Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 3656 Game Live 15

Chapter 3656 Game Live 15
Now that they are neighbors, because both parties seem to be of good character, An Ran added four friends of the other party when the other party applied to add a friend after the other party came to tell her that her family was attacked.

Then I knew that these four people were people who had played games together before, and they knew each other in reality, so this time, they entered the game together.

The reason why they entered the game together was naturally because they were afraid that some players with bad moral character would attack the players who had placed orders, so they acted together.

Someone attacked An Ran's house again. It doesn't need to be said by them. An Ran naturally knew about it from the protective cover records. Get stuck with the people around you, so you are happy to accept their overtures.

Besides, there are more people around. If they all know each other's behavior well, everyone will be able to trade with each other in the future, and it will also prevent one person from acting alone and collecting everything by himself. The production efficiency is too low.

No, after the two parties became friends, An Ran said that she had leather armor or iron armor equipment. If they wanted it, they could give her gold coins, and they could also trade things according to the value of the items.

When the four heard that An Ran had spare equipment, they couldn't help being overjoyed. After all, if they made it themselves, they didn't know that it took the year of the monkey to get the iron armor equipment, because a set of iron armor equipment needs a lot of iron ore, and it doesn't take a while. They can dig it out later, if they have it safely, they don’t need to dig it, they can save a lot of time, they can spend time fighting monsters and upgrading, and with the equipment, the efficiency of killing monsters can be high, and the upgrade can be more efficient. Soon, this is naturally a good thing, after all, it can be upgraded quickly and the attributes can be improved.

So he hurriedly expressed that he wanted armored equipment, but they didn't have enough money, and together they could only afford one set for the time being, so they only bought one set at the moment, and told An Ran that they would continue to buy when they had enough money.

As for the leather armor equipment, they didn't buy it. Anyway, they can drop some from fighting monsters in normal times, and then divide the armor equipment among several people. It's enough to make do with it. When they earn money, they can go to An Ran's place again. Continue to buy equipment.

In order not to buy leather armor equipment, it will not increase many attributes. After a few days, when I have more gold coins or supplies, I can exchange equipment with An Ran. At that time, the leather armor equipment will be idle, and I don’t know who to give it to, so They bought iron armor equipment as soon as they came up, but they didn't buy leather armor equipment, so they made do for the time being.

Then they asked An Ran if they had energy stones for sale, and they also wanted to get protective shields.

I didn't ask where Anran's energy stones came from. After all, they are not close friends. How could they give such important information as to where the energy stones came from? Tell them that it would be good to buy energy stones from Anran. .

An Ran said: "There are indeed energy stones, but the price of this one is very high, because the drop rate of this one is not high, and it is not worth selling it for a cheap price."

The drop rate of energy stones is lower than that of Mithril, and the drop rate of Mithril is not high in the first place. It is normal for the price to be expensive. You know, she is still mining every night, but she can dig one energy stone a day Not bad at all.

I can only mine one energy stone a day, and the selling price is too low, An Ran will definitely not sell it, I would rather keep it for myself, it will be useful in the future anyway.

The four people heard An Ran say that there are indeed energy stones, and they couldn't help being happy at the moment. Hearing An Ran say that the price is relatively high, the price quoted by An Ran is similar to the price that everyone trades on the Internet, and they didn't deliberately call it high. As long as you have it, let’s save money first, and when we save enough, we’ll buy it.”

At that time, get a protective cover for one of them's house, and then put four cabinets inside, one for each person, so there is no need to send someone to watch the house, and everyone can come out to fight monsters.

Hearing what they said, An Ran said, "That's fine, you are welcome to purchase at any time."

The four people couldn't help but be happy when they heard this. It's really good luck in the secret channel. They met such a kind neighbor when they came here, and they have so many supplies, which greatly reduced their burden. In this way, when they upgrade in the future, it will be better than coming in together. The number of people is much faster.

And An Ran was also happy to have four neighbors, who not only helped her consume a lot of excess equipment, but also could ask them if there were any raw materials she needed in the future, so as not to need to collect them by herself. In such an exchange, both parties would get Save time when you need it.

Especially An Ran. During this period of time, she has fought a lot of monsters and obtained a lot of equipment. In addition to the equipment eliminated by herself, she has quite a lot of inventory. Now it is good to be able to sell it to these four people.

The reason why these four people don't plan to build iron armor equipment by themselves is because they just entered the game, their combat power is not high, and they can't fight powerful monsters. In this way, they naturally won't get any iron armor equipment, and the ones who get the most are leather armor equipment.

And An Ran has been fighting monsters for a long time, and the monsters she fights every day are all monsters that can drop armor equipment, but the drop rate is low.

After the two parties traded with each other, An Ran bought some raw materials from the four of them that she didn't want to waste time collecting, and then got a lot of gold coins. She will be able to buy more good things from the market in the future, and she can't help being in a good mood.

You know, at first the market was not liquid, so everyone didn’t have many gold coins, but when the market became liquid, some people spent gold coins to buy things, some people got gold coins, so some people had a lot of gold coins, and some people had nothing in their hands. gold coins.

Just like what An Ran and these four people are like now, after the transaction, the gold coins received by these four people from fighting monsters are basically used up, and then An Ran has a lot of gold coins in his hand, and he can buy better things from the market in the future. This is the advantage of market liquidity. Otherwise, no one would trade with An Ran, and the gold coins in her hand could only be traded by herself, so it would be much slower to accumulate them.

As for the four new players, although they don't have gold coins, they have equipment, their combat effectiveness is improved, and they don't need to waste time digging iron ore, which is also very good. Everyone is a win-win.

In addition, the relationship between the two parties has become closer. If someone dares to rob them in the future, they can help each other and drive the enemy away. More people are more powerful, which is even better.

Not to mention the existence of Anran, and the benefits to these four new players, but to say that now that Anran has raw material suppliers and equipment customer groups, it has cleaned up a lot of equipment, and it does not need to spend time collecting some raw materials that need to be collected. I feel very happy Well, thinking about this speed, plus the benefits brought by her protective cover, her upgrade speed can be faster. After all, others have no raw material suppliers, and it takes time to collect some necessary raw materials, and there is no protective cover. Dare to put good things at home, so the backpack is often full, and many people will throw away the things they think are not very useful, so that when they need to use them, they will spend time collecting them.

Repeatedly wasting time in this way, An Ran thought, if he doesn't need to waste time, he will soon be able to catch up with the melon and fruit tea that fights monsters every night.

(End of this chapter)

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