From the beginning of the flood to the heavens and the world

Chapter 1805 The strongest of the Yunmiao Pirates

Chapter 1805 The strongest of the Yunmiao Pirates

He stood alone above the nine heavens, waving the bloodthirsty long whip in his hand, and pulled out hundreds of harmful sea snakes at once!These hundreds of sea snakes are already the vast majority of the Yunmiao Pirates' strength. After killing them all, this sea area will be much safer!
"Who is he?"

Finally, a passenger on board asked the question.

Meizi was also quite curious, this young man is too powerful, he will definitely not be an unknown person!
Zheng Yi let out a long breath and said:

"This person slays demons and eliminates demons, and he doesn't care about people like us. He is definitely a super powerhouse in the Righteous Way! I think this person is either a senior of Jiangliu Sword Sect, or he is from the Righteous Way Alliance." !"

However, there are also people who say:

"It shouldn't be a person of the righteous way. A person of the right way would not keep such a cruel whip demon. I guess it should be a genius from a powerful area!"

"It's also possible."

In the midst of everyone's opinions, Luma, the captain, finally spoke.

"Don't guess, you all guessed wrong! He is neither a senior of Jiangliu Jianzong, nor a genius of a powerful area!"

"Really? Then who is he?"

Luma laughed and said:

"This senior doesn't want to reveal his identity, I can't say it, you will naturally know in the future!"

At this moment, someone suddenly looked at the distant sky in surprise.

"Look, Sea Snake Tide!"

The so-called sea snake tide is thousands of sea snakes, forming a turbulent giant wave, sweeping in!

The sea snake tide is a strange sight, and it will never appear in normal times!

The emergence of sea snake waves is often accompanied by a big shot!

Someone exclaimed:
"The sea snake tide is coming out, it should be the elders of the Yunmiao Pirates Group! This should be the elder Ying Zhiping of the Yunmiao Pirates Group!"

"Now Yunying is the head of the Yunmiao Pirates, but the strongest member of the Yunmiao Pirates is Ying Zhiping!"

"Ying Zhiping was originally an immortal lying in a coffin. Coincidentally, the Yunmiao Pirates found some treasures in a certain relic to increase their longevity. Therefore, Ying Zhiping, who was about to fall, was brought back. , but even so, Ying Zhiping has become the elder of the Yunmiao Pirates because of his longevity!"

"That's why Yunying became the head of the Yunmiao Pirates, not the strongest Yingzhiping!"

"I don't know if that hidden strong man is Ying Zhiping's opponent! You know, Ying Zhiping is at the peak of the God King Realm!"

"Peak of the God King Realm!"

Meizi looked at the back, her eyes were full of shock.

This is a battle between two strong men in the God King Realm. Who will win?She looked at the back worriedly, wondering if that mighty young man could win the final victory.

The huge sea ship flew farther and lower, and finally landed in the sea with a bang.

The big ship was still heading towards Fengmo Island, the last little bit of the journey.But everyone was looking at the rear, the sea over there made huge waves of hundreds of meters, and in the huge waves, the shadow of the sword sweeping across the world was crisscrossing!
Meizi stared straight ahead with her eyes:

"Is this the battle of the truly strong?"

Soon after, the big ship docked at the pier of Fengmo Island.

"Junior Sister, let's go quickly! That hidden strong man is too young, and he might not be Ying Zhiping's opponent! Let's go quickly, otherwise after the Yunmiao Pirates win, they will send people to hunt us down!"

Zheng Yi dragged Meizi and flew into the depths of Fengmo Island.

"A lot of sea snakes!"


The tide of black sea snakes is rolling in, these sea snakes are not powerful sea snakes, but relatively small sea snakes, they are rolling in the waves!Countless sea snakes can be seen tangled together, making one's scalp explode!
Among the tumbling million sea snakes, the figure of an old man in black and white hair floated out.

When Ying Zhiping arrived, the magic whip in Tang Tian's hand had already strangled the leader's neck.

"The person who came was Elder Ying Zhiping, the strongest member of our Yunmiao Pirates Group. Tang Tianxiu was so crazy that he quickly let go of the genius of my Yunmiao Pirates Group!"

Yingxuehe roared sharply.

Tang Tian stood in the air, waving a long whip in his hand, and the other end of the long whip wrapped around the leader's neck.

The leader of the Yunmiao Pirates has a weird personality and is a big devil in the Nebula Sea.Tang Tian didn't have any hatred with him, but he could just take advantage of this opportunity to slay demons and demons!Although Tang Tian thought he was not a good person, he couldn't look down on the other party who killed innocent people indiscriminately!

"He must die, and you must die!"

With a shake of Tang Tian's hand, the magic whip directly strangled the leader's neck.

I saw the leader's body explode, and a beam of soul power turned into a beam of golden light and escaped!The speed is quite fast!
But no matter how fast it was, it was useless. In Tang Tian's domain, Tang Tian just moved his mind, and an invisible wall of divine power blocked his soul power.

The leader's soul power hit the wall of divine power at once.

The long whip in Tang Tian's hand happened to whip past, and with a bang, the genius of the Yunmiao Pirates was instantly beaten to pieces and fell into the sea.


Yunying roared sharply:

"Tang Tian, ​​don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you are No.1 in the ranking competition! How dare you kill the genius of our Yunmiao Pirates in front of our strong Yunmiao Pirates? You are finished, you will die!"


Ying Zhiping gave a cold shout and interrupted Yunying.He looked at Tang Tian with a strange look in his eyes, and said with a cold snort:
"Although they are both in the God King Realm, the God King Realm is also divided into strengths and weaknesses! When the old man roams around this area, you don't know where to be a lonely ghost!"

Hearing this, Tang Tian couldn't help laughing out loud, and then said:
"Play with me? I've seen too many strong people, what are you? And, this is exactly what I want to tell you, God King Realm also has strengths and weaknesses!"

"The cowhide is huge!"

Ying Zhiping's face was cold:
"Nowadays, young people are becoming more and more uneducated. When they meet seniors with high cultivation bases and seniors, they don't respectfully call them seniors!"

Tang Tian replied:
"The old guy who has lived for so long is not educated, and if I were your age, I am afraid I would not only have a cultivation level of the God King!"

"Ha ha!"

Ying Zhiping sneered:
"Who doesn't speak big words! Tang Tian, ​​since the matter has already happened, it needs to be resolved! You killed the genius of my Yunmiao Pirates, do you think you can still get away?"

"How are you going?"

"How? Tang Tian, ​​this world is huge, and there are many powerful people hidden. Don't think that you will be invincible if you have the cultivation base of the God King!"

"I never said I was invincible!"

There was no trace of fear on Tang Tian's face, he pointed at Yunying and said:
"Okay, you talk too much nonsense, today this person is the one I must kill!"

"you dare!"

Ying Zhiping was furious.

In his time, the Yunmiao Pirates were the strongest force in this Nebula Sea, but later he declined because of his lifespan, but he is still a powerful force today, although it is not as powerful as those top forces , but the forces are still very strong.

(End of this chapter)

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