From the beginning of the flood to the heavens and the world

Chapter 1171 The Immortal Mode of Hand Cloud!Powerful 1 punch!

Chapter 1171 Qianshouyun's Immortal Mode!Powerful punch!
"Fire Escape Phoenix Immortal Fire!"

This densely packed flame seemed to have its own consciousness, but it actually changed its own trajectory and enveloped Qianshouyun from all directions!

In an instant, Qian Shouyun was submerged by the dense flames!


The Qianshouyun exploded with a radius of [-] meters, arousing the surrounding dust and smoke, and the violent energy formed by the explosion overflowed the dust and smoke in all directions!

"Did you hit?"

Uchiha Shuzan Gouyu's writing wheel eyes kept spinning, watching the fireworks overflowing not far away, he couldn't see the scene clearly at all, and couldn't help but wonder in his heart!

Just when Akira Uchiha was still guessing whether his ninjutsu had hit Senjuyun, suddenly there was a shout in the dust and smoke!
What followed was a powerful aura, which instantly blew away the surrounding dust and smoke, and because of this powerful aura, cracks like spider webs opened on the ground!

"What a powerful momentum!"

Feeling this extremely powerful momentum, Uchiha Qiu couldn't help flashing horror in his eyes!
"Tap Tap!"

At this time, the sound of footsteps came, and a tall figure slowly walked out of the dust and smoke!

This tall figure is about three meters tall, with a lot of muscle bulges on his body, but it doesn't look too exaggerated. Instead, it has lost a trace of natural beauty. The bronze-colored skin looks as hard as aluminum alloy!
There is also a large character printed on the chest, which is exactly the word Tian in Tang Tian's name!
What is even more strange is that black stripes suddenly appeared around the corners of this person's eyes, his forehead resembled a black bull's-eye, and the periphery of his pupils turned golden, while the inside was black.

"Big Brother Yun?"

Looking at the tall figure that suddenly appeared, Akira Uchiha couldn't help muttering to himself!

Akira Uchiha can be quite sure that the person in front of him is definitely Senshou Yun!
Although the changes are too great, the outline of Qianshouyun can still be found on the face of this tall figure!
Moreover, although the energy fluctuations emanating from this tall figure are somewhat different from those of Senshouyun, Akio Uchiha can also feel the chakra breath on his body!
"Little ghost, are you shocked?"

Qianshouyun walked a few steps, then looked at Uchiha Akira who was stunned in place, and said with a big laugh!
That's right, at this moment, Qianshouyun has already activated his immortal mode!
"Brother Yun. Is this what you have gained this time?"

Feeling the extreme sense of oppression coming from Senshouyun, Uchiha Akira's face was also extremely dignified!

"Otherwise? Kid Qiu, you don't think that you are the only one who knows that people have something to gain, but I don't have anything! This is my gain this time, immortal mode!"

Looking at the dignified Akira Uchiha, the corners of Qianjuyun's mouth could not help but slightly raised, and then said!
"Is it fairy mode? Such a powerful force!"

Hearing this, Uchiha Qiu couldn't help but praise!

Although he has never heard of this fairy mode, but just by feeling the extreme oppression, he knows that this kind of power is very powerful!
Thinking of this, Akira Uchiha didn't dare to keep it anymore!

I saw the Sangou jade in his eyes spun quickly, and finally joined together, showing a shape like a blade.

Akira Uchiha also opened the ultimate eye of the Akira Uchiha clan, the Kaleidoscope Sharingan!
As Akira Uchiha opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, the aura on his body exploded instantly. Although he couldn't compare with Senjuyun who turned on the fairy mode, he surpassed the ordinary Kage-level powerhouse!
Although the aura exuded by Akira Uchiha is not as good as that of Senjuyun, but don't forget that the strongest Uchiha family is Sharingan, not to mention Akiu Uchiha is still a kaleidoscope Sharingan!

"Haha! Kaleidoscope Sharingan. Kid Qiu, be careful, I've already done it! Let me see if your Kaleidoscope Sharingan is really as powerful as the legend says!"

Seeing this, Qian Shouyun's eyes flashed, and then he laughed and said!

After finishing speaking, the figure of Qianshouyun disappeared in an instant, and the ground cracked violently, forming a pit in an instant!

"What a fast speed! If I hadn't turned on the kaleidoscope Sharingan, I wouldn't be able to keep up with his moving speed!"

And at the moment when Qianshouyun disappeared, Uchiha Akira's kaleidoscope turned quickly, and then the whole person quickly backed away!
The speed of Senjuyun who entered the fairy mode is very fast, even Uchiha Akira who retreated quickly, was overtaken by Senjuyun in the blink of an eye!

After catching up with Akira Uchiha, Senju Yun couldn't help but punch him directly!
The huge fist seemed to carry the sound of roaring dragons and tigers!

Suddenly appeared in front of Akira Uchiha!

The huge power and the violent vigor it carried overflowed towards the surroundings. Seeing the surrounding space, under this punch, small cracks appeared one after another!
Uchiha Akira's hair and clothes are constantly flying in this violent vigor!
You know, this is a new world created by Tang Tian. The space inside, whether it is hardness or quality, is much stronger than the outside!
However, Qianshouyun in the fairy mode, with one punch, tore the surrounding space into tiny cracks. From this we can see how powerful Qianshouyun's punch is!
At this time, Uchiha Qiu didn't expect that Senshouyun's speed would be so fast, even if he had retreated quickly, he would be overtaken in the blink of an eye!
Facing Senjuyun's powerful punch, Uchiha Akira opened his eyes sharply, and the kaleidoscope Sharingan quickly started to spin!
He was instantly covered by an armor made of energy!

Qian Shouyun's powerful punch hit the armor made of energy!

This force spread to the entire armor within a tenth of a second!

The air was compressed to the extreme, and there was a deafening explosion!
Suddenly, a sound of thunder broke out!
Two powerful forces erupted into a shaking airflow!


It spreads in all directions!
Cracks appeared on the ground, like spider webs, and began to spread around!

Under this punch, small cracks appeared in the energy armor covering Uchiha Akira's body in an instant!
Although there were cracks in the armor, it was not broken. Seeing this scene, Akio Uchiha finally breathed a sigh of relief!
But before Uchiha Akira could recover, he felt an unrivaled force, which was uploaded from Senjuyun's fist in an instant!
Immediately afterwards, under this powerful force, Akira Uchiha was knocked straight out!

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Then it hit the ground fiercely, bounced several times, directly smashed the ground into several potholes, and flew a hundred meters away, Uchiha Qiu's speed slowed down a little, and finally stopped, on the ground Leave a long drag mark!

And after flying Uchiha Akihito away, Qianshouyun did not continue to chase, after all, the two were just competing, not a life-and-death battle!

(End of this chapter)

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