Chapter 1823 Nine Hexagram Formation

Even Liao Long and Liao Hu couldn't stand it anymore, and said at the same time:

"Since the nine people are all together, let's choose a captain and go out."

Machen did his part and said:
"Let me be the captain."

Liao Long and Liao Hu are twin brothers, and they may practice very strange exercises, so they always speak at the same time when they want to speak.The two said at the same time:
"No, you can't be the captain!"

Machin was furious, his face sank and he said:

"Let's talk about the earth leopards in the inferior area. My area is stronger than your area. I have the highest cultivation level, and there are three of us here! Why don't you let me be the captain?"

Liao Long and Liao Hu said at the same time:
"How many times have you swiped the medal, and do you know where the ban is best to open?"

In fact, Machin had just arrived here not long ago, and was immediately speechless when asked.

Die Lian stood aside and didn't speak, she was cold and cold, as if keeping a distance from everyone.

But Fatty Guo Zhiwei's younger sister said with a smile:

"I think it's better to find someone who is familiar with the terrain to be the captain. In fact, there is no need for everyone to quarrel. Being the captain is thankless. You ask me to be the captain, and I don't want to."

Guo Zhiwei said:

"Then I'll be the captain. I've joined several teams before. Although I didn't succeed in earning medals, I've done it a few times and I'm quite familiar with the terrain and location."

Liao Long and Liao Hu said at the same time:


Tang Tian also said:


Anyway, he doesn't want to be a captain himself!
Die Lian over there also said coldly:

In this way, six people supported Guo Zhiwei as the captain, and Machin didn't insist anymore, and said:

"You can do it if you want. But let me tell you, don't lead us into the ditch! At that time, I will hurt others and myself, and I can't help you!"

Guo Zhiwei laughed and said:
"No, let's go in."

After everyone discussed it, they filed into the teleportation point. A light curtain flashed in front of them, and Ding Hao was already standing in the Miracle of Wood area.

They appeared in a dark forest.

The miracle of wood is divided into flower area, grassland area, forest area, etc. This time it is the forest area.

After the nine people entered, low-pitched roars came from all around.

Then the ground shook violently.At the beginning, there was only a sound coming from one direction, but in a blink of an eye, there were vibrations from all directions getting closer and closer, as if many giant beasts were running towards them.


Tang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly!
"Don't be nervous, I have a group teleporter here."

At this time, Guo Zhiwei, as the captain, had already prepared the spells used in the trial ground.

With a flick of his wrist, a group teleportation talisman was used, a ball of light was formed, and then the ball of light took the nine of them into the sky.The moment they disappeared, the big feet of several giant beasts stomped on the place where they were standing just now, and all the trees and ground were trampled to pieces.

"What a powerful monster!"

Guo Zhiwei's junior sister saw a giant beast at the last moment.

This kind of giant beast is an ancient giant beast. Tang Tian has seen it in the environment of Tianyushen Mountain. It is much worse than the Nine Realms Beast, but it is more than enough to deal with ordinary monks of the Heavenly God stage.

Teleporter is teleported immediately.

Guo Zhiwei's luck was not good. After using three cards, they were still in the dark forest area.

"Look at your luck."

Machin snorted, took out a teleportation talisman and said:
"I'll do it this time."

This time it was teleported to the grassland area. Before everyone stood still, the ground shook again.

Boom boom boom!
This ground shaking did not come from a distance, but seemed to come from deep underground.

Fatty Guo Zhiwei's expression changed drastically, and he said in surprise:

"Go, it's the fire dragon!"

Machin quickly used the teleportation talisman again.

These people were in a hurry, but Tang Tian noticed that Dielian was the same as him, not surprised.Tang Tian couldn't help asking:
"Fellow Daoist Die Lian, may I ask what is the Nine Diagrams Formation?"

"The so-called Nine Diagrams Formation was created by Heng Huang, a formation expert of the Tianyuan Formation Sect in an upper-class area."

"The Tianyuan Formation Sect is proficient in the formation method, not only in their area, but even in the speed area, the sect that knows the formation method the most."

"And Heng Huang is the most talented formation master of the Tianyuan Formation Sect. Originally, he had enough aptitude to cultivate to become a strong man, but because he dedicated all his life to the formation, he finally It can only stop at the God Emperor Realm."

"Even so, Eternal Emperor is still a master respected by the strong in many regions. The formations he created are widely spread, and he is a master in the formation world!"

"The Nine Diagrams Array he created is a Nine Diagrams Array created by using the concept of extraterrestrial demons and using the positions of nine elements in the world. The formation is composed of nine people, forming a joint force, which can produce the greatest attack power. It is very suitable for It is used to storm the prohibition here."

"That's why the monks who just came here formed a nine-man formation to overcome the restrictions together and upgrade their medals."

This girl named Die Lian obviously has a good understanding of the history and use of the Jiugua Formation.Speaking clearly, Tang Tian was even more sure that this woman was not an ordinary person.

Wild roads like the three-change team, they are casual cultivators, and I'm afraid they haven't even heard of the Nine Diagrams Formation.

From any angle, the woman in front of her doesn't look like a casual cultivator.

However, this girl has a style of rejecting people thousands of miles away. Although she explained it in detail, she didn't say a word after she finished speaking, obviously she didn't want to have other chats with Tang Tian.

"I see."

Tang Tian nodded:

"The so-called Nine Diagrams Formation and Eight Diagrams Formation are similar in purpose, they both use the elements of the world, and the Nine Diagrams Formation just has one more element."

The eight trigrams formation that Tang Tian had seen was also composed of the eight elements of time, heaven, earth, wind and fire, so it was said to be similar to the nine trigrams formation.

But Tang Tian thought about it and said:

"If you want me to say it, the Bagua array is more complex. The Bagua array has eight elements that cooperate with each other and combine with each other. The so-called "Bagua Bian 64 Small Gua" is the combination and influence of the elements, which is more changeable and harmonious. Unpredictable. And the Nine Diagrams Formation, where nine people set positions and then bombard them wildly, is a bit rudimentary."

Tang Tian was actually talking to himself, but when it reached the ears of the other eight people, it immediately exploded.

These eight people are all from other regions and have been educated since they were young. The Tianyuan Formation Sect's Henghuang and the Nine Diagrams Formation are so good, but now they are called "simple" by Tang Tian.

It just so happened that they came to the flower area, and it seemed to be safe for the time being.

It was Machin who spoke first, and he reprimanded:

"What do you know, monk, in this low-level area of ​​yours? Heng Huang is a master of a generation, how can an inferior person like you be able to evaluate it? It's so simple, and you are talking about gossip arrays, who has heard of gossip formations? Array, it's just nonsense! It's a big talk!"

The two women who followed him were also struggling at the same time, one said:

"Forget it, Mai Mai, what is there to care about with people who have no experience in the lower areas."

Tang Tian heard the hairs on his arms stand up, Mai Mai, it's so disgusting.

(End of this chapter)

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