Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 618 The reborn girl married her father-in-law 49

Chapter 618 The reborn girl married her father-in-law 49
At first, Xiao Lian was fine, and gave the things to the person Mrs. Shizi arranged next to Mrs. Chengyi's son, but after five or six days, when the people there ran out of incense and needed to send new incense, Xiao Lian But she went to Mrs. Li and said that she could help her deliver incense. In order not to make Mrs. Li suspicious, Xiao Lian said that as long as she was willing to give her 100 taels of silver, she would help her run this way, saying that her family was short of money. I want to make more money, so that if something happens in the future, Mrs. Li has never delivered poison and has nothing to do with her, so she can save her life. However, she has delivered poison anyway, and if someone finds out in the future, it will be a dead word. It's death, saving her life is just a matter of lifting a finger.

At the beginning, Mrs. Li did doubt why Xiao Lian did this. However, when Xiao Lian said that the family was short of money, she vaguely heard that her father-in-law and mother-in-law were seriously ill at home. This child is really good. He can work so hard for his parents-in-law.

But it's true, as Xiaolian said, anyway, she has already delivered the poison, and if she catches it in the future, there will be no good fruit for her, so helping Mrs. Li to deliver the poison is indeed a matter of convenience.

So Mrs. Li didn't doubt anymore, and immediately took 100 taels to Xiao Lian, instead of sending the poison.

She was also willing to give Xiaolian 100 taels of silver, because she would not lose her life because of this. Of course, she was willing to give 100 taels of silver. If the money is gone, she can make money again. If this person is gone, no amount of money is useless.

Mrs. Li didn't have any doubts, but An Ran was not as innocent as Mrs. Li - she didn't believe Xiaolian's nonsense at all.

Yes, Xiao Lian’s words sound very reasonable on the surface, yes, they’ve already sent poisons anyway, and there seems to be no difference between sending them once in a while and sending them all the time. Anyway, if someone finds out, it’s a dead word; and her family really needs money. , In this way, it seems normal for her to make more money when left and right are dead characters, and there is nothing wrong with it.

However, An Ran, who had seen Xiao Lian's next move, knew that what Xiao Lian said to Mrs. Li was all lies—because after Xiao Lian took Mrs. Li's sachet, she did not give Mrs. Li's sachet to Mrs. Chengyi The people around him took out the contents, poured some medicinal powder, put it in and sent it over.

When An Ran saw it at the time, she felt that something was wrong. After all, the medicine given by Mrs. Shizi was already terrible. It was impossible for Xiao Lian to change to a more terrible poison for such a terrible poison. I'm afraid I can't find a poison that is more powerful than the poison given by Mrs. Shizi, so if she changes it, even if she can't insist that it is not poison, it will definitely not be more powerful than Mrs. Shizi's medicine.

In order to confirm her conjecture, An Ran immediately went to the internal response, got some of the medicine powder given by Xiao Lian and came back to study it.

After checking, it turned out that as I thought, the powder would only cause symptoms similar to the real poison after people took it, but it was not fatal.

After reading it, An Ran understood that Xiao Lian was afraid that the newly released Xiao Shizi would not react after taking the medicine, and would be discovered by Shizi's wife, so she changed to a poison that reacted but was useless, so as to deceive Shizi's wife.

But after the person didn't die, it would always make Mrs. Shizi doubt how the other party perfected this loophole. An Ran didn't think that Xiaolian didn't know, and there must be some other tricks.

Seeing such a situation, An Ran thought, maybe the medicine powder that Xiao Lian gave Nei Ying before had also been changed, but she monitored Xiao Lian before, after confirming that the medicine powder was poisoned by the original body. Yes, so An Ran didn't know if Xiao Lian had changed the poison powder before, but judging from now, it must have been changed, otherwise this new little prince wouldn't have been poisoned—yes, An Ran Taking advantage of the dead of night, I went to Xiao Shizi's room to see, Xiao Shizi was not poisoned.

And such a discovery made An Ran feel surprised, thinking about what happened to Xiao Lian, how could she help Mrs. Chengyi and not poison Xiao Shizi?
She thought that Xiao Lian was bought by Mrs. Chengyi, that's why she helped Mrs. Chengyi in this way, but she never saw her contact Mrs. Chengyi, and there were many people placed by Mrs. Chengyi around Xiaoshizi. I didn't tell Mrs. Chengyi, Mrs. Chengyi didn't know the situation at all. Obviously, she was not Mrs. Chengyi's person, otherwise Mrs. Chengyi wouldn't be so stupid. I told her in Xiaolian that those people were specially After coming to bring up the crooked little son, Mrs. Chengyi allowed those people to continue to take care of her son instead of driving them away.

Since Xiao Lian is not Mrs. Chengyi's person, why would she help Mrs. Chengyi?Anyway, it was impossible for her to believe that this little lotus was kind-hearted, and she couldn't bear to see Mrs. Shizi deal with a child, so she helped, because through these years of surveillance, she had already discovered that this maid was not a good thing. She often helped Mrs. Shizi with unscrupulous ideas to harm others, and she hurt Mrs. Chengyi many times. Although she didn't put a puppet by her side before, so I don't know if she is Mrs. Chengyi's person, but every time she made an idea, They all succeeded in harming Mrs. Chengyi. It doesn't look like Mrs. Chengyi deliberately arranged a high-level mole next to Mrs. Shizi. many times?
Unable to understand, An Ran stepped up her monitoring of Xiao Lian, but after many days passed, she still didn't see why.

I didn't see who Xiaolian was contacting, nor did I see Xiaolian pouring the poison on herself—since the poison should be in the original body, logically, Xiaolian should pour the poison on herself. I didn't see Xiaolian making such a move either.

Just as An Ran was thinking, could it be that Xiao Lian was really soft-hearted for a moment, and couldn't bear to make a move on the child, so she let Xiao Shizi go?Today I finally saw something different.

This day, Xiao Lian found Grandma Luo San—naturally there is more than one concubine named Luo Li in the mansion, so it is normal to have Grandma Luo—and said: “I told Grandma San last time that our grandma has a lot of good friends. Material, if you want, I can help you get some, and now I finally got it."

Then she took out the thing Mrs. Shizi gave her, and introduced the origin of this thing to Grandma Luo San, just to brag about its power. Of course, the price is also included in the bragging list, saying that it is a rare item that is hard to find with a lot of money, and then Ask Grandma Luo San, said: "I don't know what Grandma San thinks of this, would you like it?"

Grandma Luo San said happily after hearing this: "Yes, of course, you can make a price."

"200 taels of silver." Xiaolian said.

(End of this chapter)

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