she has feelings, if she doesn't persuade the Li family to stand up and the Li family is cut off, even if the task is completed, the five-star rating will definitely be gone. of.

This is why An Ran tries to ensure that nothing happens to the Li family.

So sometimes it is very troublesome to do tasks, not only to complete the tasks, but also to ensure the quality of the completion to satisfy the original body.

(End of this chapter)

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