Chapter 1821 Entering the Ruins
Unexpectedly, Tang Tian asked the right person. Tu Lao Liu took out a jade card and said with a smile:
"To be honest, Senior Tang Tian, ​​I have a part-time job as a spy of the Market Sect. I recorded all these materials, and I will hand them over to the Market Sect for money, so I will give them to Senior."

These people stay outside the ruins all the year round, and they are quite familiar with the situation of entering and exiting, and they have recorded them in detail. There are detailed records of what sect monks there are, and how many people there are.

Tang Tian took the jade paper and scanned it with his mind, the records inside are still very detailed.Including which monk from which sect, how many people, what they look like, these are all recorded!After Tang Tian entered the ruins, with this jade certificate, he could get to know these treasure-hunting monks.

"Very good, not bad."

Tang Tian was very satisfied and threw out a small black bag, which contained thousands of divine stones, so Tang Tian threw it to him directly.

Then, Tang Tianfei went to the huge tombstone, took out his Demon Suppressing Medal, and said:

"Tang Tian, ​​the leader of Heishanling, wants to enter the ruins!"

After saying this sentence, a blue light and shadow shot out from the black stone tablet.Blue light and shadow swept across the Demon Suppressing Medal, and then more blue light and shadow appeared. When Tang Tian's whole body was wrapped in blue light and shadow, his body flashed and disappeared completely.

In the next second, Tang Tian appeared directly in the Hall of Fantasy World!

The Hall of Fantasy World is very tall, every giant pillar looks like a skyscraper.

Around the Illusory World Hall, the portals leading to the nine miracles are still there.

In the main hall, there are as many as 99 exchange cabins dotted around.

Tang Tian was not in a hurry to enter any portal point, but ran to a nearby exchange hut.It can be seen that there are quite a few monks coming in and out at this moment, constantly running around, and no one pays much attention to Tang Tian.

"The clothes these people are wearing seem to be monks from this area, and it turns out that most of them are monks from the Nine Heavens."

Tang Tian thought to himself.

Those monks from other regions are stronger and more capable. After discovering that there are treasures here, many powerful monks from other regions came to pan for gold.These monks didn't know Tang Tian very well, and Tang Tian didn't know them either. Everyone didn't disturb each other. Tang Tian walked into an empty exchange room.

In the exchange hut, when Tang Tian sat on the wooden chair inside, the table top lit up, and then a head of an old man emerged from the table.

"Hello fellow Taoist."

Tang Tian sat on the simple wooden chair and laughed.

As for the head portrait of this old man, Tang Tian has already learned about it from the jade card obtained by Tu Lao Liu!

This old man's head portrait is equivalent to a novice guide for playing games!
"Ha ha!"

The head portrait of the old man is not a real person, but his speech is no different from that of a real person.He laughed and said:
"I didn't expect another genius to appear in our area. You have the cultivation base of the god king at a young age. Moreover, it seems that your combat power suddenly exceeds your own cultivation base!"

Hearing what the old man's head said, Tang Tian couldn't help but frowned and said:

"I hide my cultivation, but your eyesight is pretty good."

Looking at the avatar and laughing:
"Young man, I can't tell from the outside. Don't forget, when you received the Medal of Suppressing Demons, you have already shared your memories and thoughts! So I can know your thoughts."


Tang Tian frowned again. When he dripped blood and entered the Order of Suppressing Demons, his secret might have been known by all the masters here.

Of course, how could Tang Tian believe these nonsense, the owner of Zhongsan, the relic, is powerful, and it is impossible to explore what he thinks in his heart and his past experience!
At most, what I have experienced in this world should be known by the other party, and it is impossible for the other party to explore my experience before I came to this world!
Seeing Tang Tian frowning, the old man's head thought he was unhappy, so he smiled and said:
"Don't worry, the owner of this relic will not be tempted by your little secrets and treasures! You can completely trust the repair of this relic, and give him your body and soul, and he will do the same. Trust you, let you get more treasures!"

"Hehe! Understood."

Tang Tian replied with a smile!

As for what Tang Tian was thinking, only he knew!

Of course, Tang Tian also had doubts about the owner of this relic. Why did the other party create such a relic?Is it just to explore other people's past?

But soon these thoughts were thrown out of his mind, no matter what the other party does, anyway, it's none of his business, as long as the other party doesn't mess with him, then there is no need to care so much!

After all, when you come to the ruins, you know that you are not looking for treasures. There is a free lunch in the world. If you want to get treasures, then naturally you have to pay something!

Tang Tian suppressed all his doubts and displeasure, and the old man's head smiled and said:
"Young man, don't worry, as long as you work hard, the master will treat you well! As long as you are willing to submit to the master, the master will be very generous!"

Tang Tian nodded and said with a smile:

"Then thank the owner of this ruin, I will work hard."

"Haha, you are very valued by the master, Tang Tian."

The head of the old man said with a smile, and said:

"You are the most interesting person I have met in the past hundred years!"

Tang Tian nodded and said,
"Thank you, you are interesting too?"

And the owner of this ruin is also very interesting!
"Oh, right!"

Tang Tian went on to say:

"Let me see what you can exchange here."

Similar to what was said on the Jade Card given by Tu Lao Liu, the treasures that can be exchanged here are basically blank, and the rest are things such as internal teleportation charms and short-term invincibility charms, which are in unlimited supply.

Tang Tian exchanged some corresponding runes, bid farewell to the old man Ding Niang, and walked out of the exchange hut.

He looked left and right, and decided to go to the wood miracle area first, to find the heart blood medicine.

But when he came to the door of the wood miracle area, seven or eight young monks stopped him:
"Fellow Daoist, we are teaming up to explore the treasure together, do you want to join us?"

"Okay, let's go together then."

Tang Tian looked at these people, the four men and three women didn't look like bad guys, so he readily agreed.

Moreover, this is the first time I came to this ruins, although I have already obtained the jade card of this ruin from Tu Lao Liu, but the jade card is a jade card after all, it just looks dead, so naturally it cannot be mixed with these scenes in the ruins of people learn more!

Among the four men and three women, the one who stopped Ding Hao was a fat man named Guo Zhiwei.

This person looks rather simple and honest, and with him is a woman, probably Guo Zhiwei's junior sister, both of them have a small white crane mark on the chest of their gray gowns.

Tang Tian had a little impression of this little white crane, which was vaguely the symbol of the White Crane Heaven Sect.

But it's a bit different.

In addition, there was a man and two women. The man looked a little arrogant, his eyes were indifferent to Tang Tian, ​​and he was very arrogant.The two women he brought with him wore the same clothes as him. It seemed that the two women were more interested in him and flattered him. The name of this person was Maqin.

(End of this chapter)

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