Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 619 The reborn girl married her father-in-law 50

Chapter 619 The reborn girl married her father-in-law 50
This little thing costs 200 taels of silver, this little lotus is really good at slaughtering, you must know that this thing was given to her by Mrs. Shizi, and it doesn’t cost anything—well, at most, it’s just buying a counterfeit product for Xiaoshizi to use. A little money, but that thing is completely incomparable with the one in Mrs. Shizi's hands, and the price is not at the same level at all-she even killed Grandma Luo for 200 taels of silver, which is really cheap.

No, it’s not just 200 taels. Xiao Lian has two sets of poison in her hand, and another pair was given to her by Mrs. Li, who also gave her 100 taels of silver, so she wants to sell another 200 taels of silver. The poison is only worth 300 taels of silver. This little lotus really knows how to make money.

This price is obviously a bit expensive, even Grandma Luo San, who has heard that her family is good, can't help but hesitate for a while, Xiaolian saw her hesitate, and said: "You have no way to buy this thing, I will send it here You are here, why are you still hesitating, if you still hesitate, I will sell it to other people, some people want this thing."

Grandma Luo San didn't know whether what she said was true or not, but she really didn't dare to bet on the possibility. After all, this thing, like what Xiaolian said, if Xiaolian didn't provide it to her, she really didn't know where to find it. So he gritted his teeth and took out 200 taels to buy a sachet.

Seeing this, An Ran couldn't help but be speechless, secretly thinking that this woman is nobody but a daring traitor, who got good things from her master and didn't want to use them anymore, and resold them to others to make a lot of money from them, and she still owed her money. After thinking for a long time, Yuanchen had no grievances with this woman, why did she put the poison on Yuanchen, it turned out that she did not put the poison on him at all.

I don't know why she is so courageous, she dared to resell the things that Mrs. Shizi gave her to others. Isn't she afraid that in the future, if the little prince is not dead, she will not be able to do business with Mrs. Shizi?
No, maybe she can put the blame on the traitor, saying that the other party didn't handle it well, not her.

Of course, it can also be said that Mrs. Li didn't handle it well. Anyway, Mrs. Shizi didn't know about the deal between Mrs. Li and her. From Mrs. Shizi's point of view, it was the two of them who did it. It is impossible for something to happen. Just ask her Yes, even if Mrs. Li told about her deal with her, she has no evidence, and she can't prove that she did it; and Mrs. Li told the truth, it may not be good for her. Do it for her, how easy it is to say such a thing, so maybe Mrs. Li won't tell the truth, and she just puts the blame on her back, that would be even better.

Of course, even Xiao Lian is still betting, maybe Xiao Shizi is not dead, but Cheng Yibo is dead?After all, Bo Cheng is over 50 years old, and his health has not been very good in recent years. In this era when the average age is less than 50 years old, it is normal for people in their 50s to die. If Bo Cheng passes away, Mrs. Bo Cheng will definitely drive them away Let's go, in this way, after leaving the mansion, it will not be easy to attack Xiao Shizi again. Maybe it will be nothing at that time?

This is not An Ran's nonsense, but it can be seen from Yuanshen's memory - before Yuanshen's death, Uncle Chengyi passed away, and presumably the government will be divided soon.

An Ran thought of this for the time being. Of course, it is more likely that Xiao Lian made a lot of money with this thing, and then redeemed herself and left the Earl's Mansion, left with her family, sold the two bags of poison given to her by Mrs. Shizi, and The poison that will continue to be given in the future will earn a lot of money, and you can redeem yourself and leave before the matter is revealed. At that time, with so much money, you can escape far away. As a small landlord, don't be too happy in those days.

About Xiao Lian, An Ran thought so much, and then began to pay attention to Grandma Luo San, thinking, in the world of Yuanshen, could it be Grandma Luo San who killed Yuanshen?After all, the poison is now on Grandma Luo San.

Although the murderer was completely beyond my expectations, it was neither the wife of the eldest son who had troubled me, nor the sincere Mrs. Uncle, who had been secretly stumbling her, but it was most likely Grandma Luo San, but this person, If it was really her, it was normal that the other party would make trouble for her.

Because from Yuanshen’s memory, Grandma Luo San has always disliked her for some reason. Yuanshen also tried to find the reason, but he just couldn’t find it. Everyone likes her, it's normal that Grandma Luo San doesn't like her.

This is learned from the original body's memory. After An Ran came, in order to find out why Grandma Luo San didn't like the original body, she also paid attention to it for a period of time. After tracking it for more than a year, she really figured out the reason ——It turns out that it seems that Luo Sanye likes the original body (of course, he is himself). Grandma Luo San is jealous, so she naturally hates the original body. I can bear it, but I can't bear it. I would take the risk to kill people, which is considered to have a motive for committing the crime.

However, although An Ran didn't want to let a bad person go, she also didn't want to wrong a good person, so she didn't conclude that it was Grandma Luo San who bought the poison. He planned to see if it was really her poison, if it wasn't for her poison, then An Ran would continue to pursue the murderer.

But obviously, at this point in the plot, basically there will be no more surprises, because An Ran soon saw that Grandma Luo San began to poison Yuan Body through the eyeliner she placed beside Yuan Body.

Not surprisingly, this eyeliner is Xiao Cui, who was the maid in those days and now has been promoted to be the daughter-in-law by his side.

This Xiaocui, after her observation, found out that she was bought by Mrs. Chengyi back then, and now she is bought by Grandma Luo San, who poisoned herself. If you sell it once, you can naturally sell it a second time.

When An Ran found out that she was bought by Mrs. Chengyi, in order not to lose this clue, An Ran kept her alone. Now that she dared to poison herself, she knew that she could be caught.

It is basically certain that the main murderers are Xiao Lian, Xiao Cui, and Grandma Luo San, a behind-the-scenes instigator, a direct murderer, and an indirect murderer——Xiao Lian clearly knows that Luo San Grandma hates her to the bone, and she will definitely die if she gets the poison. Putting it all on Yuanshen, and still selling her medicine, what is it if it's not an indirect murderer?
These three people, obviously, she must make them as miserable as possible, and this miserable method... Since they like to use poison, then it's better to use an eye for an eye, she lacks everything, except poison!Dare to play poison in front of her, it's like playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong, okay?

So at that moment, An Ran concocted a terrible poison for the three of them. This poison is one of the most lethal, but after being poisoned, the whole body will itch, and in the end, the whole body will be scratched bloody, and the pain will be to the point of death.

An Ran felt that this thing was the most suitable for the three of them.

(End of this chapter)

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