Chapter 3643 Game Live 2
Of course, An Ran's basement was dug directly into the ground, not a basement in the true sense, but a hole in the ground.

Because there is no door, the basement is not safe, but it is better than being in the wild. At night, wild monsters will attack at any time, and during the day, but it is better.

Of course, that is a traditional game. For this game, it may not be better during the day, because in traditional games, players can play single-player, but this one, players from all over the world enter the same map.

During the day, there are fewer wild monsters, which is better, so wild monsters won't kill you, but other players will.

Maybe players from the same country will not be killed, but there is no guarantee that players from other countries will not be killed.

Although the game says that the end of the world will come in the future, players from all over the world should work hard to improve their combat effectiveness so that they can cope with the coming apocalypse. Logically, people all over the world should work together to improve their combat effectiveness instead of killing each other.

However, you must know that the world is divided into more than 200 countries. There are conflicts or conflicts of interests between countries. Some countries will not care whether the end of the world will come in the future. As long as the attributes in this game are determined, it will indeed If people outside the game are influenced, they will try to kill people from other countries so that they can be eliminated from the game, so that people from other countries will be worse than people from their own country in the future.

Some countries may have good relations with each other, but the player himself hates people from a certain country, and he will do things to people from other countries. Anyway, if you kill someone, you can not only get all the things of the killed player, but also eliminate the hated players. Players from other countries, why not do it, so players are hard to guard against.

Of course, the game is for global players to improve their fighting power together, not for them to kill each other, so it is also stipulated that if you kill someone, you will get a red name, and then other players can kill the red-named player.

Kill a red-named player, the player will not become a red-named player.

So players will think about killing people, so as not to become famous and be hunted down by other players.

An Ran is skeptical about the fact that the game is not designed to allow players to kill each other, because if the game really does not want players to kill each other, it only needs to prohibit players from attacking each other.

But the game is not set up like this, so Anron is skeptical about the game saying that players should not let players kill each other, and then everything it says is skeptical.

An Ran thought, if there is a chance, I still need to find out where this game came from, whether it is really like what the people who launched the game said, they are from a higher civilization, and they foresaw the disaster of this planet, so they extended a helping hand.

Speaking of it, it is really hard to believe that there is such a good high-level civilization in this world, and it is so selfless to help a low-level civilization.

Because it was hard to believe, An Ran felt that if she had the chance, she should see what was going on.

After digging the basement (burrow), An Ran hurried out to pick up trees while it was still daytime.

If you want to get rich, you must first pluck the tree, which is basically the case for all sandbox games.

In order to prevent people from leaving the cave and not finding the entrance, and to prevent people from leaving, some wild monsters went in. After returning, they were beaten by wild monsters and left the cave safely. , so that you can find it when you come back.

An Ran decided that when the tree and some necessary materials were almost ready, she planned to dig a lot of stones in the hole tonight, and built a simple stone house during the day tomorrow, and then planted the ground and the like. , so that you don't have to run around to get food.

The reason why I didn't build a house immediately is because it takes a while to collect materials to build a house, whether it is made of stone or wood.

Digging a hole in the ground is easy. Get wood and stones, make a stone pick, and then dig underground. After digging, you will have a home.

When digging underground, there are generally no wild monsters to attack.

Well, if you want to do something, do it at home, not in the wild, in case you are accidentally attacked by a monster and die.

After An Ran built the basement, she started the live broadcast.

People who haven't entered the game yet, or who have been eliminated, are watching the live broadcast.

Because the number of players is not large for the time being, the popularity of each live broadcast room is good, because many people want to collect the strategies they want from the live broadcast rooms of various pioneers.

In fact, in this game with a high degree of freedom, the strategy is sometimes not very effective, because the monsters attack at any time, what the player has to do is to quickly collect materials, upgrade their weapons and equipment to a higher level, and make the attributes stronger Just a little bit will do.

There were fewer wild monsters during the day, so An Ran found a large plain not far from the burrow and began to pluck trees.

There are some trees growing on this great plain, but not too many, so that you can see the situation around you. Once you find a monster coming, you can run away. Cope with it, unlike many people who are attacked by monsters without paying attention. When they react and want to fight, they often die because they are attacked first.

Everyone saw that An Ran had been picking up trees, and hadn't stopped after picking up a unit (99 pieces, occupying one space in the backpack). During this period, he encountered various other materials, such as fruits, sweet potatoes, and corn that replenish life or physical strength. A lot of raw materials for weapons or equipment were also collected, except for stones or clods that were not collected, others were collected a lot.

When seeing monsters, they don't fight, and run away from a distance. They can't help but feel a little boring. Many people encourage An Ran to fight monsters.

"The attack power of the gopher is very low. Hit it. Why don't you hit it? Hitting the gopher can drop some materials, which can be used to make equipment."

"It's boring to just stick around and not fight monsters, so let's go."

"Oh, girls are like this. They are timid and dare not fight."

Of course, An Ran didn't dare to fight, because although the attack power of gophers is low, they are usually a nest of gophers, and a group of gophers come up to besiege you. Even if the attack power is low, they are easy to die.

In short, the player's blood volume and monster's attack power in this game are different from ordinary games, and it is easier to die.

If it was like a normal game, in Novice Village, where the player had a hundred HP, and the monster hit the player, and the player only lost one or two HP, then she would definitely dare to fight.

But in this game, even if it is a small monster like a gopher, the player will lose about ten points of blood if he is beaten without any equipment. An Ran would be beaten up, but An Ran didn't dare to be a group of battle gophers when she didn't wear any equipment on her body and only had a wooden club in her hand.

In the past, many players thought that the gopher was easy to fight, and after playing it, something happened in the end.

Of course, some were lucky enough not to be besieged by a group of gophers, but to fight with only one gopher, but her luck had always been mediocre, and she was not sure that she would not be besieged by a group of gophers.

(End of this chapter)

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