Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 3696 Game Live 55

Chapter 3696 Game Live 55
What happened next was very logical - Li's father, Li's mother, and Li's brother-in-law's family lived in the same city, but one was in the city and the other was in the country.

When the base in that city picked up people, Li's brother-in-law's family went first, but now Li's father and mother also went.

How big a base can be, and brother-in-law Li's family is quite a lot, so the chances of meeting Li's father and Li's mother are still very high, so Li's father and Li's mother quickly saw them.

After seeing his son-in-law and his family, Li's father and Li's mother remembered the unexplained death of their youngest daughter, and immediately began to find someone to find out who entered the base together with Li's brother-in-law and his family.

After they entered the base, they didn't need to dig energy stones to make protective shields for themselves, so they naturally had surplus energy stones to exchange for base points. If they had points, it would not be difficult to find someone to inquire about something.

After the points cleared the way, Li's father and Li's mother soon knew who came to the base with Li's brother-in-law and his family.

After finding those people, they quickly learned about the circumstances of Li Xinran's death from those people.

After knowing that Li Xinran's father-in-law pushed him to block the monster, Li's father and Li's mother, who had always loved their little daughter, naturally hated her to death, and immediately told An Ran about it.

"Of course, your sister was killed by her in-law's family. You don't have to wait in the game anymore. Take advantage of their family's unguardedness and quickly eliminate those two immortals from the game!"

It's not okay to kill people in reality, but it's okay to eliminate people from the game.

Although he was only eliminated from the game, he would not die in reality, but now if he cannot enter the game to obtain various resources, he is considered half dead, so it can be regarded as revenge.

This is also the reason why Li's father and Li's mother found out about Li Xinran's situation, instead of seeking an explanation from Li Xinran's in-laws, they found An Ran, because they didn't want to startle the snake, lest Li Xinran's in-laws know that An Ran's family was going to settle accounts with them. The location of the game is gone, so the game is vast, and An Ran will not be able to find their traces.

After An Ran eliminated them, it would not be too late for them to come to their door to settle accounts with them.

After hearing what Li's father and Li's mother said, An Ran nodded and said, "Understood, wait for my news."

Although she was going to avenge Li Xinran, she didn't plan to settle the score with Li Xinran's in-laws directly, but instead found a team of killers from the Internet and asked them to help.

The reason why she didn't settle the accounts herself was because she didn't want to bear a red name for people like Li Xinran and her husband's family, and cause endless troubles in the future, so she still planned to spend money to settle the matter directly. Build a good killer team.

With a heavy reward, there must be a brave man, and soon An Ran picked a team of killers with a good reputation, gave them money, and came to find Li Xinran's in-laws.

The so-called killer team with a good reputation means that this company directly stated that it only helps people to avenge, and does not help people to kill innocent people.

An Ran didn't want to give money to people who had no limit, so seeing this family's argument, they approached them.

It’s not just An Ran who doesn’t want to become famous because of murder, but there are also many people whose relatives were killed, but if they go directly to kill them, they will definitely become famous, but they don’t care, people who feel uncomfortable in their hearts, so they help people to avenge their business Then it appeared, and as the end of the world came, it became more and more popular. After all, in the end of the world, I don't know how many crimes will happen.

Immediately, Li's father and Li's mother investigated the evidence that Li Xinran was killed by a monster recommended by her father-in-law, and submitted it to the team. After the team passed the review, they took An Ran's deposit and helped An Ran take revenge.

Of course, An Ran also followed, she wanted to lead the way, and secondly, she wanted to watch the murderer lay down the law with her own eyes.

Soon, a group of people came to the position of Li Xinran's parents-in-law. They didn't see Li Xinran's parents-in-law coming out for a while, so An Ran and the others waited quietly.

According to the investigation, Li Xinran's parents-in-law are quite cautious, and have been bored in their own place all the time, probably because they have done too many bad things, and they are also afraid of being troubled by others.

But they will not come out forever. If the mining tools are out of durability, they need to get new tools. Although they can store a lot of tools and raw materials in their backpacks, there will always be a day when they run out. Cut some trees at the gate, and pick some fruits, etc., to supplement life and physical strength.

In fact, they can grow them in the protective cover, or they can buy them in the market, but if they buy them, they don’t want to spend that money. After all, there are things at the door, so why spend money; if they grow them, it takes time to take care of them, and they are too lazy Come on, I thought that there is one at the door anyway, so I just finished it at the door, and it should be all right at such a short distance from the door.

How do you know something will happen today?

As soon as they came out that day, they just stood in front of the tree at the door and collected the trees, when they saw a bunch of skill special effects explode on their heads, and then their interface turned gray.

It's a sign of being eliminated, they've heard it said online.

Thinking of being killed, eliminated, unable to enter the game to obtain various resources, and how to live in the base in the future, Li Xinran's parents-in-law couldn't help but tear their eyes apart, wanting to see who harmed them.

Then I saw my daughter-in-law's sister walking over.

Seeing An Ran, Li Xinran's parents-in-law became uncomfortable. Obviously, they knew that there was some enmity between them and An Ran.

"Actually, I don't need to use it, but I still came here. I just want to make it clear to you that my sister was killed by you. Today I am here to avenge her. Come to think of it, when you killed her, you should understand, always Don’t be surprised that it will come one day.”

Do not!They wouldn't understand, because they always felt that the Li family wouldn't find out about this, so they weren't mentally prepared for the Li family to come to their door.

At this moment, he was eliminated steeply, and he couldn't accept it at all.

There are things that are even more unacceptable.

In the early morning of the next day, Li's father and Li's mother, who heard An Ran say that Li Xinran's parents-in-law had been eliminated, came to the door and exposed the scandalous things Li Xinran's parents-in-law did, so that everyone would know.

When Li's mother came to the house where Li Xinran's parents-in-law lived, she sat down on the ground, slapped her thigh and said, "My son! You died so badly! What a vicious in-laws, push her out to fend off monsters! ..."

After repeating this matter, the faces of Li Xinran's in-laws and family behind the door couldn't help but turn ugly.

You know, the base is not big and densely populated. When Li's father and Li mother yelled like this, they spread it to ten, ten to a hundred, and soon the people around them will all know the scandal they have done, and they will definitely be punished by then. Pointing.

Thinking of living in such an environment, Li Xinran's mother-in-law wanted to faint. After all, she was also a face-saving person. She thought that when she arrived at the base, she would be separated from those who knew their details. No one would know what they had done in the future. I know, but Li's father and Li's mother exposed it and let others know. Thinking of dying in front of these people in the future, Li Xinran's mother-in-law, wouldn't she faint?

(End of this chapter)

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