Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 506 The Desolate End Times 12

Chapter 506 The Desolate End Times 12
An Ran could hear the sense of superiority in this man's tone. In fact, she saw many supernatural beings on the Internet, all of whom had this kind of superiority. It's normal to feel superior.

There are even some extreme people who think that supernatural beings should be called new human beings, and their relationship with ordinary people is just like the relationship between human beings and monkeys in the past. Didn’t human beings say that they were advanced animals in the past? In terms of analogy, it should be called a higher human being.

And at this moment, An Ran listened to what the supernatural person said, and the others agreed, secretly thinking, this is probably the reason why the world will be in chaos in the memory of the original body?People with supernatural powers already look down on those former officials, or because some former officials were not good, they don't want to work for such people, and other reasons, it is normal for them to become kings on their own.

Although An Ran wanted to maintain order and prevent the world from being in turmoil and affecting the ordinary people, she didn't mind changing if the people at the top didn't care. Drop, she has no such obligation.

Although it was a busy day on the farm, everyone was very happy because they exchanged a lot of what they knew, and An Ran also felt that it would be good to meet with each other once a month to exchange information.

Time passed quickly, and the Chinese New Year would soon be here. At this time, An Ran also spread the good news that she had reached the fourth level of abilities, with stronger abilities and wider coverage.

But at this time, the outside is getting more and more chaotic.

It's no wonder that the outside world is getting more and more chaotic. Since the great change, almost ten months have passed.

Ten months is really too long. Even if the country has reserves, it can’t afford so many people in the country to hardly produce. They can only sit and eat. After such a long time, the country’s reserves have already been consumed. The country could not afford the expenditure, and the officials had to lower the amount of materials distributed every day.

And the ones that were originally distributed were not enough for everyone to eat, and now they are distributed even less, which is not enough to fill the stomach.

And once a person is extremely hungry, he can do anything, so even though the state tries its best to control it, robbery and theft happen one after another, and the state cannot control it.

Moreover, many people formed large gangs, and they were basically cold weapons unlike before. Some of these large gangs got guns and ammunition, and started looting everywhere like locusts.

An Ran looked at the news uploaded on the Internet and thought, this might be the prototype of the warlord regime in the future.

And Qingshan Village encountered such armed looting for the first time.

This group of armed gangs heard that there was a supernatural person in Qingshan Village. Although they heard that there was a third level—An Ran had only advanced to the fourth level, and the outsiders didn’t know about it—but they didn’t take it seriously at all, because how many people did they have? With a gun, no matter how powerful the third-level supernatural being is, how powerful can it be? Kill her at that time, and then snatch the food she gave birth to, and they will send it out, and they can have a prosperous year.

As for wood-type supernatural beings who kill one less than one, if they think like them, the number of wood-type supernatural powers that are not enough will drop sharply, no one will produce food, and ordinary people will become more and more unable to survive, then it will not be theirs. It is within the scope of thinking. Of course, they will ask the opinion of the supernatural person. If they are willing to rely on them and produce food for them, they can let her die. If they are not willing, they must be killed. Giving it to others is cheaper for others, isn't it?
If An Ran wants to know their self-righteous thoughts, she is afraid that she will laugh at them.

The battle started at night. Those people thought that Qingshan Village must be unprepared, and night attacks would be easier to succeed.

But they don't know that An Ran, who has passed through countless worlds and has been in the army in many worlds, even though he is not a genius, but still understands some basic defense principles, so the village has already done what she thought earlier. Points, recruited some patrols, patrolling day and night.

At the same time, publicity is being made, that once the village is breached, life will be difficult, so ordinary people, as long as they have time, can usually take a look and pay more attention.

The people in Qingshan Village have been out and learned about the terrible situation outside, and they also know about the chaos outside from the Internet or TV, so the propaganda of An Ran is naturally easy for the people to accept. Many people are afraid that the patrol team will not do things carefully. We found that the enemy was invading, so we usually check more often.

Therefore, the entire Qingshan Village has a very high level of security, and everyone knows that there is a little trouble, so when those people attacked at night, they didn't pay attention to coming quietly. They thought that Qingshan Village would not be on guard. For fear, they drove a few heavy trucks, and the person in charge of the lookout in Qingshan Village was already on the high mountain, and when they saw them entering Qingshan Town, they warned the village.

When they arrived, the men, women and children of the village were waiting behind the city wall that An Ran had built that became stronger as the level of An Ran's ability increased, holding the defensive weapons they had prepared long ago.

How could those people know about the situation in Qingshan Village? When they came outside the wall of Qingshan Village, someone raised a loudspeaker and told the villagers to open the door.

While raising the rifles and pistols in their hands, they said: "Open the door quickly. If you don't open it, we will use the bulldozer to push down the wall later. After entering, don't blame us for being cruel!"

There was silence behind the wall. The person shouting and the leader of the robbers felt that they had been insulted. Seeing that no one responded, the leader waved angrily at the transport vehicle behind and said, "Go! Take this The wall was bulldozed for me."

Bulldozers and excavators slowly descended from the transport vehicles, ready to dig and push.

At this moment, stones were suddenly flying like rain on the city wall, and if one didn't pay attention, someone was smashed into meatloaf by the stone.

It turned out that An Ran had arranged for the villagers to make trebuchets long before. She had stayed in ancient times and fought wars, so she naturally knew how to defend the city—even if she wasn’t the most powerful in ancient times, she was definitely better than those who never stayed Modern human beings are much more proficient—know how trebuchets are made. After making them, you don’t have to worry about the stones. Not to mention that there are stones everywhere in the village. It's very simple. For example, the stones used by the villagers at the moment are mass-produced by Anran from time to time. Not only are the quantities amazing, but Anron's production is much more convenient than letting the villagers work hard to move the stones, and they are absolutely the same size. There is no need for a mason to change the stone twice, which is convenient to use.

The robbers thought that there were not many stones in the village, but they didn't expect that every time they stopped for a while, there would always be stones falling like rain, causing heavy casualties again, as if they stopped for a while to attract them to come forward.

Seeing that the other party's stones seemed endless, and they obviously had abundant reserves, some of the robbers below inevitably wanted to back off, and discussed with the robber leader: "Brother, why don't you change to another village, there is another supernatural person in this town, It’s okay to grab him, so as not to gnaw on this hard bone, and the brothers will suffer heavy casualties.”

(End of this chapter)

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