Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 573 The reborn girl married her father-in-law 4

Chapter 573 The reborn girl married her father-in-law 4
But Mrs. Sincerity finished her daily manipulative task, and after explaining some things to her subordinates, she asked her to go down. When there was no one left, she opened the suitcase and took out a piece of... sexy underwear.

When An Ran saw it, she was seeing her take out sexy underwear, and as soon as she saw her take out such a thing that was completely different from the bellybands of this era, she knew that Mrs. Sincerity was crossed.

It’s just that at this moment, An Ran only thought Mrs. Chengyi was time-traveling, and didn’t realize anything else. She only secretly told herself to be on guard against this Mrs. Chengyi. After all, the other party was not an ordinary person, but a time-traveling woman. , but the point of thinking that is absolutely different from that of ordinary aboriginal women must always be considered. From then on, she must at least consider issues from the perspective of a transhumanist instead of aboriginal thinking.

And An Ran also understands why Mrs. Chengyi married Uncle Chengyi after the son of Uncle Chengyi repented of his marriage. If she was an aboriginal girl, she would not necessarily take this step. No matter how angry you are about this matter and want to take revenge, I'm afraid you won't think of this step. Only the time-traveling girl may be mentally old. If you marry a sincere uncle who is around 40 years old, you don't think that the other party is old and you can bear it ; Second, in order to get revenge, I can put down my face and marry an old man in the eyes of people in this era.

Of course, I understand better why in the original body's memory, Mrs. Chengyi hugged Mrs. Chengyi, probably using the bed style that people in this era have never seen to hug Mr. Chengyi.

And just when An Ran was thinking about this, Madam Chengyi surprised herself again——

Just when An Ran thought that she was going to put on that sexy lingerie, not to watch people take off their clothes, and was about to stop looking at it, she saw Mrs. Chengyi gesticulating that sexy lingerie on her body, while sighing, and said: "Unexpectedly, I For a time-traveling woman to be defeated by such an indigenous woman, and to restart after loading the file, she is also drunk."

When An Ran heard this, she couldn't help being surprised, she secretly thought she was a good girl, she was not only a time-traveling girl, but also a reborn girl, this woman's cheating is not simple, she just has the advantage of time-traveling, and also has the advantage of rebirth, which is amazing, especially the advantage of rebirth , Knowing the future, it's no wonder that in the world of the original body, Mrs. Shizi would be disgraced.

While An Ran was thinking about it, Wu Li continued: "This time I married Uncle Chengyi and became your stepmother and mother-in-law. Let me see how you mess with that scumbag! Fight with me, wait and see !"

The next thing is that Wu Li is not easy to tell others, and usually she can only keep it in her heart. When she is alone, all she can say is nothing more than scolding Chengyi Bo Shizi as a scumbag, and Shizi's wife as a mistress, a bitch, and stealing her fiance , Humiliated her, she wanted revenge, etc., An Ran saw that there was no nutritious content, so she cut off the contact with the puppet. You must know that she has no spiritual power now, and if she wants to use the puppet, it depends on the spirit stone Maintenance, in fact, is to eat money, so naturally, it is impossible to monitor it all the time.

As soon as he exited the surveillance, Yuanshen's cheap husband Luo Li came in.

The original body is little transparent, and the original body's husband is also little transparent. From the original body's memory, the original body's husband is not good to her, but he is not bad, anyway, he is on the same level as most other people.

Luo Li is a little transparent, and at the same time, he doesn't have much ability, so he can't make money to support himself. He just lives on the monthly money from the government.

Because he couldn't do much, of course no one asked him to do anything, and he didn't have to worry about eating and drinking, so Luo Li just wandered around with nothing to do every day, sometimes going to teahouses outside to listen to music and books, but he didn't go to any brothels— — It’s not necessarily because I don’t want to go, but because I don’t have money.

At this time, because it was almost noon and it was time to eat lunch, Luo Li came back.

Seeing that Luo Li had returned, An Ran asked Xiao Cui to order the food.

Looking at the food, Luo Li couldn't help frowning, and said, "What are these things? The quality is getting worse day by day?"

An Ran said: "It was delivered in the kitchen. Xiaocui also reported this problem just now. This meal is a bit deceptive. How do you think about it?"

Luo Li glanced at her, and said disapprovingly: "Sister-in-law butler, just tell sister-in-law about this matter."

"What if it's useless to say it?" An Ran asked with a drawn out voice.

Luo Lidao: "If you don't change what you say, then your sister-in-law is bullying others. Didn't the wife always want to return to the housekeeper right? Then we will wait for the wife to be the housekeeper and see if the situation can be better."

After listening to Luo Li's words, An Ran secretly thought, probably this is the result Wu Li wanted - if the wife of Shi Zi changed, she would almost hand over the power of housekeeping, and she would go to train people, or even change people, then she would definitely offend A bunch of people, if these people are called back by Mrs. Chengyi in the future, those who have been offended by Mrs. Shizi, why not kill Mrs. Shizi who has no housekeeping rights?If Mrs. Shizi doesn't change, well, in the eyes of Luo Li and even other people in the mansion who have been bullied by servants, Mrs. Shizi is not a good person. If she bullies others, her reputation will be greatly damaged.

Therefore, whether Mrs. Shizi changes or not, it is of no benefit to her.

But since the cheap husband has orders, An Ran will definitely act according to the orders, and mention this opinion to Shi Zi's wife, so that the next meal will not be the same.

Anyway, the poor quality of the food is also a practical matter, so she should mention it.

So after the meal, An Ran got up and went to Shi Zi's wife.

Seeing An Ran coming, Mrs. Bo Shizi couldn't help but smiled affectionately and said: "Why do you have time to come over, please sit down."

An Ran looked at her, secretly thought that Wu Li's troubles for her still had some effect - before Shizi's wife looked down on Yuan Shen, she simply ignored her, but now she is being troubled by her stepmother and mother-in-law. When you find a teammate, you become enthusiastic about yourself.

An Ran smiled and sat down while answering Mrs. Shizi's words, saying: "I have something to tell my sister-in-law."

Mrs. Shizi deviated from her usual attitude of indifference to her, and enthusiastically asked people to take out melons and fruit cakes, and then asked, "What's the matter, tell me."

So An Ran said: "Sister-in-law, the recent food in the kitchen is getting worse every day, does sister-in-law know what's going on?"

When Mrs. Shizi heard her, she didn't come here to chat, not even to talk about that cheap stepmother and mother-in-law, but to ask about the kitchen, that is, about her, her face immediately turned ugly, and she secretly thought that this younger brother and sister are just mud. Those who can't support the wall are still entangled in these trivial matters at this time, but they never thought about Mrs. Chengyi's making troubles. Is there something wrong with their brains?
 Thank you Qingyouer for the gift~~ I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival in advance!

(End of this chapter)

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