From the beginning of the flood to the heavens and the world

Chapter 1804 Tang Tian finally made his move

Chapter 1804 Tang Tian finally made his move
"My God! Domain world, this is the power only a monk in the God King Realm can have!"

"And judging from this huge domain world, he is definitely not as simple as an ordinary God-King Realm!"

Standing on the treasure ship, Elder Mingchen turned pale with fright, and now he didn't care about Yingxuehe, and roared loudly:
"Go! Go, go back to the Black Wind Sect!"

At this moment, he suddenly thought of something, he knew that only by escaping back to the Black Wind Sect would he have a chance of survival!
The treasure ship speeded up immediately, cut through the sea and fled.

"What, he turned out to be in the God King Realm!"

Among the crowd, Meizi stared at Tang Tian's back with big eyes, she was already stunned.

She once guessed that this strong man must have a very high level of cultivation.

But she didn't expect it to be so high!

"He is so young and his cultivation level is so high, who is he? He must have many stories, right?"

Meizi looked at the young man's back, her eyes were full of curiosity.

A young man turned out to be a monk in the God King Realm!This kind of thing is simply unimaginable!All the passengers on board also stood there stupidly!Everyone was dumbfounded and didn't react at all. The servant who cleaned up for them turned out to be a super strong man in the God King Realm!
Can the world get any crazier?

Zheng Yi has already fallen to the ground.

"My mother!"

Zheng Yi was so frightened that he couldn't speak. The boy who was scolded by him turned out to be a strong man in the God King Realm, no less than the suzerain, or some elders of the sect!
"Will he argue with me about my disrespect?"

Not only Zheng Yi, but also many monks present had this idea.

A god-king-level cultivator cleaning up for them will cost their lifespan!In a sense, they all disrespect the strong!There will be no surprises if the strong want to take revenge and kill them!
Fortunately, Tang Tian didn't intend to settle accounts with them, or rather, from the very beginning, Tang Tian didn't take this matter to heart at all!
Unleash the power of the domain in Tang Tian, ​​making his surroundings his domain.

He didn't release the world of fire and sea, he just borrowed the power of the domain world, and he shouted loudly:
"Get up!"

With this sound, the turbulent wave of spiritual power surged like a storm!

Amidst the teeth grinding, everyone could clearly see that this huge ship was floating up from the water!

"My God, what a powerful spell!"

All the passengers on board were stunned again.

Although Lu Ma knew Tang Tian's identity, he was too shocked to speak when he saw this scene!

The incomparably huge ship rose higher and higher, and finally floated up to a height of [-] meters in the sky!You know, this boat is not an ordinary boat, but it is made of all kinds of fine iron and materials, and its weight is self-evident, but now, it can float at such a height, and no one lifts it. , just relying on invisible spiritual power!

This kind of use of divine power has reached the point of perfection!

"A monk in the God King Realm is really strong!"

At this moment, Tang Tian was already hanging under the sea ship, and the sea ship was high in the sky!

Tang Tian waved his hand:
"Go to me!"

The huge ship flew towards Fengmo Island in the sky!

After seeing off the sea boat, Tang Tian stared coldly at Yunying in front of him.

Yunying's face was pale at the moment. At this moment, he combined Elder Mingchen's reaction just now and the portrait he saw some time ago, and suddenly a person came to his mind!This person is exactly the same as the young man in front of him!This person is the hottest figure in their area, bar none!

"Is it Lord Tang?"

Yunying's face was pale, she stretched out her hand, retracted Rensi, and said embarrassingly:
"Lord Tang, since everyone has misunderstood, can you let this go?"

At this moment, Yunying couldn't guess Tang Tian's identity!

Suiren, he and Tang Tian are both in the Divine King Realm, and he is still in the late stage of the Divine King Realm, but he will not be arrogant and think that he will be the opponent's opponent!
You know, the Tang Tian in front of you is No.1 in the stable ranking competition!


Hearing this, Tang Tian sneered and said:

"If I wasn't Tang Tian, ​​I would have died in your hands right now! I didn't like your Yunmiao Pirates, but I still gave you a chance just now, but you didn't cherish it!"

Tang Tian stretched out his hand and drew the whip back, and said coldly:

"Also, my magic whip really wants to drink your blood! Now that you're here, don't even think about leaving!"

At this time, the leader didn't know how to shout:

"Leader, don't be afraid! I have already sent messages to the elders, and the elders will be here soon..."

"Go to hell!"

Hearing this, Yunying also knew that the grievances with Tang Tian could not be settled peacefully at this moment, so she immediately cursed angrily, and then yelled:


His sound caused hundreds of sea snakes in the sea to attack.

Some of these sea snakes are extremely huge, and they are all at the peak of the late stage of the gods. The attacks of hundreds of such powerful sea snakes should be able to hold Tang Tian for a while!Then he could escape with his life!

"Come on!"

Yunying yelled at the leader again, and then fled away!
An earth-shattering loud noise came from behind.

Only then did the people on the passenger ship flying in the sky come to their senses, and they all rushed towards the rear deck.Although they are getting farther and farther away from the battlefield, they can still see hundreds of sea snakes rolling up huge waves, and every huge wave hits like a heavy rainstorm!
And in this torrential rain, a young man with firm eyes and a green and golden whip in his hand faced hundreds of thick sea snakes without any fear!

"You sea snakes, each one of you doesn't know how many people have eaten. The Yunmiao Pirates set up snakes to cause disaster, and everyone deserves to die!"

Tang Tian flicked the magic whip in his hand, and shouted violently:
"It's time to drink blood, drink as much as you want!!"

I saw that magic whip went straight into the sea water, and then grew wildly. In just a blink of an eye, hundreds of forks grew out!Then every snake was tightly strangled by several branches!Those sea snakes are quite thick, and the waist of the thickest sea snake is almost as thick as a huge mountain peak!

But this is of no use. After the magic whip turned into a demon, its branches became thinner, but its toughness was stronger. It strangled the bodies of these sea snakes and did not allow them to escape at all!

Chi!The branch got into the body of the sea snake, gulping blood.

"Get up!"

Tang Tian's figure rose from the ground, dragging a long whip in his hand, and under the whip, hundreds of sea snakes appeared!

All the huge sea snakes were lifted into the air!
"Oh my God!"

The passengers on the passenger ship were stunned when they saw the scene behind them!
The same is true in Mei Zi's eyes, that young man's figure is too powerful!
He stood alone above the nine heavens, waving the bloodthirsty long whip in his hand, and pulled out hundreds of harmful sea snakes at once!These hundreds of sea snakes are already the vast majority of the Yunmiao Pirates' strength. After killing them all, this sea area will be much safer!
"Who is he?"

Finally, a passenger on board asked the question.

(End of this chapter)

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