Chapter 1806 Chase and kill!

"you dare!"

Ying Zhiping was furious.

In his time, the Yunmiao Pirates were the strongest force in this Nebula Sea, but later he declined because of his lifespan, but he is still a powerful force today, although it is not as powerful as those top forces , but the forces are still very strong.

Therefore, Ying Zhiping's character is quite arrogant, he said coldly:
"Don't think that you have participated in the ranking competition and won No.1. You are just a god-king realm, and your current realm is not as high as mine! If you want to leave here alive today, you must Kneel down immediately, kowtow to me and apologize, and I can act as if nothing happened!"

Ying Zhiping came out of the mountain this time, and the picture is very big.He still has many friends in other regions, and he also wants to compete for the country!It just happened that Tang Tian committed the crime in his hands, and now Tang Tian's reputation is in full swing, if he can force Tang Tian to bow his head, I'm afraid their Yunmiao pirate group will become famous overnight!
Yunying on the side was a little surprised when she heard this sentence:
"Elder Zhiping..."

Ying Zhiping knew what the other party was worried about, and immediately snorted coldly:
"Don't worry! Isn't it just a late-stage God King Realm? I don't know how many monks in the late-stage God King Realm I have killed!"

Hearing this, Yunying immediately felt relieved.Ying Zhiping is the senior of their Yunmiao Pirates Group. In his time, he was also a figure of the world. He was at the peak of the God King Realm and possessed strength. What else should we worry about?

Tang Tian also did not expect that a cultivator at the peak of the God King Realm would be so mad.

"Yunmiao Pirates, I have seen many strong people, but I have never seen you so crazy. It seems that today I really want to show my power!"

At this moment, Tang Tian also deeply felt the importance of Liwei.

Although he won No.1 in the ranking competition in Tianyushenshan, it was useless!After all, what this world pays attention to is strength and means!Today's monks are more crazy than the other, if you don't kill with blood on your hands, no one will be afraid of you!
"Alright, since you sent the Yunmiao Pirates to my hands, I will use you to stand up!"

With a thought in Tang Tian's mind, he directly raised his hand and took out the Nine Profound Sword.

"Nine Profound Sword?"

Ying Zhiping knew the goods, but he didn't take it seriously, and said with a sneer:

"It is indeed a powerful artifact!"

"Then let you see my weapon!"

Ying Zhiping waved his hands, and a strange golden cane appeared in front of him.

"Heavenly Snake Staff!"

Ying Zhiping has the capital of arrogance, he was considered a master in his time, a super genius!Although he is at the peak of the God King Realm, his strength is far beyond this level!Opponents who are stronger than him by one level must retreat when they see him!
This Heavenly Snake Staff is his famous treasure.

"I don't know how many god-king realm monks died under my Heavenly Snake Staff! No. 1 in the ranking competition, you must die if you provoke me! Your No. 1 will be the one who will fall the fastest!"

Ying Zhiping's domain is also quite domineering.

"Wan Poison Space, open it for me!"

The so-called space of ten thousand poisons is tens of thousands of various poisons.There are tens of thousands of poisonous snakes, poisonous lizards, and poisonous spiders that cannot be named.In this space, mist of various colors is raging, some mist counteracts spiritual power; some mist attacks spiritual power; some mist poisons and paralyzes people...

In this space, the enemy will be poisoned if you are not careful. All kinds of poisons and poisons, as long as you are infected with one of them, your combat effectiveness will immediately drop, and you will be easily killed by Ying Zhiping!

Ying Zhiping is quite confident in this tripod world, and sneered:

"Tang Tian, ​​I don't know how many conceited geniuses and powerhouses died in my domain! Unexpectedly, after so many years, there are still people who want to repeat the same mistakes! Since you want to die, I will help you!"


"The heavenly snake dances wildly, and the poisonous fog is thousands of miles away!"

At this moment, Meizi has followed Zheng Yi to the depths of Fengmao Island. She looked back and saw a vast mist and shadow on the sea. In the vast sea of ​​mist, lightning like golden snakes continued to swim crazily. Even so far, she could see clearly.

"This is the battle at the peak of the God King Realm..."

She stopped flying unknowingly, worrying in her eyes:
"The strongest member of the Yunmiao Pirates is so strong, even if the hidden expert is his opponent."

Zheng Yi flew far away, then flew back and said:

"I think Xuan. Although that Tang Xiaoniu is very strong, he is too young after all, and his cultivation level is not as good as others! Ying Zhiping of the Yunmiao Pirates was a figure who became famous tens of thousands of years ago. For even reaching the peak of the God King Realm!"

After finishing speaking, he said again:

"Junior Sister, let's go, if the Yunmiao Pirates catch up, we won't be able to escape."

Meizi said:
"But that hidden strong man..."

Zheng Yi smiled bitterly and said:
"Do you still want to help them fight at this level?"

Meizi's big eyes were lively, and she said:
"I just want to say thank you, they saved us twice."

"But how can I thank you now? What's more, I don't know if he can come out alive..."

Just when Zheng Yi said this, a huge light and shadow suddenly appeared in the mist of the vast sea.

This is a fiery red sword shadow. The sword shadow sweeps across the sea, carrying raging flames. Wherever it goes, everything is ignited!The snake-shaped lightning that was frantically shuttled through the mist and shadow just now ran wildly towards the rear!

The poisonous fog all over the sky exploded with a bang!

In the poisonous fog that exploded, an old man with white hair and black clothes staggered out!Holding a golden snake-shaped cane in his hand, he frantically fled towards the sky.

A young figure in the back beheaded a person with one sword, and then threw out a sky-defying spirit sword, chasing after the white-haired and black-clothed old man!

"My God, it seems that he has won!"

Zheng Yi was so startled that he almost fell from mid-air, and blurted out:

"Who is this hidden cultivator? Even Ying Zhiping, the old strongman of the Yunmiao Pirates, was defeated by him! Who is he? He is definitely not an unknown character!"

"Thank you senior."

Meizi bowed respectfully in mid-air, her worried face relaxed, and said with a smile:

"Brother, let's go! Since he is not an unknown character, I believe that sooner or later, we will all know who he is!"

"Okay, let's go to Haidaozong. The gall of Hai Kunpeng you need to heal your injuries can only be found in them."


Ying Zhiping, the old immortal of the Yunmiao Pirates, is running away in a frenzy. Not long ago, he blatantly wanted to kill Tang Tian!
He thought that this era was still his era, and that Tang Tian was just an ordinary monk in the God King Realm!
His Ten Thousand Poison Space is no match for the Fire Beast Hell at all. When Tang Tian's domain was released, all the poisonous mist was ignited, and the Fire Beast transformed at the same time killed hundreds of thousands of sea snakes!
(End of this chapter)

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