Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 3657 Game Live 16

Chapter 3657 Game Live 16
Because Melon Fruit Tea is An Ran's friend and has not blocked the public display of his level, An Ran can see how many levels he has - he is currently five levels higher than An Ran, and now An Ran can concentrate on fighting monsters. There is still so much time for melon and fruit tea to fight monsters, so she will be able to catch up in a few days.

Moreover, the equipment and weapons of Melon Fruit Tea are not as good as An Ran's, so although the level is high, its combat effectiveness is not much higher than that of An Ran's.

This is also normal, fighting monsters at night, because there are many monsters, he must not dare to go to places where the monsters are powerful, lest he be besieged by a group of powerful monsters and die. In that case, he must only dare to fight in places not far from the spawn Fighting, and the monsters in these places don't drop very good things, and he keeps fighting monsters, doesn't mine, and can't make powerful equipment and weapons by himself, so the combat effectiveness is average, which is normal.

In fact, not only will Anran have raw materials to supply in the future, not to mention wasting time collecting, it will allow a lot of time to fight monsters and catch up with melon and fruit tea.

Since owning the protective cover, all the things you get can be kept at home without throwing them away. This alone makes Anron a lot more convenient. It makes Anron not have to collect things that seem to be of little use, but are sometimes necessary Unlike melon and fruit tea, they dare not keep good things at home, so they can only carry them all the time. There is not much space in the backpack, so they can only throw away the things that seem to be of little use, and then collect them when needed, resulting in frequent waste Time, so that although they fight monsters and upgrade at night, Anran spends more time fighting monsters and upgrading during the day than they do, and because he acts alone, he does not need to share experience and drops with others, which leads to Anran slowly getting closer to melon and fruit tea. between grades.

Now that she has the raw materials supplied by her neighbors, An Ran has more time to concentrate on hunting monsters and chases them even faster.

But An Ran closed the level, so Melon Fruit Tea didn't know about it.

The reason why An Ran turned off the level was because An Ran was afraid that Gua Guo Cha would see her level and combat power and find that the two of them were similar, and would send an application for partnering to fight monsters during the day, but now she is used to gaining experience and dropping by herself , I am not used to sharing experience and loss with others, that is, I don’t want to partner with others.

In the past, she was afraid that she would not be able to defeat monsters, or be besieged by other players, in order to prevent being eliminated, so she wanted to find a teammate.

But now, she doesn't take risks with powerful monsters, and only fights monsters that she can fight; as for the siege of other players, there are fewer and fewer players who kill people now, and An Ran has teleportation scrolls, as long as the opponents don't set fire, she can She can escape quickly, so whether she is fighting monsters or encountering players, she is not afraid. In this case, it is better to fight monsters alone. Anyway, the experience and drops are all for her alone, and there is no need to divide them.

Especially for drop, team up with others to fight monsters, and when you score drops, you have to waste time and points. After all, you always have to discuss with the other party what you choose, and what the other party picks. You can’t tell it once. After a day, it’s a waste of time There are also many.

Now I get it alone, I don’t need to share it with others, and I don’t need to waste time picking it. This can fight more monsters, which is also good for leveling up.

It can be said that An Ran's development in the game is still very good, except that some people feel that she is too conservative, always fighting monsters that are too weak compared to her combat power, lacking excitement, not interesting, everything else is very good .

In fact, Enron is satisfied with the current development.

Few people entered the game before, and they were basically people who love to play games. These people generally have better game skills. Although some were eliminated, they were still a minority. Inside, it did not reach one ten-thousandth of the front.

Unlike now, the number of people entering the game is increasing day by day, but the number of people who can't play games is also increasing. Even if they have done their homework and are mentally prepared, many people are still accidentally eliminated by monsters After all, monsters near the birth point, such as bats and eagles, often engage in surprise attacks and are hard to defend against. Even if there is a strategy, it is not so safe.

Even if some people are playing with relatives and friends, but eagles or bats are erratic, here for a while, and there for a while. People who don’t know how to play games often can’t shoot accurately. Only those who are constantly attacked by eagles or bats It's easy to hang up, and sometimes everyone attacks together in a hurry, and they even beat each other to death.

So although the number of people has increased, Enron's ranking has actually improved a lot if calculated according to the data of one ten-thousandth.

Seeing that the ranking is getting closer to the top [-]/[-] every day, An Ran is naturally satisfied with this development, wishing that everyone will enter the game to play, the bigger the base, the more people will not be able to play, and her ranking will be, The more you can squeeze into the top ten thousandth.

The development in the game made An Ran very satisfied, and the development outside the game also made An Ran very satisfied.

After so many days, her strength, speed and other attributes in reality have increased by almost ten points. Now she can carry more than 100 kilograms of things. She bought big bags and small bags from the supermarket. Dead and barely feeling anything now.

And the running speed has also accelerated a lot. Running ten kilometers in an hour is no problem at all. In the past, because I was a gamer, although I also exercised, I couldn’t stand running 1000 meters, but now I run After ten kilometers, I won't be panting violently.

Although such rapid progress is also due to the fact that she still practiced martial arts in reality, the data in the game obviously had a considerable influence on her.

For the time being, I can't see any changes in other people outside, which is also normal, because although there are quite a few people who entered the game around the same time as her, they are still very few among the 80 billion people in the world. Well, naturally not many people have become powerful for the time being. It is estimated that the people who have become powerful now are all in the military of various countries.

But people in the military will not be active outside, so it is difficult to see people who have become more powerful among ordinary people.

Although I seldom see people who have become more powerful, there are anchors on the Internet who have taken videos of themselves before and after. I don’t know if it’s true or not—some are real, but some may want to use this as a gimmick to shoot such videos Attracting traffic, after all, whether it has become stronger or not, only the anchor himself knows.

Of course, there are also real ones. Usually, they will tell their number in the game, then enter the game, turn on the live broadcast, and disclose their attributes. became stronger.

However, it is risky to do so, after all, who knows if there will be someone who is not used to it and will come to trouble him.

(End of this chapter)

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