Chapter 1172 Akira Uchiha's Susano!
Immediately afterwards, under this powerful force, Akira Uchiha was knocked straight out!

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Then it hit the ground fiercely, bounced several times, directly smashed the ground into several potholes, and flew a hundred meters away, Uchiha Qiu's speed slowed down a little, and finally stopped, on the ground Leave a long drag mark!

And after flying Uchiha Akihito away, Qianshouyun did not continue to pursue, after all, the two were just a competition, not a battle of life and death!

And Qianshouyun can also feel that his punch just now did not cause much harm to Akira Uchiha, it is not that Akio Uchiha is so strong that he hard-pressed his punch and nothing happened. No!
It was his punch just now, which didn't really hit Uchiha Akira, but hit the energy armor that suddenly appeared!

"What is the energy armor that suddenly appeared? Since it has such a strong defensive ability, and I didn't see him form a seal, so it shouldn't be some kind of defensive ninjutsu, is it a pupil technique?"

Qianshouyun kept guessing in his heart, what was the energy armor that suddenly appeared just now, suddenly, he thought of Uchiha Akira's Kaleidoscope Sharingan, and a flash of clarity flashed in his eyes!
And while Qianshouyun was still guessing, Uchiha Qiu, who was knocked out on the other side, also slowly got up!
At this moment, Akira Uchiha looked a little embarrassed. It seemed that although Senjuyun's punch did not hit him head-on, it also had some impact on him!
Looking at the Senju Cloud still exuding terrible oppression in the distance, the kaleidoscope Sharingan in Akio Uchiha's eyes quickly spun!
I saw a golden energy erupting from Uchiha Akira's body in an instant, covering her around his body, and, with the continuous influx of this golden energy, the energy that covered Uchiha Akira unexpectedly Slowly turn into an energy giant of nearly 200 meters!
This energy giant is wearing golden armor, holding a samurai long sword in his hand, and a pair of wings growing on his back. Every time these wings flap, a strong airflow will be formed around him!

Even Qianshouyun, who was hundreds of meters away at this moment, could feel the powerful pressure emanating from this armored golden energy giant!

"This is Susano from the Uchiha Akikaleidoscope Sharingan? It's actually golden!"

Tang Tian, ​​who was floating in mid-air not far away, was also slightly taken aback when he saw the golden giant!
He remembered that the Susano of the Uchiha clan suddenly seemed to be purple. How could Akira Uchiha's be golden?

Could it be that Uchiha Akira's kaleidoscope Sharingan is also like Senju Yunxianren's model, absorbing his own blood and mutating, so it turns golden?

"Brother Yun, this is my Susanoo! You have to be careful, this Susanoo of mine is very strong!"

Floating in the mind of the golden giant composed of energy, Uchiha Akira looked at Senjuyun not far away, and said!

Although Uchiha Akira's voice was not loud, it spread hundreds of miles around!
After finishing speaking, Uchiha Akira didn't see any movement, but the golden giant who was standing there quietly slashed down towards Qianjuyun with a several hundred meter long knife in his hand!
Unexpectedly, with the power, it directly tore the surrounding air apart, forming a powerful air current, raging towards the surroundings!
Qian Shouyun didn't take the powerful strike of the golden giant on the opposite side, but quickly dodged it!


The golden giant's long knife slashed directly on the ground, and the huge force seemed to split the ground in half, leaving a long knife mark in front of it!
This powerful blow instantly tore the ground apart, forming a violent airflow, and the countless gravels it carried flew in all directions!
And the speed of Qianshouyun who turned on the fairy mode was very fast. The moment the golden giant's long knife was slashed, he had already dodged to the side, and then kept avoiding the splashing boulder, and kept rushing towards the direction of the golden giant. !
When Uchiha Akira saw Senju Yun rushing towards him, he immediately turned the kaleidoscope Sharingan, and saw the other hand of the golden giant slowly raised up, and then pointed at the rushing Senjuyun!
In an instant, giant golden arrows made of energy shot out from his fingers continuously, and shot towards Qianshou Yunfei!

Seeing this scene, not only Qianshouyun, but even Tang Tian was taken aback for a moment, but soon Qianshouyun recovered, and his eyes were fixed, constantly adjusting his body, trying to avoid The golden giant arrow that flew towards him!
And Tang Tian was taken aback, it was because in the memory given by the deity, although Susano of the Uchiha clan also had this move, he could only shoot one or a few arrows, but this densely packed golden giant arrow was What the hell?

It seems that the Kaleidoscope Sharingan that absorbs a drop of his own blood to mutate not only turns into golden color, but also becomes many times stronger than the original!

Countless golden giant arrows shot down fiercely towards Qianshouyun!


The densely packed giant arrows, walking like a carpet, instantly enveloped Qianshouyun for hundreds of meters!

Qian Shouyun didn't dare to be careless against the dense golden giant arrows on the opposite side. He moved quickly, and a golden light flashed from his body, shuttled on the ground continuously, leaving golden afterimages behind him!
This scene is like a yellow ape with shining fruits in the world of One Piece, turning into a ray of light, constantly avoiding the flying golden arrows!

The golden giant arrow fired by Akira Uchiha's energy giant is powerful and very fast, but the thousand-handed cloud in sage mode is even faster!

These golden giant arrows can't hit Senjuyun at all, but Senjuyun can keep avoiding the golden giant arrows, and at the same time keep wanting Akio Uchiha to approach!

Seeing this scene, Uchiha Qiu couldn't help but raise his brows slightly, he didn't expect that his own move was cracked by Qianshouyun with speed. Sure enough, the only martial arts in the world is fast!

Looking at Akira Uchiha who was frowning, the corners of Senju Yun's mouth could not help but slightly raised, and a smug smile appeared on his face!

"Child Qiu, your Susanoo is indeed powerful, but it's useless if you can't beat me!"

Qianshouyun yelled at Uchiha Qiu while avoiding the flying golden giant arrow!

And just when Qianshouyun was proud, suddenly Uchiha Akira's voice came over!
"Brother Yun, you don't just think my move is that simple, do you?"

Hearing this, Qian Shouyun focused his eyes, then looked up!

I saw Uchiha Akira's kaleidoscope Sharingan spinning rapidly again, and an invisible force emanated from his kaleidoscope Sharingan instantly!

Suddenly, the pupils of Qianshouyun, who was moving fast, shrank sharply, and his fine hair stood up instantly, constantly reminding him that there was danger!
(End of this chapter)

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