Chapter 3644 Game Live 3
In fact, being besieged by a group of gophers is not bad, and it is unlucky to be besieged by wild wolves, that is really miserable, a wolf can kill the player, let alone a pack of wolves.

It doesn’t matter if An Ran sees no one watching her live broadcast, anyway, she’s here to do the mission—that is, to try her best to get to the end, and then get more equipment and weapons, so that her combat power can be ranked among the best, and she doesn’t need to please the audience, Listen to their requests and fight any monsters beyond your capacity.

Soon An Ran completed a series of tasks, gained some experience and some things, most of which were to supplement physical strength or life, and some materials, but did not provide equipment and weapons. An Ran knew that the game required players to find materials for themselves.

As for these materials, An Ran read them, and they were quite difficult to find.

It's like the simplest leather armor. You have to kill pigs, cattle, sheep and other animals to drop leather to make leather armor.

Pigs, cattle and sheep are easy to kill, but the drop rate is not high, and they are not available everywhere. You have to find them, there are still many demands, and the added attributes are limited.

And if you want to search everywhere, if you encounter wild monsters or other players while running around, you may be eliminated if you are not careful, so even leather armor is difficult to get together, not to mention other equipment, such as iron armor. It needs iron ore. According to what she saw in the mining of those players in the past few days, stones and clods can be dug the most. Iron ore is also available, but less. As for mithril, gold, etc. No one has ever dug it up, so Mithril equipment and gold equipment are even more difficult to get.

According to the rules of the game, Anran broadcasted live for one hour, then turned off the live broadcast, and then started killing pigs, cattle and sheep.

Killing pigs, cattle and sheep can not only get leather with a chance, but also get raw meat, which can be roasted and eaten to replenish physical strength or life.

The reason why she didn't do this during the live broadcast before is because she needs to watch the barrage, see what everyone is talking about, and see if there is any useful information for her. If she is playing pigs, cattle and sheep, she can't be distracted. up.

Although pigs, cows and sheep, according to the game settings, only drop a minimum of five blood points when attacking the player, and they will not besiege, and the player can fight alone.

However, you can't be distracted. In case other monsters attack you when you are distracted, what should you do? You must concentrate on it and watch the surrounding situation.

This is not because An Ran is too timid, but because the surrounding situation is really dangerous.

No, An Ran hunted pigs, cattle and sheep. In order to find a sufficient number of pigs, cattle and sheep, and then obtain enough leather for equipment, he ran around.

As we walked, the sky suddenly darkened.

Seeing this situation, An Ran knew it was not good, because it almost foreshadowed that thunder and rain were about to come.

When the sky gets darker, the number of various wild monsters will increase exponentially. Players will encounter wild wolves, bats, poisonous snakes and even tigers at any time, and there are many of them.

At that moment, she couldn't help thinking that her luck was really bad, but it was raining today, obviously it had rained yesterday, An Ran thought that maybe there would be a day off today, if it didn't rain, who knows, it would still rain.

Just as An Ran thought, sure enough, the heavy rain fell soon, and the surrounding area became a mass of darkness. An Ran did not dare to go any further, so she quickly took out the torch to illuminate the surroundings, so that she could observe the surrounding situation at any time, and deal with the wild things that would come. Strange.

At the same time, the torch can also scare away some wild monsters.

Don't ask why the torch is still on when it rains, and if it won't go out, the game won't tell you logic.

An Ran didn't move any more, but leaned against the mound of dirt, held a wooden stick, and stared ahead and above her head, so that she could fight back immediately if she saw a wild monster attacking.

Wild monsters did appear to attack her. Fortunately, it was just a bat. Its attack was not high, but it could fly, and it was fast, and it could fly behind and attack people.

Fortunately, An Ran's back was against the mound, so he couldn't attack from behind, so he only had to pay attention to the top of his head and the front.

An Ran fought with it for a while, and then killed him. Some materials were lost, but for the time being, it didn't seem to be of any use.

It rained heavily for about an hour, and Enron was lucky to only meet such a bat. Otherwise, if he encountered wild wolves, eagles or even tigers like many players did yesterday, he would have to explain it here.

Thinking of this, An Ran thought, she had to find a way quickly, get the materials for making the teleportation scroll, and then work in the field, if it rained, she would quickly teleport it back to the safe place she made, otherwise, it would be too dangerous.

An Ran was afraid that she would be in danger again, and it was getting late, so she hurried back, and finally got back to the cave before dark.

Because running around in the game depends entirely on legs, safe and secret passages. After building a house, you need to dig holes in several places and set up teleportation points. Otherwise, with such a large map, you only rely on legs to run. It's too bad to go back when it gets dark.

In fact, it's fine if she doesn't go back now. At worst, she can use local materials, dig a hole in the ground, and hide in it.

But the place where An Ran dug the hole before was in a particularly good location. She planned to build a house there tomorrow morning, so she went back.

An Ran dug out the soil filled above the hole and drilled in.

Although the burrow is not good, it is still safe inside.

An Ran dug up the stones and clods that hadn't been dug much before.

Sometimes if you are lucky, you will come across iron ore, but the amount is very small, and you can't dig a piece in an hour.

An Ran dug for a while, and felt that the time was almost up, and there were enough stones for building the house tomorrow, so she went off the assembly line and went to sleep, preparing to get up in the morning and build the house.

After going offline, An Ran went to see everyone's new discoveries on the game forum.

Of course there are new discoveries, but more often people ask questions, such as:

"Where can I get a lot of iron ore?"

"Where can I get a lot of life-recovery food? There are too few things that restore life now."

"How do you get Mithril?"

"It's full, what should I do?"

There are too many questions like this.

For some questions, someone has the answer and said it, but for most of the questions, I don’t know whether no one has the answer, or the other party has the answer, and I don’t plan to tell others, so no one has answered it.

After watching the forum, An Ran went to watch the live broadcast again. It was late at night on her side, but on the other side of the planet, it was still daytime, and there were many foreign players playing, so An Ran watched the live broadcast of foreign players to learn some experience .

Another advantage of watching the live broadcast is that it is difficult to hide the questions that some people are unwilling to answer in the live broadcast. To the survival experience of some players.

Although some want to hide what they discovered and only broadcast mining and so on, but there are also people who are willing to impart experience in order to earn money from live broadcast rewards, and An Ran finds such a live broadcast room to watch.

(End of this chapter)

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