Chapter 1824 Rebuke!despise!

It was Machin who spoke first, and he reprimanded:

"What do you know, monk, in this low-level area of ​​yours? Heng Huang is a master of a generation, how can an inferior person like you be able to evaluate it? It's so simple, and you are talking about gossip arrays, who has heard of gossip formations? Array, it's just nonsense! It's a big talk!"

The two women who followed him were also struggling at the same time, one said:

"Forget it, Mai Mai, what is there to care about with people who have no experience in the lower areas."

Tang Tian heard the hairs on his arms stand up, Mai Mai, it's so disgusting.

Another woman complained:

"Guo Zhiwei, why do you bring everyone into the team! This kind of monk from the lower realms has no knowledge and just likes to talk nonsense. Next time, we must form a monk with knowledge!"

Fatty Guo Zhiwei also smiled wryly, saying that people are not easy to organize.

It is not so easy to gather nine people together, the level of the medal is different, naturally it is impossible to form a team to brush the level of the medal together!

Liao Long and Liao Hu also expressed their disgust towards Tang Tian. The two said at the same time:

"We really don't want to look down on you, but you are really rude. Henghuang is a figure admired by many people in many regions. Please don't say it if you don't understand."

Hearing this, Tang Tian was a little stunned:
"Why is it impolite for me to express my opinion? I didn't disrespect Henghuang, I just compared the two formations. You don't even know what the eight trigrams formation looks like, so how do you know I'm talking nonsense?"

When Tang Tian said that the Nine Diagrams Formation was simple, Die Lian's eyes were also full of unhappiness, but after listening to Ding Hao's words, her big and beautiful eyes suddenly eased a lot.

Seeing them arguing, Guo Zhiwei persuaded, "Okay, everyone, there is no need to get angry over such a trivial matter. Tang Tian has never been in this area, so he may not know the Jiugua Formation. He will know when he will use it. Powerful."

Machin stared and folded his arms and said:
"This is not a trivial matter. I don't want to be on the same team as this kind of ignorant monk from the lower realm."

Guo Zhiwei was dumbfounded and said:

"It's all out now, why don't you go back and form a team?"

At this moment, a female nun who was with Machin suddenly heard an "oops".

"what happened?"

Everyone looked over.

It turned out that the female cultivator was stung by a bee just now on her arm. The bee's stinger was so powerful that it caused a big bump on her snow-white arm.

This female cultivator was not a vegetarian either, she flew into a rage and spit out a mouthful of flames.

That bee is really powerful, even struggling in the fire of the gods.

The nun said sharply:
"You're not dead yet!"

Then with a move, he sacrificed his natal weapon, a sharp and luxurious sword!Slashing with a sword, the bee was instantly split in half.

"Don't! Stop! Don't kill it..."

Guo Zhiwei yelled several times, but the nun didn't listen to him at all and insisted on killing the bee.

After killing, he cursed:

"Those big beasts bully me, do you want to bully me, too?"

Guo Zhiwei smiled bitterly and said:

"My eldest sister, this little beast is more ferocious than a big beast. We are finished! I knew there was a safer place to break the restriction in the Flower District, but now it's over, let's go."

The female cultivator still didn't believe it, and while applying medicine to herself, she said:

"What are we afraid of such little bees? I'll kill as many as they come!"

She spoke nicely, and while they were talking, a black cloud came buzzing in the sky.

Tang Tian felt creepy when he saw it, hundreds of millions of bees flew over.These bees are not ordinary bees, but ancient wasps raised by some people. They don't care about the flames of the god stage!If you want to kill them, you can only use the Divine Weapon of Destiny.

But there are hundreds of millions of bees, how many can you kill with your natal magic weapon?

The nun immediately screamed, her face pale:

"Quick, you don't need a random teleportation talisman, run away!"

Machin held a random teleportation talisman in the trial field, and said with a miserable face:

"We have used it seven times just now, and we will have to wait for a while before we can use it."

After the proving ground is upgraded, the difficulty will increase and the rules will become more and more.

The random teleportation talisman can't be used casually, after every seven times, you have to wait half an hour before you can use it again.


The nun screamed:
"What should I do?"


Liao Long and Liao Hu said at the same time, they walked to both sides, took out a formation flag at the same time, and shouted in their mouths, "Two rituals transform into two poles, two poles determine the radius, two ritual formations!"

The two drove the formation flag with all their strength. After the formation flag was lit, it was connected into a long and narrow formation. Nine people stood in the formation and were protected by the light curtain of the formation.

However, when the Liangyi formation was formed, several bees had already entered.

The two female cultivators summoned their natal divine soldiers to kill them.

Guo Zhiwei said anxiously:

"My eldest sister, are you still killing me?"

Two nuns:

"Otherwise, how about continuing to be bitten by it?"

Guo Zhiwei also has nothing to say:

"Then kill them."

These ancient wasps have a strong team spirit and a terrifying vengeance.Kill one of them, and a swarm will fly in revenge.The more you kill, the more wasps will come for revenge!

They continued to kill, which angered all the wasps.

There are more and more wasps outside, and the number is simply terrifying. Standing in the Liangyi array, you can't see the outside at all, it's yellow and black, I don't know how many there are.

Among the nine, Machin and the others were the least calm.

Machen scolded angrily:
"It's all your fault, why did you kill that bee? Let it bite you, and you won't die! It's over now, if these bees come in, we will all die!"

The nun retorted:
"I don't know! Who knows there are so many!" After speaking, he said angrily:
"Why doesn't it bite others, damn it!"

Another female cultivator gloated and said:

"Who told you to make your body smell good all day long, hee hee, you didn't attract men, but you attracted a group of bees. You're doing it wrong."

The female nun responded unceremoniously:

"It doesn't matter if I make it smelly, unlike some people who show their chest and then their legs, but in the end Maimai won't look at you any more."

Machin blushed and scolded:
"Whether you are finished or not, don't talk about it!"

Tang Tian and the others couldn't help but laugh. It's really funny to be jealous at a time like this.

In fact, Guo Zhiwei's junior sister was also quite scared, she said:

"Brother, can we hold on for half an hour?"

Liao Long and Liao Hu laughed at the same time and said:
"Don't panic, everyone. Our Liangyi formation is the unique skill of our Twin Cities. Although it can't be said to have amazing defensive capabilities, it's not a problem to block these little beasts for half an hour."

"I see."

Only then did everyone let out a sigh of relief.

Standing in the crowd, Tang Tian was not worried. With his physical strength, the pores of his skin have been transformed.Even if the bees wanted to sting him, they couldn't give a needle at all!So even if bees come in, he won't be harmed.

He noticed that the woman in white named Die Lian was also relaxed and calm.

Everyone was planning to wait for half an hour before using random teleportation symbols to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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