Chapter 3645 Game Live 4
Of course, in order to thank others for their willingness to impart experience, tipping must be given, otherwise this kind of behavior is not encouraged, and everyone will only live broadcast mining.

From these live broadcasts, An Ran also discovered some things that she hadn't grasped. As long as she found something useful to her, An Ran would give extra rewards.

Those who work hard to spread the experience generally earn a lot of money every day.

And like An Ran, because she kept pushing trees during the live broadcast, no one gave her a reward.

This game live broadcast, if there is no reward, there will be no income. After all, its official will not provide policies such as traffic exchange for money, newcomer incentives, etc.

Fortunately, An Ran didn't care whether she had money or not.

The original body used to play games, and his income was not bad, and he was able to live well without tipping for the time being.

This is also the reason why the original body entered the game quite early, because the original body is a person who likes to play games, how could he not resist playing this new holographic online game?

In fact, as time goes by, more and more people can't help but enter the game just to experience the holographic online game.

In addition, seeing others become more powerful in reality, there must be some who want to play, so that they can increase their attributes and become more powerful.

Because An Ran just entered the game, she only made a leather jacket, which slightly increased her life and defense. Then, because she didn’t kill any powerful monsters, she just did the main quest, gained some experience, upgraded to a level, and increased her attributes a little. , so the impact on reality is still limited.

The main quests in the game don’t give much experience rewards. It’s unrealistic to upgrade and become stronger by doing main quests. The main thing is to make equipment and weapons, and then learn skills and fight monsters to upgrade.

Because An Ran saw that the more powerful the monsters killed, the more experience gained.

Now there are still some realistic monsters, such as gophers, poisonous snakes, wild wolves, etc. When you go to a farther map, you will encounter some unrealistic monsters.

An Ran saw a player running about a hundred miles away from the place of birth, and met a fire-breathing bird named Flamingo, but its attributes were obviously completely different from the real flamingo in reality.

Anyway, that player was unlucky, just sprayed it and it was gone.

This game looks like there is no copy, but the farther the monster is from the player's birth place, the more powerful it should be. As long as the player plays it, it can increase a lot of experience and upgrade.

Skills and equipment are also dropped by monsters.

So this game is to force players to fight monsters, otherwise, their strength will never rise.

This is probably the theme of this game. After all, the person who made the game said that it is for players to improve their combat power so that they can cope with future apocalyptic disasters. They don’t even dare to fight monsters. They just rely on missions to upgrade and improve their combat power. how to do it.

An Ran will definitely fight monsters, otherwise how to improve her strength, but, her task is to do the task with her life, so she must equip herself better before she can fight monsters that she can fight. adventurous.

She is not afraid of being too stubborn, and she will not be able to squeeze into the ranks of masters.

Because she believes that those who are meticulous will be eliminated easily.

Elimination and elimination, as long as she steadily surpasses those who have already been eliminated, the ranking will automatically rise.

She has already asked the original body what constitutes a master rank, and the other party said that as long as it is one in a million, it is a master rank.

According to her request, there are currently 100 billion people in the world, and she only needs to be ranked in the top 100 million; in her own country, there are 15 billion people, and she has to be ranked in the top 15.

Don't look at the crowd, but it's actually a bit difficult, so An Ran's strategy is, try your best to stay alive, there is hope in life, after all, if you die, you will be eliminated directly, and the mission will fail.

After watching the live broadcast and forum information, An Ran washed up and went to sleep.

The reason why you have the memory of the original body is to look at these things, because the original body may not be able to see everything, and there may be content that the original body does not know. A game with such a high degree of freedom is just like the real world. Who can Speaking of knowing all the rules of the real world, it is the same in the game.

Waking up early the next morning, An Ran ate something casually and entered the game again.

The time is the same inside and outside the game, and will be adjusted according to the player's time zone.

The player is daytime in reality, and it is also daytime in the game; the player is night in reality, and it is also night in the game.

Because it is easy to encounter many monsters at night, many people just sleep, so that everyone does not have to worry about staying up late to play games.

Of course, there must be those night owls who stay in the game and struggle at night.

Although it is dangerous at night, it can't stop some people who like to play games.

After An Ran went online, she turned on the live broadcast, because she was going to build a house today, so it was good to live broadcast this.

Right now, An Ran dug some more stones, because she dug too much, many viewers got bored and left.

And An Ran felt that it was almost done—in fact, her backpack was almost full—and started to build a house.

In this game, there is no house that cannot be destroyed. As long as the enemy's weapon is strong enough, or powerful enough, it can destroy your house-just like the real world.

However, if the building materials of the house are relatively strong, the enemy does not have a weapon at hand, or is not strong enough to a certain extent, it will not be able to damage the player's house for a while.

For example, if the player uses titanium alloy to make the wall of the house, without a titanium alloy pickaxe, the titanium alloy wall cannot be dug; if the monster is not particularly powerful, the titanium alloy wall cannot be damaged.

But titanium alloys are too difficult to find, and it is difficult to make pickaxes, let alone make walls. I don’t know when they will be able to be made.

Therefore, it is not realistic to build a titanium alloy house. In order to prevent the house from being damaged by others, ordinary people can only make a protective cover.

The material of the protective cover is easier to collect than titanium alloy, that is, you need to prepare a lot of energy stones later, otherwise, if the protective cover is attacked by people, it will be shattered without energy stones to replenish the defense, and then the house will still be breached , allowing the player to store things in the house, to be taken away by other people.

That's right, except for wooden houses, the player's house may be scratched by monsters or burned by fire-breathing monsters. Houses above the stone level are generally difficult to destroy unless they encounter particularly powerful monsters.

However, particularly powerful monsters generally do not appear near the player's house, because the player generally builds a house near the birth point, and will not build the house in an area where the monster is more powerful.

The monsters near the birth point will not be very strong. After all, the place where the player was born is very weak, so how can there be too powerful monsters around.

Therefore, it is the player who can cause damage to the player's house in most cases.

Compared with monsters, players are much more powerful. Generally, if there is no protective cover for a stone house, it is easy for players to break through, break in, and take away the player's things.

(End of this chapter)

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