Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 3695 Game Live 54

Chapter 3695 Game Live 54
Not only others, but An Ran also struggled to fight this thing.

Although An Ran has a diamond weapon, he has upgraded some levels after such a long time, and his attributes have increased a lot. It is much more convenient to fight flamingos before. Although it is not as convenient as before when dealing with aliens, it is also better than most people. The flamingo, which is less than fast, is much more powerful.

But this frost beast, because it will freeze, is really annoying.

Although An Ran's lightness skills plus game attributes are enhanced, the speed is very powerful, and it can avoid the freezing of a certain frost beast, but the bad thing about this monster is that they are not only powerful, but also like to live in groups. It's really hard to hide when you use freezing skills. You will be frozen for a while by the opponent, and then you will be beaten standing up. Then, a bunch of frost beasts will come up, and you will definitely be beaten to death. Even An Ran is like this .

So now she fights monsters, and she only dares to stand inside the protective cover of the base to fight. Otherwise, if she goes out, unless she only fights with one frost beast, if there are more than one, she can only run away.

Maybe one day she will be better with a full set of diamond equipment.

But wait until that day, it is estimated that the fourth wave of monsters will also come.

So thanks to the shield, humans survived.

But... this is not a long-term solution after all.

Human beings can rely on the protective cover to survive, but human supplies will be exhausted, and one day they must go out of the protective cover to find supplies.

And if you really want to go out until the supplies are gone, human beings will have no way out, so the best thing is that you can go out to find supplies now, and you can't fall to the point where you have to go out.

Now it is the official who dare to go out. Firstly, their fighting power is stronger than ordinary people. Secondly, they have players with healing skills. If they go out like this, they will encounter groups of frost beasts, but those with healing skills can help people restore their lives. Or remove a negative state, like a frozen state.

An Ran found a phenomenon in the game, that is, there are various skills in this game, but the healing skills are rare, especially the healing skills that remove negative states.

Although players can eat fruits and other things to replenish life and physical strength, the amount of replenishment is too small. At critical moments, people with healing skills are needed to replenish a lot of life.

In addition, facing Frost Beasts, especially the ability to remove negative states is required.

But it is a pity that there are very few such skills, and the people who get them are basically famous people, and they are well protected by various forces, lest they be killed by foreign countries and take away their healing skills.

Base A is not considered a big base, and there are not many talents in this field, so there are not many people who can go out every day.

Although there are not many, it is good to have some, at least a lot of supplies can be collected.

Ordinary people are miserable, without the help of people in treatment, they dare not go out to collect supplies.

The only good thing is that sometimes some of the materials collected by the government will be taken out and posted for everyone to exchange with points.

Although it is expensive, it is good to have it. It is better than some private bases and materials collected by high-level officials.

The reason why the folks don't have talents in this field is because the treatment talents are all recruited by the government.

Ordinary people are also willing to be recruited by the government. The reason for this is that something like this has happened before: some people love freedom and are unwilling to be recruited by the government. The final result is that they are killed and eliminated by official players from other countries , and took away the healing skills, making it cheaper for other countries - if a player is eliminated by a monster, how many things are there when they are eliminated, and how many things are there in reality, but they will be killed and eliminated by other players, the things in the backpack, As well as the equipment, weapons and skills on his body, they were all taken away by other players, so there is nothing left, unless they are stored in the warehouse.

Such a cruel reality forced the healers to go to the official office for safety, so as not to be tricked by someone who found out that he had healing skills, betrayed the news to foreign players, and then was killed.

There is no way, all countries have made public the coordinates of purchasing unemployed medical talents from other countries at high prices. On the surface, it sounds nice, saying that they want to solicit, but in fact, if the recruitment fails, they will set up a killer.

And this kind of behavior of buying news at a high price has caused some unscrupulous people to betray their relatives and friends to players from other countries after discovering that they have healing skills.

Thinking that the surroundings are no longer safe, players who have obtained healing skills can not only rely on the official, but also rely on them.

How else can we say that the last days are difficult to deal with, not only monsters are difficult to deal with, but human hearts are also difficult to deal with, because human beings will kill each other.

Also because of this reason, there are almost no healing talents in the folk, unless it is the kind of lone ranger, who has no relatives and friends, and others do not know his coordinates, there may be some left, but such a person, except for their own use, would not dare to use it for themselves. The fact that he has healing skills is exposed, lest someone finds out one day and sells the news to foreign countries, bringing himself a fatal disaster.

An Ran is not a European emperor in this game, so she has no healing skills. Usually, if she loses blood, she can only eat some fruits to replenish blood. Replenish blood or clear negative status, afraid of being frozen by frost beasts, and then killed.

At this time, it is even more difficult to hold on, and nothing will happen, otherwise the mission will fail, wouldn't it be a pity.

So An Ran didn't take any risks at the moment, but stood in a safe place to fight monsters.

Except for the occasional no more monsters, jumping out to attract monsters, basically not going out of the base.

There is no need to worry about someone robbing monsters, because the base has monitoring in all directions. If it is robbing monsters, you can tell if it is a monster robbing. I think the Frost Beast is difficult to fight, and I want to wait for others to fight it. Well, picking up monsters, even standing by other people's side, watching others kill them, and picking up the monster's corpse while others are not paying attention, is basically impossible, because as long as the monitoring detects such behavior, it will be sentenced to death for robbery—— In troubled times, use heavy codes.

Because heavy codes are used in troubled times, basically no one dares to do such a thing. After all, no one wants to be killed for a few monsters. After all, to take such a risk, it is better to dig some mines in the game to earn points.

As for those who are eliminated and cannot go to mine in the game... Such a person is not an opponent of An Ran at all, and there is no way to grab the blame.

Therefore, basically there will be no monster raids in the base. Everyone lures monsters and kills them by themselves, doing their own things without disturbing each other.

An Ran's life in Base A was safe and easy, and after Li's father and mother were no longer deceived by those relatives and friends, they also lived a stable life without worrying about An Ran, and not long after that, they were found by people from a nearby base. He also entered the base and lived a life as stable as An Ran.

(End of this chapter)

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