Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 505 The Desolate End Times 11

Chapter 505 The Desolate End Times 11
At that moment, Zhao Sheng immediately helped An Ran register as a member, reciprocated, and said to An Ran: "You are the top 100 superpowers who join the management center in this city. The city said that the top [-] will reward [-] points. Although the points Not much, but somehow it makes sense.”

While talking, he credited 100 points into An Ran's account.

As soon as he heard about this policy, he was the first to come to An Ran, because he knew that An Ran had the highest rank in his package area, so he thought he would be the first to think of her, so he entered her into the system first. With this point, people will thank him.

Sure enough, An Ran saw it, and said with a smile: "Then I have to thank Director Zhao."

Immediately, he brought some dishes and asked Zhao Sheng to take them.

Zhao Sheng declined a few times, then accepted it happily, thinking that he was right to make friends with An Ran.

Then he revealed the news to An Ran, saying: "The government is recruiting people with supernatural powers to form a supernatural department. If Miss Yu is interested, you can join. Depending on Miss Yu's level, the other party will definitely rush to ask for it."

An Ran secretly thought, it seems that the officials are also aware of the potential of supernatural beings, and are also trying to recruit supernatural beings to serve the government, but they don’t know why they got out of control and caused chaos in the world, while thinking and laughing: “Okay, if If I get the chance, I'll take part."

She has to figure it out, because if she can prevent order from collapsing without joining the ability department, then it doesn't matter if she doesn't join; but if she doesn't join the ability department, order cannot be prevented from collapsing. Yes, I'm about to join. Of course, if you don't have the ability to manage the world, then forget it, and you can only manage yourself.

Yu Xinran saw that Zhao Sheng complimented An Ran, and couldn't help but feel unhappy. You know, before when people came to the house, they only complimented her. After all, she works in the unit, but An Ran is not. But now, the person being complimented has become An Ran, and An Ran She also has a strong and confident appearance, which looks particularly free and easy, which seems to be better than the self-confident self before, which makes Yu Xinran see it, and naturally feels uncomfortable, thinking that her sister was the most useless and incompetent before, and also It was when her husband cheated, he was domineering, he didn't procrastinate, but divorced immediately, he usually looked incompetent, when did he become so strong and confident, could it be possible that a person with supernatural powers can become incompetent? same?

Of course, it is also possible. After all, it is normal to become more confident when you have reliance.

Seeing An Ran like this, Yu Xinran naturally didn't dare to do anything, for fear of offending An Ran, it would be bad if she kicked her out. Although there are parents around, it stands to reason that even if she offended An Ran, she would She didn't dare to drive herself away, but she became a little uncertain at this moment, because An Ran's strong and confident appearance made it hard for her to say how this sister would react after he pissed her off.

In the end, Yu Xinran, who wasn't sure what An Ran's reaction was, could only continue to watch An Ran become more and more beautiful, and felt aggrieved for a long time, feeling a little bit internally hurt.

Soon, An Ran went to the farm controlled by the state according to the time mentioned above to help give birth to plants.

This farm is not small, so there are naturally many people who come to help.

There are about 20 supernatural beings in this county. At present, there are only three supernatural beings above the third level like An Ran; there are about [-] second-level supernatural beings, and there are about ten others. I have practiced so few It is still a first-level month, and I don’t know why it has been half a year, and it is still a first-level. There is no more precise measurement tool, so I don’t know the reason.

Of course, this is the number of all supernatural beings. Naturally, there will not be so many people with wood supernatural powers. Only about one-third of the people have wood supernatural powers. Yes, that is, the scale of sixteen or seventeen people.

Among them, there are only two people with wood-type abilities above the third level, so the farm divides people into two batches, one group every half a month, and one harvest once, not for people with abilities to come every day, of course If you want to come every day, the official will not object, anyway, according to the corresponding price, you will be given points.

Because they were divided into two groups, there were about eight people in each group. This time, An Ran and the others had eight people. An Ran had a third-level student, five second-level students, and two first-level students.

Everyone asked each other about their screen names in the group—the supernatural person management center built a group, and all the supernatural persons in this county joined, so although they didn’t meet each other, they actually knew each other in the group—after talking to each other , because of the exchanges in the group, they quickly became familiar with each other, and many people asked how An Ran practiced, and why it was so fast.

An Ran naturally wouldn't say that her talent is actually good at exercises, but said she didn't know, anyway, she reached the third level after practicing. Everyone listened, they only thought her talent was good, and didn't think it was strange.

In addition to these supernatural beings, ordinary people who were doing preparatory work and collecting vegetables stood beside them.

They have done the preliminary work first - yesterday, they planted all kinds of vegetable and fruit seeds that the government intends to produce on the land designated by the government yesterday, and now they come safely, as long as they are in the place designated by the government Just stand up and start using supernatural powers to give birth, so that all the preliminary work is done, and they only need to give birth, which saves time.

Vegetables are easy to get, and after they are done, those ordinary people can follow behind to harvest; but fruits, it is impossible to bear fruit after blooming, so when the flowers bloom, the supernatural beings will stop, and then those ordinary people will put a cage The bees were released to collect honey and pollinate. When the process was almost done, the supernatural beings continued to ripen.

Generally speaking, there is a shortage of supplies now, so it’s time to focus on the production of vegetables. After all, even if you don’t produce fruits, but only produce vegetables, the vegetables supplied by so many supernatural beings are not enough for the entire city’s residents. Now you are not only producing vegetables, but also producing fruits. , and wasting a lot of abilities, it is really a bit strange, An Ran thought, it should be some important person in the county who wants to eat fruit, so he gave such an instruction.

An Ran's guess was right. Not long after, one of the supernatural beings who worked together knew some inside information. When someone asked strangely, why not all vegetables were born, but fruits were also born, and he sneered and said: "Our county magistrate Fruits are indispensable for a day, so what if they don’t give birth? Women, they like to pay attention to what to eat to moisturize their skin.”

That's right, the county magistrate of Q County is a woman. During the following discussions with these people, An Ran learned that this county magistrate had a great background before the apocalypse. The reason—it is said that there are people in the province.

"Funny, what time is it, and they are still putting on the show like before. If it weren't for us, let alone fruits, they wouldn't even have to eat vegetables. What kind of show are you still putting on in front of us, what kind of big cloves of garlic are you putting in? Get some points to pass away Let's, let's get her fruit to eat. I am now at a low power level, and there are some official supplies I need. There is no way. When the power level is high, or the supplies I want are available, I am not lazy at all. Talk to her, I believe there are many people who think the same as me, and then I will see how she can show off." A supernatural person sneered again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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