Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 574 The reborn girl married her father-in-law 5

Chapter 574 The reborn girl married her father-in-law 5
Oh, yes, now the cheap stepmother and mother-in-law are indeed only looking for troubles for her sister-in-law, not her. Why, she thinks that she doesn’t have to worry if she only finds troubles for her sister-in-law, so not only does she not discuss this matter with herself, she even Mention the matter of cooperation, and conversely, come to find fault with yourself?Did she eat the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard?Oh no, maybe it wasn't eating the bear's heart and leopard's gall, maybe it was making someone worse?Seeing her stepmother making trouble for her, I thought that I don't need to take her seriously, and I can take this opportunity to make trouble for her, right?In the past, the treatment was not good, and she never dared to mention it, but now she dares to do so, what is it?
Because she was in a bad mood, not only did Shizi's wife turn cold, but her voice also turned cold, and said: "I will see what happened to what my brother and sister said."

She said she would take a look, but in fact, she just took a look, but she would never help her solve it. You must know that the attitude of the second grandma Yiluo towards herself, and that she didn't order anyone to get her worse meals, is because she is kind. .

Just as An Ran thought of it, Madam Shizi naturally thought of it too. She wants to reprimand or dispose of those people in the kitchen at this time. When Mrs. Chengyi finds those people back, will she still have a good life?So how could she offend someone for Second Grandma Luo? After all, Second Grandma Luo didn't do her any favors, nor did she help her get along with her stepmother and mother-in-law, and she was even suspected of throwing stones at her.

As for not dealing with it, and thus offending Grandma Luo, she is not afraid of it. After all, would she be afraid of a concubine and daughter-in-law who has no status in the mansion?If that's the case, she doesn't have to mess around.

——When she thinks this way, she obviously fell into Mrs. Chengyi's trick. People hope that she will offend more and more people in the mansion. Although it seems that it is nothing for a small person like An Ran to offend, but if she offends a lot, it is not okay What's more, not everyone dared to confront Mrs. Shizi like the original body. There are still some people who dare to fight against Mrs. Shizi with the support of Mrs. Chengyi. Mrs. Shizi wants to kill all the little people like An Ran In my eyes, if I offend anyone who dares to fight against her, in the future, if the other party has the support of Mrs. Sincerity, and troubles her, she will suffer. She only thinks that she is a majestic wife, and no one needs to be afraid , but forgot that now she has a stepmother and mother-in-law on her head. If the person she offended, if she cooperates with Mrs. Chengyi, then there is no need to be afraid.

An Ran knew that she would be perfunctory, because Yuan Shen had asked her this question before, and she answered Yuan Shen in the same way. Afterwards, she didn't deal with those people in the kitchen at all, and let those people continue to treat Yuan Shen badly.

After Mrs. Chengyi snatched the housekeeping right, Luo Li saw hope, so he asked Yuanshen to ask Wu Li again. Wu Li would naturally not ignore it. After all, if she didn't deal with it, how could she be different from Mrs. Shizi?So I told the people in the kitchen immediately, and the people in the kitchen improved immediately—of course she would not deal with the people in the kitchen, after all, Yi Anran guessed that those people were with her, and since they were in the same group, they were together Acting, how can she deal with them, but if you don't give Yuanshen an explanation, it won't show that she is different from Mrs. Shizi, so you still have to deal with it in moderation, but she can talk, tell Yuanshen, she will talk first Speaking of them, if they don't correct, they will be dealt with, but as soon as she said, those people corrected, and naturally no one was sent out. She won a reputation, and nothing happened when she accompanied her in the show. How wonderful Woolen cloth.

After this incident, Mrs. Chengyi won a lot of hearts, and at the same time, Mrs. Shizi also lost a lot of hearts. For example, after this incident, Luo Li, who didn't know how deep it was, had a much better impression of this cheap stepmother.

But An Ran, who knows the routines in the city, will not be so childish, and will feel sincerity that Mrs. Uncle is good, and Mrs. Shizi is bad-the latter does not deal with kitchen affairs, it is indeed not a good thing, but the former, this matter is very important. It may be a trap set by the former, so the former who caused An Ran to eat so many days of poor quality food, is not considered good.

At this moment, An Ran saw Mrs. Shizi perfunctory her, but she just pretended not to know and said: "Okay, then I will wait for the good news from my sister-in-law."

Then he said goodbye and left.

In the evening, Luo Li saw that the food was still the same, and as An Ran expected, he asked about it and said, "Didn't you mention this to sister-in-law during the day?"

An Ran said: "I mentioned it, my sister-in-law said, I will tell the kitchen."

"Since I will tell the kitchen, how come the food is still like this? Surely I didn't say that! There are still such big sisters!" Luo Li said angrily.

Although they have no status in the mansion, the clay figurines also have a three-point temper. Being bullied like this, no matter how good a person is, it is impossible not to be angry.

An Ran said: "Maybe she won't listen if I tell you, why don't you go talk about it?"

Luo Li sneered, and said: "If she doesn't think highly of you, will she think seriously of me? If she really put me seriously, knowing that I eat the same food as you, she still won't listen to you If so, why don't you tell the kitchen?"

An Ran secretly thought, it seems that Luo Li is not naive enough to think that he will be useful if he comes out, and he is not stupid to the end - from the memory of the original body, Luo Li thinks that Mrs. Chengyi is good, and has not discovered Mrs. Chengyi's routine at all. , An Ran once thought that Luo Li's brain was too stupid, but now it seems that he is not stupid to the end, and maybe he can be rescued.

So An Ran said: "Husband, don't be angry, I think in a few days, my mother-in-law will take over the housekeeping. When she takes over, I will talk about it. She must show some performance when she first takes office. Win people's hearts, I'm afraid it will help us solve it."

An Ran didn't want to say that Mrs. Sincerity might have caused this matter, after all, she had no evidence, but she also didn't want Luo Li to be easily won over by Mrs. Now that this is over, Luo Li thinks of what An Ran said at this time, and maybe he will think that Mrs. Sincerity is a new appointment to win people's hearts, rather than really being nice to him. In this way, maybe he won't treat his stepmother as he remembered. Impressive.

Regardless of whether Mrs. Chengyi did not do this and really helped solve the problem, but this person will cause trouble for the original body in the future, it is always true, so it is not an exaggeration to say so at this time, after all, sooner or later For those who settle accounts, what's the point of calculating early and late.

After hearing this, Luo Li felt a little better. He sneered and said, "If she treats me like this, I will wait to see my wife confiscate her housekeeping rights!"

"It shouldn't be a few days. My wife said today that she will hand over power within five days." An Ran said.

Judging from the memory of the original body, Mrs. Shizi did not withstand the pressure and handed over the power within five days.

"I hope so." Luo Li said.

(End of this chapter)

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