Chapter 1822 Team up for medals?
This person looks rather simple and honest, and with him is a woman, probably Guo Zhiwei's junior sister, both of them have a small white crane mark on the chest of their gray gowns.

In addition, there was a man and two women. The man looked a little arrogant, his eyes were indifferent to Tang Tian, ​​and he was very arrogant.The two women he brought with him wore the same clothes as him. It seemed that the two women were more interested in him and flattered him. The name of this person was Maqin.

In addition, there is a pair of twin brothers who look similar, named Liao Long and Liao Hu.The two should be from another force, they always whisper among themselves and don't want to talk to others.

After Tang Tian joined their team, there were eight of them.

Fatty Guo Zhiwei asked:
"Fellow Daoist, what exactly is your cultivation?"

Looking around, Tang Tian found that these seven people existed from the early days of the gods to the late days of the gods. He didn't say much, and said:

"The middle stage of the gods."

Tang Tian hid his cultivation, and everyone looked at him. If he couldn't reach the gods, he would definitely not be allowed to join the team.Hearing that he is a mid-stage god, everyone stopped talking.The twin brothers were whispering again, while Machen stood proudly there again.

Fatty Guo Zhiwei asked again:

"I am Baihe City from the Hongyun area. This is my junior sister."

After speaking, he introduced Liao Long and Liao Hu and said:

"They are also from the Hongyun area, just like me, but they are from the Twin Cities."

In the end, they introduced Machin and the three of them:

"They are from the Junjie Tianmen in the Xuanwu area."

From the chats of the people, Tang Tian also learned about some other areas, for example, the Hongyun area where Guo Zhiwei is located, there are a total of 99 big cities in the Hongyun area, and there is a sect in each big city.The Baihe City where Fatty Guo Zhiwei is located should be their sect!

As for the Twin Cities, Tang Tian guessed that it should be one of the 99 big cities.

And the last thing that is interesting is the Junjie Tianmen where Maiqin is.

The name of this sect is very powerful. From the conversation, Tang Tian learned that this sect of heroes specializes in producing heroes!
However, in this Xuanwu area, the Heroic Heavenly Sect is not the strongest sect, the eight most powerful sects are the Eight Sect Alliance.

Junjie Tianmen is not included, obviously not a big sect.

But even so, the Xuanwu area is much stronger than Tang Tian's current area, and Mai Qin can be considered a genius in the Xuanwu area, so it's a bit of a dog's eye to see people as inferior.Especially when Tang Tian said that he was a monk in this area, there was even a disdainful voice from the corner of Maqin's mouth:

"It's just a monk in an inferior area."

Tang Tian was no stranger to geniuses with higher eyes than the top in these powerful areas.

There are already eight people at this moment, but they have no plans to go out.

Tang Tian didn't continue to worry about these things, anyway, these things were not painful to him at all, maybe they would not have the chance to see each other again after this time.

Tang Tian looked at everyone, and asked curiously:

"What are you waiting for?"

Fatty Guo Zhiwei wondered:
"Didn't you form a team to earn medals?"

"Team to earn medals?"

Tang Tian heard another new word.

Seeing Tang Tian's rare and strange appearance, Maqin and his two female cultivators sneered.

But the fat guy Guo Zhiwei and his junior sister are good people, they didn't laugh at it, but explained to Ding Hao:

"The so-called grouping up to collect medals means that we form a group of nine people, and after entering the proving ground, break the restrictions of different colors! Then increase our medal level!"

"So it is."

Tang Tian nodded.

Hearing the level of the medal mentioned by the other party, Tang Tian immediately realized it, because there was a record in Tu Lao Liu's jade card!
In the ruins, the medals are also divided into levels, and the higher the level of the medal, you can go to a more powerful place, and it will also increase some privileges!
So everyone likes to form a team together, open the ban together, and improve the level of their medals!Of course, every time you upgrade, you will get a new level of medals and a new level of rewards!
After understanding this, Tang Tianqi said:

"Then why do you have to form nine people?"

"It's because of the Nine Diagrams Formation!"

While speaking, a woman in a plain white gown came over.

The girl who spoke was tall and slender, with a white gauze on her face.Can't see her face.But judging from her figure and skin color, she should be a high-class beauty, and this beauty has a unique temperament like otherworldly fireworks.

Seeing this woman, the proud Machin couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

Tang Tian continued to ask:

"I've only heard of the Eight Diagrams Formation, not the Nine Diagrams Formation."

"Tch, what is the Eight Diagrams Formation?"

Machin walked over with a cold snort, and said:

"The Nine Diagrams Formation is the strongest attack formation created by Henghuang, a strong man in a high-level area. It's no wonder that you, a monk in a low-level area, have little knowledge, and how do you know the powerful formations in those powerful areas."

Tang Tian was stunned, this Maqin was too self righteous.It seems that the Xuanwu area you are in is only a little stronger than the area I am in now, and you dare to say such big words, making it seem like your Xuanwu area is a high-end area!
But obviously, Tang Tian was not in Maqin's eyes at all.

He walked in front of Ding Hao, smiled at the tall girl in white and said:

"Maqin from Tianjunjie Tianmen in the lower Xuanwu area doesn't know the girl's name."


The two female cultivators following Machin uttered a jealous cold snort at the same time.

The white-clothed woman also behaved like a person who refused to be thousands of miles away, and said in a cold voice:
"Die Lian, a small casual cultivator in a certain area."

"Die Lian, what a name! Are you really a loose cultivator? Why don't you come to our Heroic Heavenly Gate, we don't have many others in our Heroic Heavenly Gate, but there are many heroes, male and female heroes, girls, why not come to our Heroic Heavenly Gate, I can be yours A guide."

Machin continued to be courteous.

But Die Lian didn't buy it, and said lightly:
"Let's talk about it later."

Machin was still chattering.

Tang Tian groaned in his heart, this Maiqin has no EQ at all, if people say that he is a casual cultivator, is he a casual cultivator?This young girl must have a lot of background, even his non-human aura can't be faked, and Tang Tian also vaguely felt that she had a sense of mystery, definitely not as simple as a casual cultivator.

"Girl, really, our Junjie Heavenly Sect is pretty good. During the Heavenly God period, the monthly offering of the sacred stone is three yuan more than other sects."

Tang Tian almost fell to the ground when he heard this, and thought that this girl has an extraordinary temperament, would she care if you have three more divine stones every month?My God, you want to come out to pick up girls with your emotional intelligence?
Even Liao Long and Liao Hu couldn't stand it anymore, and said at the same time:

"Since the nine people are all together, let's choose a captain and go out."

Machen did his part and said:
"Let me be the captain."

Liao Long and Liao Hu are twin brothers, and they may practice very strange exercises, so they always speak at the same time when they want to speak.The two said at the same time:
"No, you can't be the captain!"

(End of this chapter)

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